Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Challenge of Seeking a Career with an International Component Assignment

The Challenge of Seeking a Career with an International Component - Assignment Example This, therefore, creates challenges in managing the two and people seeking a career with an international component but must also be managed as their cultural background are obliged to find a way of balancing the two. Learning teamwork is the most fundamental way to work in such a context. Teamwork enables people with different backgrounds, skills, and expertise to come together and work collaboratively to achieve the set ends. With this in mind, one should learn to work with others by creating an attitude that makes them easy to relate and work with. It is critical to understand that people will have a different opinion and in a team, conflict is meant to arise on certain issues where people do not agree on something and the best thing to do is to learn to compromise on issues that may cause disagreements. Learning to live with people despite differences that may arise enables one to be in a demanding environment like the global workplace as it eliminates chances of disputes, which may hamper collaboration. In the global workplace, companies are now providing an environment of allowing people to be their own individuals despite being required to maintain the international context. This means that the companies will provide an environment that allows for collaboration and teamwork where people will learn from each other and understand one another (Martin 28). The companies also engage employees in constant training and one should ensure that they are adequately trained to conquer all the challenges that they may encounter while on the job. Training will enable one to be aware of how they will deal with people from different backgrounds and gives them a common way to ensure that they follow the guidelines of international labour laws. In order to manage a career with international component but must be managed as one's cultural background, it is necessary to ensure that one is well versed in the company’s values.     

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Role of a Nursing Practitioner Essay Example for Free

The Role of a Nursing Practitioner Essay Introduction The Department of Health Services and Social Safety (2006), applies palliative care services which aims to achieve the best quality of life possible for patients and their family through active identification, holistic assessment and appropriate management of problems, when progressive advanced disease is not responsive to curative treatment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are over a half million older adult aged 65 or over whom are living in care homes (nursing and personal care) and a large number end their lives in these care settings. Unfortunately, care homes can only provide appropriate terminal care if barriers to the provision of care are addressed. The National Council for Hospice and Specialist Palliative Care Services (NCHSPCS) holds documents containing practice recommendations and therefore, the provision of appropriate terminal care makes the process of dying more comfortable and meaningful for a person and their family. Literature Review   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Patients usually experience depression and lack of resistance. More often than not, an ill person doesn’t enjoy life during admission.   Lying in a bed with in the four corners of the hospital room may sometimes lead the patient to self pity and unenthusiastic. They sometimes feel anxious and bored. Providing effective care plans for these patients will help them recover their health and self esteem. In order to formulate a holistic care plan for respiratory problems, it is necessary that health care workers give more time for patients and have patience. Educating patients with self management is quite beneficial for them. With this, hospital admission will be reduced. It also reduces constant day off or sick leaves from work as well as unscheduled visits to the doctor. It is recommended that accurate conditions for respiratory problems should be universally available. Written care plans in order to facilitate self management should therefore be recommended. Many organizations have already prepared written care plans and self management materials for patients with respiratory problems. Important data should be included in the written care plan such as clear explanation of the specific diagnosis, a history of medicine allergens and its effect when taken,   an up-to-date record of medications, dosage and treatment schedules and potential side effects. Written step by step instructions of how inhaled and oral treatments should be properly taken or how to properly handle equipments should be available. Duties of a Nursing Practitioner As a nursing practitioner, one must first understand Nightingale’s (1860) theory on nursing which evolves around the concept that the patient’s recovery is highly related to the conditions of his environment. The environment of a patient has a direct effect on his recovery or his deterioration. According to Nightingale, â€Å"Nature alone cures.† With that she stresses on the healing properties of the physical environment of the patient; fresh air, light, warmth, cleanliness and a suitable diet. Nursing practitioners should maintain an environment that not only refers to the physical aspect but also to the psychological and social environment surrounding the patient. Healthy communication with the patient and healthy environment keeps the patient’s mind active and stimulated. Here Nightingale stresses that communication should be soothing and a form of therapeutic aid to the patient’s suffering. How the nurses interact with the patient, may it be verbally or non-verbally also plays a role in the patient’s recovery. They were to give comfort and ease the patient’s suffering. She adds that there is a need for social awareness or social education on the disease of the patient, his family or the immediate people of that environment Nurses are there to control the environment and give the patients their basic needs to aid patients in their healing process and achieving their former strength. Nurses are not only to be focused on controlling the environment for the patient, but also in disseminating helpful information about the important aspects of the disease to the patient, the family and immediate community.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Within Nightingale’s nursing theory are the assumptions that are significant to applying the theory. First and foremost, Nightingale stresses on the need to understand that a disease is a reparative process. An inflicted goes through the natural healing process and those sufferings are indications of the body healing itself. The patient then needs energy to deal with this healing and an unhealthy environment will only bring him stress and lessen his much needed energy to recuperate.   Another is the need for a nurse to be sensible and highly observant of his patient. If a nurse has these abilities, then she will be more focused and effective in her goal of balancing the right and healthy environment for the patient. Nursing is a calling to those who have the determination to help. Conclusion   A sensible nurse would take the initiative to think ways of keeping the patient’s mind active and optimistic despite his sufferings. Nightingale also gives emphasis on the important fact that nursing is a practice apart from medicine. The nurse’s concentration is on the patient’s reparative process and not the disease itself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In order to support a partnership approach between patients, carers and primary health and social care professionals, the DHSSPS will work in collaboration with GPs and other professionals to develop a Directed Enhanced Service under the General Medical Services Contract. This will support the regular review of patients and evidence based practice within primary care settings and promotes information sharing, education and implementation of individualized self-management plans. (Department of Health, 2006) REFERENCES    Nightingale, F. (1860). Notes on Nursing: What it is, and What it is not. A Celebration of Women Writers. Retrieved February 7, 2007 from Department of Health. (2005). RD annual reports by NHS organizations in England for 2005. Department of Health [online] Retrieved February 7, 2007 from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

