Friday, June 7, 2019

The most energy Essay Example for Free

The most energy EssayMake undisputable its on the same flame all the time. Make sure its the same amount of water all the time (20cm ) Make sure the Bunsen burner isnt too close to the test tube. Stir the water before pickings the temperature. Always weigh the crisp each time. RISK MINIMISING RISK anxious bench Use bench mats Tripping over stools or bags Stools and bags under benches Burning of hair Tie hair back Damaging of eyes Wear safety goggles Paper setting alight Tidy desks, clear of theme Burning or scolding hands Use tongs and set Bunsen burner to safety flame Accuracy and reliability This experiment is fairly veracious unless not 100%. To prove the reliability of the experiment we decided to do 3 trials of each crisp type and set to an average. The reliability is acceptable also if you make sure its a fair test. Results 1. Crisp type Cheese and Onion French Fries. Results 3. Crisp type Ready salt-cured hula hoops Trial no 1 2 3 average out Mass of crisps (g) 0.Th ese results look fairly reliable, the mass varies quite a lot mingled with each crisp type as the Peak potatoes crisps on average are 0. 26g and the carts Lite are 0. 75g. The temperature increase has turned out very eminent compared to the other crisps, but this is probably because it has a higher spicy content than the rest. The equation to find out how much ENERGY RELEASED from 100g of crisp. Mass of water (20cm ) X Temp difference X 4. 2 = Energy Released J/_______g J/________g mass of crisp (J/1g) X 100 (J/100g) 1000 (KJ/100g) = Energy Released from 100g of crisp KJ/100g.Average Energy Released per 100g French Fries 1 7 Peak Potato 56 + 115. 2 +90 KJ/100g = 261. 2 3 = 87. 1 Ready Salted Walkers 240 + 247. 8 +108. 6 KJ/100g = 198. 8 3 = 198. 5 Hula Hoops 36 French Fries Peak Potatoes Hula Hoops Walkers Lite 144. 7 KJ/100g 87. 1 KJ/100g 348. 7 KJ/100g 198. 5 KJ/100g Analysing and Evaluating my results. There is no pattern in my graph that I can see, the highest average energy released is Hula Hoops, and this is strange because the highest fat content is Walkers with 34g whereas Hula Hoops is only 28.1g. I predicted that the crisps with the highest fat content will release the most energy, but this is not true because of my anomalous results. My system could have been a bit better by being more accurate. If I was to do this again I would redo the Hula Hoops and Walker Lite to make sure they are completely accurate. Im not sure how theses anomalous results occurred it could be my calculations or results that are inaccurate. I could extend this investigation by looking at different the sizes of the crisps and how much energy they release or a different food similar to crisps.From my results and the manufacturers results I can see at that place is a big difference this is because the manufacturer uses a calorimeter. The body uses energy to conduct vital functions and maintain itself at a constant temperature. By utilise a Calorimeter scientists have esta blished the amounts of energy in the bodys fuels-carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. When you read the nutritional information on the foods packets you buy, the amount of calories in the food are stated. This is not the meat energy in the food, but the amount of biologically available calories, i. e. the amount of energy in the food that your body can metabolise.A calorimeter of the type invented by Rubner is used to obtain these measurements. The manufacturer most likely used a calorimeter to measure the energy value in their crisps. This would have been tested many measure under very controlled circumstances. In a calorimeter, all the heat given off by the food is transferred to a known quantity of water, which rises in temperature. It takes 4. 2 joules of heat to raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1oc. I think I have anomalous results because of the way I held the walkers crisp as it is the only mirthful one I think that maybe where the tweezers were holding the crisp.The results on my graph are meant to go up in a straight line but it doesnt as the Walkers crisps result is out of place. From my results I can see my prediction is heading in the right way. The crisps with the highest fat content are Hula Hoops with 34g and I predicted that this would have the highest amount of released energy which would be true if my Walkers results were correct. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written gather of work is one of many that can be found in ourGCSE Electricity and Magnetismsection.

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