Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Medicine Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Medicine - Lab Report Example FEV1 or FEV 1 / EVC % ration between males and females. Heart Rate is defined as the number of heart contractions in 1minute and Stroke Volume is the amount of blood ejected by heart in each beat. Cardiac output in a resting individual of average size is about 5 liters/minute. In an untrained individual heart rate is about 72 beats per minute so stroke volume is about 70 milliliters. 2. OXYGEN CARRYING CAPACITY OF BLOOD: Hemoglobin present in our Red Blood Cells binds the Oxygen present in the blood and forms Oxyhemoglobin during pulmonary circulation. The blood is circulated to different parts of the body including skeletal muscles. 3. SKELETAL MUSCLE MASS: Of the three factors determining maximum oxygen consumption, the most important is the role of skeletal muscle. The larger the mass of exercising skeletal muscle , greater the potential for increasing whole body oxygen consumption. Example: A runner running on a treadmill at a given speed requires certain amount of oxygen. If he increases the speed, the amount of oxygen required would also increase. The runner keeps increasing the speed and hence the corresponding oxygen requirement also increases until a point is reached where he can't increase the speed. The volume of Oxygen used by muscles at that point is optimum which is defined as VO2 Max. GREIWE, J. S., L. A. KAMINSKY, M. H. WHALEY, and G. B. DWYER. ... The volume of Oxygen used by muscles at that point is optimum which is defined as VO2 Max. EXPLAINING VO2 MAX TO A LAYMAN VO2 Max: - V= Volume, O2 =Oxygen & Max= Maximum VO2 Max is calculated in "ml/Kg/min" Example: If my client is 24Year old and his VO2 Max is 24 ml/Kg/m, As for a layman I will explain him that in 1 minute, 1 Kg of his body weight consume a maximum of 24 ml of oxygen to provide energy. COMPARING VO2 MAX RESULTS WITH ASTRAND AND YMCA TESTS GREIWE, J. S., L. A. KAMINSKY, M. H. WHALEY, and G. B. DWYER. Evaluation of the ACSM sub maximal ergo meter test for estimating VO2max. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. Vol. 27, No. 9, pp. 1315-1320, 1995. The purpose of this investigation was to assess the reliability and validity of maximal oxygen uptake estimates (ESTmax) from the ACSM sub maximal cycle ergo meter test. Subjects included 15 men and 15 women aged 21-54 yr who performed two sub maximal tests and one maximal cycle ergo meter test to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). During the sub maximal tests, heart rates (HR) were recorded from a radio telemetry monitor. ESTmax was predicted for both sub maximal trials by extrapolating HR to an age-predicted maximal HR. Correlation coefficient and standard error of measure (SEmeas) for ESTmax between submaximal trials were r = 0.863 and SEmeas = 0.40 l. min-1, while a t-test revealed no significant difference between trials. Although trial means were not significantly different, la rge variation in individual cases was evident by the high SEmeas (0.40 l.min-1) and by a large SEmeas expressed as a percentage of the mean (13%). The mean of the two ESTmax significantly overestimated measured VO2max with percent error, total error,

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