My Teaching Philosophy Essay -- Education Educational Essays

My Teaching Philosophy Education. What is Education? What does it mean to be an educator? Education is a field of study dealing with methods of teaching and learning. I feel that education goes far beyond the teaching aspect. It is my job as a teacher to make sure that every student has a better understanding and knowledge towards helping others. In doing this I plan on teaching them strict morals such as how to be respectful, considerate, and appreciative of themselves and others throughout their life. In this paper, I plan to describe to you my personal beliefs on being a successful teacher, my goals and aspirations, and my philosophies on how I plan to teach each of my students and help them feel more confident about learning and themselves. Approximately two years ago I really started thinking about my life and where I was going with it. During that summer, I decided that my life wasn't up to me, but it was about what God wants for me. I went to a church camp that summer and decided that it was my turn to be the educator. Joshua 1:9 says, "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest." I know that God is with me throughout all of my decisions. I also know that if I am doing his will for my life, he will grant me the wisdom and knowledge that I need to become the best educator possible. I believe that showing my students my Christian beliefs and morals, will help reflect upon their lives. Knowing that I have been a lasting impact on someone will bring, to me, the largest amount of joy possible. Teaching good morals and ethics will be important in my classroom. Some parents believe that... ...I plan on seeking a job in West Virginia, and gradually working on my master's. Having an impact on all the students I have is my goal. It may be outrageous, but I have the desire to achieve that goal. I want every student that I have to jump out of bed every morning and rush to school ready and willing to learn. Being an educator is not about myself, it is about each and every one of the students I will come across in my lifetime as a teacher. I am not entering this profession for the money or the holidays off, but for each of those young children that want to learn. Will I have a lasting impact on each of the students? Will they remember me when they are twenty years old sitting behind the computer typing their philosophy paper? Will I influence their life? That is my goal. As I said earlier, being an educator is not about me, it is about the children.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Killings vs. in the Bedroom

After reading the story â€Å"Killings† by Andre Dubus and watching the movie â€Å"In the Bedroom,† there are several noticeable differences and a few similarities. Since the movie was derived from the short story, the plot is practically the same throughout. â€Å"Killings† is portrayed as a revenge story, whereas â€Å"In the Bedroom† it appears to be a love story. As the plot progresses we find out this is not the case at all. One of the biggest differences I saw between the two was the arrangement of the story.Dubus’ written version starts out in the middle at Frank’s funeral and the movie starts the story from the beginning with Frank and his lover Mary Ann (Natalie) running in a field. The film gives you more of a sense of the characters, their emotions, and the relationships they share with one another, while the written story gives you the view from Matt’s perspective only. The movie showed a lot more of the background details such as: the father-son bond between Matt and Frank, and the loving bond between Frank and Mary Ann.The story proceeded to show more of Matt’s feelings and internal thoughts on a different level then the film, which displayed very little interaction between him and his son in their lifetime. â€Å"It seemed to Matt that from the time Mary Ann called weeping to tell him until now, a Saturday night in september, sitting in the car with Willis, parked beside Strout’s car, waiting for the bar to close, that he had not so much moved through his life as wandered through it, his spirit like a dazed body bumping into furniture and corners. He had always been a fearful father; when his children were young. t the start of each summer he though of them drowning in a pond or the sea, and he was relieved when he came home in the evening and they were there; usually that relief was his only acknowledgment of his fear, which he never spoke of , and which he controlled within his he art† (100). Another difference that made the movie more personal was by not having Frank’s older brother figure that we read about in the story at the funeral. The movie showed the viewer the connection that they had as a father and a son that the story didn’t portray.Another difference that made the film more enjoyable was the hatred that was shown for Strout. The story didn’t give enough justice for how much the Fowler family really resented him. The moment in the movie when Ruth lays her eyes on him in the convenient store foreshadows the breakdown she had and the isolation she experienced. Ruth knowing that he is a free man that killed her son is something she couldn’t live with under any circumstances. The relationship that Mary Ann’s sons had with Frank in the movie was much stronger than in the book. This partly labels Frank as a hero and makes Strout look like even more of a bad person.In my opinion, One of the best scenes in the movi e was when one of the boys that Frank and Matt took fishing rode his bike down to the docks to see Matt and they just stared at each other with a burning look. This scene wasn’t talked about in the story, however it gave you a view of the actual killing scene. In the book, Strout shot Frank in front of his two sons. â€Å"Richard Strout shot Frank in front of the boys. They were sitting on the living room floor watching television, Frank sitting on the couch, and Mary Ann just returning from the kitchen with a tray of Sandwiches.Strout came in the front door and shot Frank twice in the chest and once in the face with a 9 mm automatic. Then he looked at the boys and Mary Ann, and went home to wait for the police† (100). He shot him in rage without any hesitation. This proves to the reader how much of a terrible, heartless person that he was, but the movie was not able to display such rage. The movie, however, does a great job of telling a clear story from start to finis h without interruptions. It made the makeup of the story so much more powerful.This gives the reader time to establish Frank as the main character that he is. Throughout the story, whether it be the written version or the movie, you really began to understand the love that has not only been lost, but the love that was left behind as the story comes to an end. Overall, love was a major theme in both of these stories, no matter how you look at it. Frank’s life was over much earlier than expected because of love and envy. In the end, Strout was killed because of the love that will never be forgotten between a father and son, and even between a husband and wife.A strong meaning was conveyed when Matt was unsure about not being able to be alone with Strout for that long of a time. He couldn’t stand the thought of being so close to this man that he had so much hatred for. Both of the killing scenes were portrayed in different ways. In my opinion, Matt killed Strout better in the movie than in the book. In the movie, Strout wasn’t trying to escape when Matt shot him. In the story he tried to run away from Matt. This gave Matt more of a justification for killing him. This showed the amount of hatred he had towards Strout, and even more of the endless love he had for his son.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Carbonated Beverages

