Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Use the Spanish Preposition Para

How to Use the Spanish Preposition Para Para is one of the most common Spanish  prepositions, But because para is usually translated as for, the same as por, it can also be one of the most confusing to English speakers. Unfortunately, for the beginning Spanish student, por and para are almost never interchangeable. So it is probably best to learn para and por separately and to think of para as a word that usually indicates purpose or destination, rather than simply as a translation for for. So in the examples of para usage that are given below, a translation (sometimes awkward) using a word or phrase other than for is given, in addition to a translation using for. By learning how para is used rather than how it is usually translated, you will eliminate much of the confusion. The preposition para should not be confused with the verb para, a conjugated form of parar, which means to stop. Para can also be a conjugated form of parir, which means to give birth. Para Meaning ‘In Order To’ When para is the equivalent of in order to, it is followed by an infinitive. Viajamos para aprender espaà ±ol. (We travel in order to learn Spanish. We travel for learning Spanish.)Para vender tu coche es importante que cuentes sus puntos fuertes. (In order to sell your car it is important to talk about its strong points. For selling your car it is important to talk about its strong points.)Vive para comer. (He lives in order to eat. He lives for eating.)Hay un plan maestro para destruir la civilizacià ³n como la conocemos. (There is a master plan in order to destroy civilization as we know it. There is a master plan for destroying civilization as we know it.) Para for Indicating Purpose or Usefulness The preposition can be used quite flexibly to indicate purpose, intent, usefulness, or need. It is often used in such a way that theres no simple one-word English equivalent. Estudia para dentista. (She is studying to become a dentist. She is studying for the dental profession.)Quisiera una bicicleta para dos. (Id like a bicycle for two. Id like a bicycle used by two.)Ganaron un viaje para dos. (They won a trip for two. They won a trip to be used by two.)Es hecho para nià ±os. (It is made for children. It is made to be used by children.)El poema fue escrito para su esposa. (The poem was written for his wife. The poem was written to benefit his wife.)Feliz cumpleaà ±os para ti. (Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday for you.)Tenemos agua para una semana. (We have water for a week. We have water to last a week.) ¿Para quà © estudias? (Why do you study? For what purpose do you study?) Using Para With Destinations One specific way in which para is used to indicate intent is with destinations. This is a specific way of indicating intention. In some of these cases, para can be used interchangeably with a, meaning to. Salimos para Londres. (We are leaving to go to London. We are leaving for London.)No voy para casa. (I am not going home. I am not headed for home.) ¿Para dà ³nde va el taxi? (Where does the taxi go to? Note that Spanish cannot end a sentence with a preposition in the way that English can.) Using Para for ‘No Later Than’ or ‘By’ In time statements, para can be used to indicate intent for completion of an action by a certain time. Translations can include no later than, around, about, and by. La casa estar lista para el sbado. (The house will be ready no later than Saturday. The house will be ready by Saturday. The house will be ready for Saturday.)Es necesario preparar el perro para la llegada de tu bebà ©. (It is necessary to prepare the dog for the arrival of your baby. It is necessary to prepare your dog by the time your baby arrives.)El pastel estar listo para la boda. (The cake will be ready by the wedding. The cake will be ready before the wedding. The cake will be ready for the wedding.)Llegamos para las cinco. (Were arriving around 5. Were arriving about 5. Were arriving for activities at 5.) Using Para To Mean ‘Considering’ Another use of para is to indicate perspective, the equivalent of words or phrases such as considering, in light of the fact or in view of: Para nià ±o, es inteligente. (Considering that hes a child, hes intelligent. For a child, hes intelligent.)Es caro para un papel. (Its expensive in view of the fact its a sheet of paper. Its expensive for a sheet of paper.) Using Para With Personal Reactions This is one way of indicating how a person feels or reacts to something: Para ella, es difà ­cil. (To her, its difficult. For her, its difficult.)No es justo para mà ­. (It isnt right to me. It isnt right for me.) Key Takeaways Para is a common Spanish preposition that is frequently used in indicating purpose, direction, intent, or perspective.Both para and another preposition, por, are often translated to English as for, but one of them can almost never be substituted for the other.Other possible translations for para include English prepositions such as to, at, and by as well as the phrase in order to.

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