Sunday, June 2, 2019

Being a Vegetarian Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Food Health Essay

Being a VegetarianAnimals be my friends and I dont eat my friends.-George Bernard ShawVegetarianism used to be an unusual lifestyle choice. Today it is becoming more vernacular and accepted by mainstream society. While there are many reasons for choosing a vegetarian diet, the most important are health reasons, environmental and economic reasons, and, above all, honourable reasons.Health reasons alone are sufficient grounds for becoming a vegetarian. Research has shown that we do not require meat in our diets and that it is actually better to avoid meat. Meat is high in saturated fats which are known to cause clogged arteries Cultures that consume less meat than North America stimulate much lower cholesterol and lower rates of heart disease. For example, Japan used to have a lower incidence of heart disease, as wellspring as cancer, before meat consumption increased. There is also reason to believe that humans have naturally evolved to be herbivores, rather than carnivores. Hum an odontiasis resemble the teeth of other herbivores, and human intestinal tracts are long, unlike the short intestines found in carnivores. What is natural is usually healthier, and people who become vegetarians oft report a feeling of increased energy and well being.There are also environmental and economic reasons for becoming vegetarian. Some people are not aware of these reasons, but a lot of environmental destruction is linked to meat production, especially cattle farming. Huge areas of f...

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