CARBONATED BEVERAGE INDUSTRY CASE ANALYSIS Team 4 Marketing Management/MGT-704 19 November, 2011 CARBONATED BEVERAGE INDUSRTY CASE ANAYLSIS Hypothetical Market Structure provides four different categories an industry can be classified. Each category identifies a specific role a target market is classified. The carbonated beverage industry is no different. It has four target markets and they are classified as market leader, market challenger, market follower and market nichers (Kotler & Keller, 2009, p. 301). The market leader is usually one company that â€Å"has the largest market share†¦ and usually leads the other [companies] in price changes, new-product introductions, distribution coverage and promotional intensity† (Kotler & Keller, 2009, p. 301). The market challenger â€Å"sets high aspirations† to market their resources to meet or exceed the market leader (Kotler & Keller, 2009, p. 308). The market follower’s strategy is â€Å"product imitation† of the market leader (Kotler & Keller, 2009 p. 310). The market nichers are different from the market leader, the market challenger and the market follower. The market niches are leaders in small markets that the other three marketers are not interested in developing specific products for. The Hypothetical Market Structure for the carbonated beverage industry is the Coca-Cola Company is the market leader. PepsiCo Inc. is the market challenger. Dr, Pepper Snapple Group (distributer of RC Cola) is the market follower and a market nicher is the Jones Soda Co (Beverageworld, n. d. ). The carbonated beverage industry is very competitive. The Coca-Cola Company is the carbonated beverage market leader and PepsiCo Inc. s the market challenger striving to increase its market share by creating a comparable but yet slight different products in which customers feel is better and have more value. The competition between market leader and challenge is severe. Both companies’ prices are very competitive and comparable, they offer carbonated beverage products that include cola based drinks, they distribute to similar markets and both have extensi ve marketing campaigns for their own products, as well as, campaigning against each other. It is these reasons we see the most dynamics of competition between the market leader and the market challenger. The Dr. Pepper Snapple Group (distributer of RC Cola) is the market follower to Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo. Inc. This is shown by how the pricing of Dr. Pepper Snapple Group is the same or less than the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo Inc. The advertising campaign is minor and new products are not being developed the same as compared to the market leader and market challenger The Jones Soda Co. is a market nicher. It â€Å"incorporated unique marketing initiatives in its strategy† and was â€Å"recognized and awarded for its unique packaging that features constantly changing labels† (Jones Soda Co. n. d. ). It does not compete against the other three markets because it creates a customized product for a small niche group and not the masses. Therefore, while the Coca-Cola Company is the market leader, PepsiCo Inc. is the market challenger, the Dr, Pepper Snapple Group is the market follower and Jones Soda Co is a market nicher there is a lot of opportunity for all the d ifferent types of carbonated beverage industries and combining the right target market to a product is the key to market success. References: Beverageworld. (October 2011). Citing Websites. Worldwide 100. Retrieved November 16, 2011, from http://www. beverageworld. com/userfiles/documents/BB_Top_100. pdf. Jones Soda Corporation. (n. d. ). Citing Websites. About Jones Soda. Retrieved November 16, 2011, from http://www. jonessoda. com/company/about-us. Kotler, P. , & Keller, K. L. (2009). Marketing Management 13th Edition (Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 07458) 301-312.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book Review of The World is Flat, Written by Thomas L. Friedman essays

