Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The television as a product in relation to edward de Bono thinking hat Assignment

The television as a harvest-home in relation to edward de Bono thought hat - Assignment ExampleThe television has become an evident product in the todays generation. The television provides communication services to individuals. The television empowers lives in many ways especially through providing important information. Through the television, we project an idea of the global happenings. Through the television information on sports, current good or bad happenings air at the comfort of our homes. Information on the weather enables people to plan for events forward they happen. The television is a good source of entertainment accessed at a cheap price and at the gubbins of others. Television definitely empowers individuals to live a better life through showing the progress of global happening (Hanson, 2010). Experts denounce the watching of television repayable to reasons such as the disengagement of people from politics, the obesity issue and the proscribe images of women it displays. Innovation of the television faces controversies for current years. The fears that it is only a matter of time in the first place the television losses market to upcoming technological devices that enhance the outreach. Over the air, the television only has common channel. Individuals result to paying cable and satellite providers to broaden extra channels. The consumer market is tired of purchasing more content most of which we are not interested (Lin & Atkin, 2007). Edward de Bono opinion tools The Six thinking Hats is an important goodish tool used to make decisions from different perspectives. Edward de Bono created the tools, which assists individuals to think outside from their normal thinking style. Product producers think in a very rational and confirmative point of view. This is the reason as to why the end up in success. Many however fail to look at the problems from a creative, intuitive, emotional or negative point of view. This means that the success is o nly limited to the positive thinking only. They forget that through analysis of the negative aspects creates a better rise of promoting the success of the organization. On a different view, pessimists may extensively support ideas on an emotional aspect failing to analyze decisions rationally and calmly. The thinking technique involves the white hat, red hat, black hat, yellow hat, green hat, and blue hat (Mycoted, 2011). The white hat focuses on the available data where an analysis of information available aids in learning various aspects. While thinking on the aspects, make an analysis of the elements that fill up on information missing. The white thinking hat analyses the past trends and extrapolate from historical data. The red hat thinking involves analyzing problems using gut reaction, emotion and intuition. The thinking involves the emotional aspects of other people snarled in the thinking circle. Involving peoples logic assists in analysis of the last reasoning (Runco, 2 007). The black hat of thinking involves looking at the negative aspects of the made decision. With defense and caution, analyze on the possibilities of it not working. It is important as it brings out the weak points of the decision. This enables the plan to be refined through elimination, alteration or creation of counter plans. The black hat thinking aspect enables decisions to stand tough grounds and be resilient. It assists in realizing fatal decision making before making a decision. The advantage of this thinking mechanism is that it concentrates on the negative aspects hence eliminating flaws in the decision-making process. This prepares individuals of difficulties arising from the made decision. The yellow hat of thinking concentrates of positive thinking mechanisms. It takes an optimistic point of view giving only the positive outcomes of the decision. The green hat relates to creativity. It involves developing creative solutions to a problem involving a freewheeling with negligible criticism. The blue hat represents the process control. The blue hat

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