Book Review of The World is Flat, Written by Thomas L. Friedman essays Hundreds of years ago, Christopher Columbus returned from the New World to the Old World to declare that the world was not flat, but round. Now, in the 21st century, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman returns from the developing world to the developed world to declare that the world is flat, as flat as that screen on which a budding Indian entrepreneur can host a meeting of his whole supply chain (Friedman 7). By flat, Friedman means that globalization has created a level playing field for more and more of the nations, industries, and individuals in the modern, technologically forward-thinking world. Friedman sees globalization, for all of its problems, as a force for good. It has the power to unite more than it has the power to divide, and to create equality rather than increase the tensions between the haves and the have-nots, as is sometimes alleged. However, although his enthusiasm and vibrant prose is at times infectious, ultimately Friedman seems frighteningly unconcerned about the costs to the developing and the developed world of the unchecked power of multinational companies. Globalization may have benefited some people in the developing world, like the young Indian entrepreneurs, accountants, and engineers that so impress Friedman, but it is questionable if their success can be used to stand for all workers in ever hemisphere of the globe. Friedmans thesis revolves around the proposition that the world is flattening quickly because of convergence of factors. The collapse of the Berlin Wall ended the divisions between the communist and capitalist nations of the world. While the idea that the end of communism as a worldwide movement was a seismic political event is hardly new, Friedman believes that the ability of this advance to break down political and communications barriers between nations in economic terms is just as important as the freedoms and regional instabilities it spawned. &q...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on America Expands

THE NEW WORLD IS SETTLED, 1492-1763 The history of the United States began with the discovery of North America by a European. On Oct. 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in the Americas. He was searching for an all-water route from Europe to the Far East. This chance finding of a large continent was one of the great events in the history of the world. Columbus made his discovery while sailing under the flag of Spain. Later, daring sea captains from several European countries sailed across the Atlantic to explore the New World. In 1497 John Cabot reached the coast of present-day Canada in an English ship. The Spanish adventurer Ponce de Leon landed on what is now Florida in 1513. In 1519 Ferdinand Magellan's ships left Spain. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean and then the Pacific. Three years later one of his ships returned to Spain after completely circling the world. Because of Magellan's travels, North America was now definitively known to be a separate continent between two large oceans. Rising Interest in the New World At this time Europeans were not very interested in the New World itself. They only wanted to find a water passage through it to the Far East. France sent out Jacques Cartier to find such a route in 1534. He explored along the St. Lawrence River. France then laid claim to part of North America. The first land journey far into the interior of the continent was made by Hernando de Soto. In 1539 he landed in Florida with about 600 Spanish soldiers. They worked their way north- and then westward. They discovered the Mississippi River near the site of what is now Memphis, Tenn., in 1541. The Spanish were interested in the New World. In 1565 Pedro Menendez de Aviles made a landing in Florida and began building a fortified city. He named it St. Augustine. This was the first permanent settlement in what is now the United States. Meanwhile from Mexico the Spanish pressed northward into the New Mexico region. In 15... Free Essays on America Expands Free Essays on America Expands THE NEW WORLD IS SETTLED, 1492-1763 The history of the United States began with the discovery of North America by a European. On Oct. 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in the Americas. He was searching for an all-water route from Europe to the Far East. This chance finding of a large continent was one of the great events in the history of the world. Columbus made his discovery while sailing under the flag of Spain. Later, daring sea captains from several European countries sailed across the Atlantic to explore the New World. In 1497 John Cabot reached the coast of present-day Canada in an English ship. The Spanish adventurer Ponce de Leon landed on what is now Florida in 1513. In 1519 Ferdinand Magellan's ships left Spain. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean and then the Pacific. Three years later one of his ships returned to Spain after completely circling the world. Because of Magellan's travels, North America was now definitively known to be a separate continent between two large oceans. Rising Interest in the New World At this time Europeans were not very interested in the New World itself. They only wanted to find a water passage through it to the Far East. France sent out Jacques Cartier to find such a route in 1534. He explored along the St. Lawrence River. France then laid claim to part of North America. The first land journey far into the interior of the continent was made by Hernando de Soto. In 1539 he landed in Florida with about 600 Spanish soldiers. They worked their way north- and then westward. They discovered the Mississippi River near the site of what is now Memphis, Tenn., in 1541. The Spanish were interested in the New World. In 1565 Pedro Menendez de Aviles made a landing in Florida and began building a fortified city. He named it St. Augustine. This was the first permanent settlement in what is now the United States. Meanwhile from Mexico the Spanish pressed northward into the New Mexico region. In 15...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Use the Spanish Preposition Para

How to Use the Spanish Preposition Para Para is one of the most common Spanish  prepositions, But because para is usually translated as for, the same as por, it can also be one of the most confusing to English speakers. Unfortunately, for the beginning Spanish student, por and para are almost never interchangeable. So it is probably best to learn para and por separately and to think of para as a word that usually indicates purpose or destination, rather than simply as a translation for for. So in the examples of para usage that are given below, a translation (sometimes awkward) using a word or phrase other than for is given, in addition to a translation using for. By learning how para is used rather than how it is usually translated, you will eliminate much of the confusion. The preposition para should not be confused with the verb para, a conjugated form of parar, which means to stop. Para can also be a conjugated form of parir, which means to give birth. Para Meaning ‘In Order To’ When para is the equivalent of in order to, it is followed by an infinitive. Viajamos para aprender espaà ±ol. (We travel in order to learn Spanish. We travel for learning Spanish.)Para vender tu coche es importante que cuentes sus puntos fuertes. (In order to sell your car it is important to talk about its strong points. For selling your car it is important to talk about its strong points.)Vive para comer. (He lives in order to eat. He lives for eating.)Hay un plan maestro para destruir la civilizacià ³n como la conocemos. (There is a master plan in order to destroy civilization as we know it. There is a master plan for destroying civilization as we know it.) Para for Indicating Purpose or Usefulness The preposition can be used quite flexibly to indicate purpose, intent, usefulness, or need. It is often used in such a way that theres no simple one-word English equivalent. Estudia para dentista. (She is studying to become a dentist. She is studying for the dental profession.)Quisiera una bicicleta para dos. (Id like a bicycle for two. Id like a bicycle used by two.)Ganaron un viaje para dos. (They won a trip for two. They won a trip to be used by two.)Es hecho para nià ±os. (It is made for children. It is made to be used by children.)El poema fue escrito para su esposa. (The poem was written for his wife. The poem was written to benefit his wife.)Feliz cumpleaà ±os para ti. (Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday for you.)Tenemos agua para una semana. (We have water for a week. We have water to last a week.) ¿Para quà © estudias? (Why do you study? For what purpose do you study?) Using Para With Destinations One specific way in which para is used to indicate intent is with destinations. This is a specific way of indicating intention. In some of these cases, para can be used interchangeably with a, meaning to. Salimos para Londres. (We are leaving to go to London. We are leaving for London.)No voy para casa. (I am not going home. I am not headed for home.) ¿Para dà ³nde va el taxi? (Where does the taxi go to? Note that Spanish cannot end a sentence with a preposition in the way that English can.) Using Para for ‘No Later Than’ or ‘By’ In time statements, para can be used to indicate intent for completion of an action by a certain time. Translations can include no later than, around, about, and by. La casa estar lista para el sbado. (The house will be ready no later than Saturday. The house will be ready by Saturday. The house will be ready for Saturday.)Es necesario preparar el perro para la llegada de tu bebà ©. (It is necessary to prepare the dog for the arrival of your baby. It is necessary to prepare your dog by the time your baby arrives.)El pastel estar listo para la boda. (The cake will be ready by the wedding. The cake will be ready before the wedding. The cake will be ready for the wedding.)Llegamos para las cinco. (Were arriving around 5. Were arriving about 5. Were arriving for activities at 5.) Using Para To Mean ‘Considering’ Another use of para is to indicate perspective, the equivalent of words or phrases such as considering, in light of the fact or in view of: Para nià ±o, es inteligente. (Considering that hes a child, hes intelligent. For a child, hes intelligent.)Es caro para un papel. (Its expensive in view of the fact its a sheet of paper. Its expensive for a sheet of paper.) Using Para With Personal Reactions This is one way of indicating how a person feels or reacts to something: Para ella, es difà ­cil. (To her, its difficult. For her, its difficult.)No es justo para mà ­. (It isnt right to me. It isnt right for me.) Key Takeaways Para is a common Spanish preposition that is frequently used in indicating purpose, direction, intent, or perspective.Both para and another preposition, por, are often translated to English as for, but one of them can almost never be substituted for the other.Other possible translations for para include English prepositions such as to, at, and by as well as the phrase in order to.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The number of owners of mobile phones has grown rapidly and hence the Essay

The number of owners of mobile phones has grown rapidly and hence the demand for mobile phones has also grown rapidly. Yet the prices of mobile phones have fallen. Why Explain using relevant diagrams - Essay Example However, in the mobile phone market, the demand for mobile phones increases as the price of the mobile phones decreases. This can be attributed to various reasons. Begg et al. (2011) notes that, for there to be an increase in demand, there have to be a change in one or more of the demand determinants. An increase in demand will in turn cause a shift to the right of the demand curve. When there is a shift to the right of the demand curve, the markets equilibrium will be disrupted thus causing a temporary shortage of the product being demanded. The temporary shortage created is eliminated with an increase in price of the product. However, in the mobile phone industry, there has been an increase in demand and a decrease in their prices. This can be attributed to various factors (Research and Markets 2011). Sloman & Garratt (2010) posits that an increase in demand of mobile phones can be caused by an increase in buyers’ income. When the level of income of the buyer increase, the buyer gets more money to spend on a certain commodity, which they are interested in. this happens when there is an increase in the income for a normal good. Moreover, an increase in demand for mobile phones can be attributed to a decrease in income of the buyer for an inferior good. Moreover, an increase buyer’s preference on mobile phones against other communication gadgets has caused a shift in the demand curve for mobile phones. Mobile phones are preferred since they are easier to use and results to instant feedback as compared to earlier means of communication such as letters. Moreover, mobile phones are preferred since they are cheap to afford as well as offers flexible means of communication (Mobile Promotions Market 2012). Mobile phones have gained consumer confidence in that the advanced systems allow the user to make audio-visual calls. Furthermore, mobile phone industry has experienced a boom in sales due to inflexibility of its competitors. For

Correctional Officers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Correctional Officers - Essay Example In many cases female candidates with many years of work experience and efficiency were not allowed to be promoted only because of the reason that they were females. The ability of the female correctional officers will often be questioned by the administration and they are always doubted by the male co-workers. The female correctional officers will have to work extra hard to prove themselves.    Because of the nature of work and the high stress level in the corrections, it will be difficult to leave work at the workplace and therefore it becomes difficult for them to relax at home. Women are mostly not hired in male prisons because of the growing concern about their security and safety and there is also a possibility of violation of privacy of the inmates. The male prison administrators and the male guards found the presence of women as a problem. The courts have often recognized that there is always a possibility of assault on female correctional officers. There is also inequality in job  assignments to the women correctional officers especially in cases where there is a need of direct contact with the inmates. â€Å"The ambiguous and contradictory court rulings have provided no clear, definitive direction for resolution of the conflict between the equal employment rights of women correctional officers and the privacy rights of male inmates† (Tewksbury & Collins, 2013). Some of the researchers are of the view that the amount of psychological stress faced by the female officers has caused health concerns for them. The experience of the women correctional officers is complicated and filled with broken barriers. The male superior officers also sometimes do not provide the important information with respect to inmate interaction, which can help them to succeed professionally. The amount of freedom provided to the female correctional officers is minimum and they are made to work for longer hours. Senior male officers also disregard them in the context of their training and their social interactions and they also tend to exercise excessive supervision on them. The environment in the  correctional system does not give the required trust and respect to female officers. The possibility  of   sexual harassment by the inmates as well as colleagues is also another problem faced by the female correctional officers. Question 28 of 30 Summarize the management problems that special need inmates pose for corrections officials?   For this study, the special â€Å"populations are defined as those prisoners who exhibit unique physical, mental, social, and programmatic needs that distinguish them from other prisoners and for whom jail and prison management and staff have to respond to in nontraditional and innovative ways† (Stojkovic, 2005, p. 3). Correction officials are most often unable to effectively manage and supervise special need population of prisoners. The methods of management of the special need prisoners by the correctio nal leaders are many times questioned. Traditional methods of treatment of prisoners will not suit special needs inmates. In the traditional method, the issues of physical and mental health are not primary consideration. If the special needs population has to be effectively managed, the existing policies will have to be altered and innovative methods adopted.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Scaffolding as teaching technique Research Paper

Scaffolding as teaching technique - Research Paper Example Vygotsky suggests that learning at the social level precedes learning at an individual level, which highlights the importance of participation by the society in the learning process. The concept thrives to illustrate the role of that adults can engage in to assist their children in the learning process by participating jointly in problem-solving activities. As such, both parties are capable of establishing effective communication during the activities and the student gains understanding through a mutual perspective. Although there has been no consensus with regard to the definition of scaffolding, clear-cut characteristics exist among the numerous definitions. One such characteristic is contingency, which illustrates the adjusted and well-calibrated support accorded to the learner. The support accorded is usually oriented to accommodate the level of the student and his/her performance. As such, for offered support to be effective, the level of competence of the student must be define d and the support accorded is at the same or slightly higher level. Another common characteristic entails the gradual withdrawal of the afforded support, a concept referred to as fading. The amount of support given is reduced with time based on the response of the student in terms of development and level of competence. As the amount of time decreases responsibility for the indicated tasks is transferred to the student as he/she increases in cognitive capacity. Summary of Research Studies indicate that scaffolding strategies provide individualised instructions to students who would otherwise be lost in the learning process. This allows instructors to observe students and establish a tailored approach on the student, pushing him/her towards success. The differentiated instructions ensures that the student receives information and direction in accordance to his/her level of competence, which works to foster better understanding of concepts. Moreover, scaffolding techniques improve the acquisition of skill and knowledge owing to the support provided. This is facilitated by the opportunity to offer differentiated and individualised instructions through other students who have higher level of understanding. As such, guidance offered ensures that the learner is accommodated to build his confidence and joy in learning. This ensures that the learner does not feel left out or incompetent despite his/her learning challenges, which would increase the learner’s frustration levels. Similarly, studies illustrate the role of scaffold strategies in triggering independence among students through encouragement (Stone, 1998). It has been indicated that scaffolding engages and motivates the learner who in turn use their past knowledge to grasp new concepts. In this regard, scaffold strategies ensure that learners are not passive but active in the learning process, which goes a long way in boosting confidence levels. However, some critics argue that the scaffolding metaphor is based on task completion and cannot be effective in the learning process (Biemiller and Meichenbaum, 1998). The studies cite poor communication skills between the instructor and the learner and suggest that the learners cannot fully internalise concepts based on temporary support. In addition, measurement of scaffolding has been identified as a challenge since there are no

Muscular System Outine Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Muscular System Outine - Assignment Example Another research on muscular system is on the testing of strength and rowers training (Lawton et al., 2011). This research has established that children physical activity is associated with fundamental movement skills. The second research has established that elite rowers are stronger in comparison to less competitive peers. This was based on the relationship, which exists between lean body mass and strength. Moreover, the research established that maximal strength could only be attained and sustained in cases where infrequent, but intense units of strength training were used Researchers still have questions on the relationship between behavioral and physiological outcomes in adolescents and children and fundamentals movement skills (Lubans et al., 2010). On the second research, researchers have a question on whether training should focus at attainment of optimal strength, power, and endurance, so that performance would be enhanced in the competition phase (Lawton et al.,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Managment Class and Self-Awareness for Team Membership Case Study

Managment Class and Self-Awareness for Team Membership - Case Study Example On the other Mia is willing to analyze other’s work and only bring out the change by taking corrective measures if necessary. 2. Carver is more inclined towards lower wanted to control (wC) and high expressed control score in FIRO-B analysis. Also, he likes to take control and finds delegation difficult with being very competitive as well. He is a loner who likes to rebel against the controls imposed on him whereas Mia has high expressed and wanted control which makes her like structures and procedures while recognizing authorities of others. Craver further has a higher internal locus of control and perceives the high activity as a precursor to success (Mindtools, 2013b). A simple example can be his argument with his boss in which he believes that he single-handedly increased company’s sales and only same approach can produce results. He is highly achievement-oriented along with being arrogant and a strong want to control everything. Mia has a moderate locus of control which makes her a believer in personal skills and influence of external environment. She believed that corrective measures needed to be taken in Chinese franchise should include standardization as well localization and in order to convince her Chinese manager, she traveled to China herself instead of maintaining a virtual communication. When analyzed about tolerance of ambiguity, Carver shows complexity out of other dimensions (Tyran, n.d). He undertook several projects that required fast and quality results and presented better product like than his competitors. Mia, on the other hand, shows novelty on the scale of tolerance of ambiguity. She lacked international exposure however while meeting her manager in China, she had a certain comfort level with the situation in hand. After comparing Carver and Mia’s personalities  on the scale of MBTI testing, it is evident that Carver is a Mastermind (INTJ) who is introverted, logical and highly attentive towards details whereas Mia is a Supervisor (ESTJ) which makes her a strong believer in rules along with having preference for tried methods (Myers et al., 1998).  

Oman Air, In The airline industy and growth opportunities Dissertation

Oman Air, In The airline industy and growth opportunities - Dissertation Example Global economic recession, escalating fuel prices, competition in the sector resulting in consolidation and financial restructurings, have all been important factors leading to transformation of the airline industry in the past decade (Rosenstien, 2013). The legacy carriers or full-service network carriers (FSNC), struggling to make profits, were forced to alter their business model to minimize losses through lower operating costs. Other factors that could help minimize losses were by eliminating unprofitable routes, or introducing newer, fuel-efficient aircrafts while grounding older, inefficient aircrafts. As the legacy carriers struggled to survive, low-cost airlines (LCA)/ low-cost carriers (LCA) continued to generate profits and expand. The low-cost model in the airlines sector was pioneered by South West Airlines (SWA) in1971 with certain features that were typical of LCA during that period. However, over the decades, the model introduced by SWA has undergone a change as competition in the LCA grew. Nevertheless, different airlines introduced different features and made changes to the original SWA model depending on the macro-environment in which they operated. However, what became apparent was that demand for low-cost travel was high and airlines in this sector continued to generate profits while the legacy carriers struggled. Oman Air (OA), the national carrier of the Sultanate of Oman, is a dynamic, growing carrier. However, Oman Air faces major challenges due to ever-increasing competition and global recession. Across the world many airlines still face losses as travel and freight have declined. Most airlines have been cutting operating costs but Oman Air is pursuing its expansion strategy (Hill, 2010). The carrier has several plans it is working on – to get into the cargo business to facilitate development of cargo in and out of the country, to bring freighters in (Aerospace & Defence, 2013) and to start a low-cost carrier (LCC) in addition to the regional service that it offers. 2.0 Oman Air - Company Information Started in the early

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Managment Class and Self-Awareness for Team Membership Case Study

Managment Class and Self-Awareness for Team Membership - Case Study Example On the other Mia is willing to analyze other’s work and only bring out the change by taking corrective measures if necessary. 2. Carver is more inclined towards lower wanted to control (wC) and high expressed control score in FIRO-B analysis. Also, he likes to take control and finds delegation difficult with being very competitive as well. He is a loner who likes to rebel against the controls imposed on him whereas Mia has high expressed and wanted control which makes her like structures and procedures while recognizing authorities of others. Craver further has a higher internal locus of control and perceives the high activity as a precursor to success (Mindtools, 2013b). A simple example can be his argument with his boss in which he believes that he single-handedly increased company’s sales and only same approach can produce results. He is highly achievement-oriented along with being arrogant and a strong want to control everything. Mia has a moderate locus of control which makes her a believer in personal skills and influence of external environment. She believed that corrective measures needed to be taken in Chinese franchise should include standardization as well localization and in order to convince her Chinese manager, she traveled to China herself instead of maintaining a virtual communication. When analyzed about tolerance of ambiguity, Carver shows complexity out of other dimensions (Tyran, n.d). He undertook several projects that required fast and quality results and presented better product like than his competitors. Mia, on the other hand, shows novelty on the scale of tolerance of ambiguity. She lacked international exposure however while meeting her manager in China, she had a certain comfort level with the situation in hand. After comparing Carver and Mia’s personalities  on the scale of MBTI testing, it is evident that Carver is a Mastermind (INTJ) who is introverted, logical and highly attentive towards details whereas Mia is a Supervisor (ESTJ) which makes her a strong believer in rules along with having preference for tried methods (Myers et al., 1998).  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Medicine Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Medicine - Lab Report Example FEV1 or FEV 1 / EVC % ration between males and females. Heart Rate is defined as the number of heart contractions in 1minute and Stroke Volume is the amount of blood ejected by heart in each beat. Cardiac output in a resting individual of average size is about 5 liters/minute. In an untrained individual heart rate is about 72 beats per minute so stroke volume is about 70 milliliters. 2. OXYGEN CARRYING CAPACITY OF BLOOD: Hemoglobin present in our Red Blood Cells binds the Oxygen present in the blood and forms Oxyhemoglobin during pulmonary circulation. The blood is circulated to different parts of the body including skeletal muscles. 3. SKELETAL MUSCLE MASS: Of the three factors determining maximum oxygen consumption, the most important is the role of skeletal muscle. The larger the mass of exercising skeletal muscle , greater the potential for increasing whole body oxygen consumption. Example: A runner running on a treadmill at a given speed requires certain amount of oxygen. If he increases the speed, the amount of oxygen required would also increase. The runner keeps increasing the speed and hence the corresponding oxygen requirement also increases until a point is reached where he can't increase the speed. The volume of Oxygen used by muscles at that point is optimum which is defined as VO2 Max. GREIWE, J. S., L. A. KAMINSKY, M. H. WHALEY, and G. B. DWYER. ... The volume of Oxygen used by muscles at that point is optimum which is defined as VO2 Max. EXPLAINING VO2 MAX TO A LAYMAN VO2 Max: - V= Volume, O2 =Oxygen & Max= Maximum VO2 Max is calculated in "ml/Kg/min" Example: If my client is 24Year old and his VO2 Max is 24 ml/Kg/m, As for a layman I will explain him that in 1 minute, 1 Kg of his body weight consume a maximum of 24 ml of oxygen to provide energy. COMPARING VO2 MAX RESULTS WITH ASTRAND AND YMCA TESTS GREIWE, J. S., L. A. KAMINSKY, M. H. WHALEY, and G. B. DWYER. Evaluation of the ACSM sub maximal ergo meter test for estimating VO2max. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. Vol. 27, No. 9, pp. 1315-1320, 1995. The purpose of this investigation was to assess the reliability and validity of maximal oxygen uptake estimates (ESTmax) from the ACSM sub maximal cycle ergo meter test. Subjects included 15 men and 15 women aged 21-54 yr who performed two sub maximal tests and one maximal cycle ergo meter test to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). During the sub maximal tests, heart rates (HR) were recorded from a radio telemetry monitor. ESTmax was predicted for both sub maximal trials by extrapolating HR to an age-predicted maximal HR. Correlation coefficient and standard error of measure (SEmeas) for ESTmax between submaximal trials were r = 0.863 and SEmeas = 0.40 l. min-1, while a t-test revealed no significant difference between trials. Although trial means were not significantly different, la rge variation in individual cases was evident by the high SEmeas (0.40 l.min-1) and by a large SEmeas expressed as a percentage of the mean (13%). The mean of the two ESTmax significantly overestimated measured VO2max with percent error, total error,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Chinese Schools Essay Example for Free

Chinese Schools Essay Chinese schools have come a long way since the colonial days. Over the years and with the evolution of the national education system, Chinese schools have had to face countless threats to their survival. Despite this, Chinese schools have gained popularity and have enjoyed high enrolments, even among non-Chinese students. It has been reported that at least 10 percent of students studying in Chinese schools come from non-Chinese backgrounds. A number of factors contribute to this growing phenomenon. First, Chinese schoolteachers are well known for their high level of commitment. For this and other reasons, students from Chinese schools often excel in public examinations especially in Science and Mathematics. The other attraction of Chinese schools is that students are required to learn an additional language, Mandarin, which is a highly marketable skill in the job market. Chinese Education: A Historical Perspective The beginnings of Chinese education in Malaysia can be traced to the early nineteenth century. It was recorded that by 1815, there were already three Chinese schools in Malacca. One was founded by the London Missionary Society. With regard to the other two, sociologist Yang Qinghuang suggests that at least one would be a school founded by the Hokkien people. Scholar Zheng Liangshu suggests that some old-type Chinese schools might have existed in the Straits Settlements since the end of the eighteenth century. For a long time, Chinese schools in the Straits Settlements received neither help from the British government nor assistance from the government in China. Despite this, they thrived —funded mainly by clan and dialect associations. When faced with political and financial difficulties at the turn of the twentieth century, the Ching government of China changed its attitude towards overseas Chinese and began to promote Chinese education outside of China. It implemented educational reforms based on a proposal by Zhang Zidong. Following the reforms, the curriculum was revised to include Chinese Classical Literature, History, Geography, Mathematics, Moral Education, Physical Education and other optional subjects like Commerce and Drawing. In Malaya, Chung Hwa Confucian School in Penang not only adopted this new curriculum (it was the first to do so), it went further to include English as a subject. Support from the Ching government, however, was short lived. It ended with the fall of the dynasty. Chinese schools that attempted to run modern educational programmes (with a modern curriculum and incorporating English as a subject) faced enormous challenges. On the one hand, they were constantly in need of more funds. On the other hand, they lacked competent teachers. Furthermore, they had to compete with the more established English schools. Even so, there were five hundred Chinese schools with modern educational programmes established in Malaya and Singapore in 1920. By this time, textbooks for these schools had departed from the classical into the vernacular Chinese language (baihuawen). Because of their impressive growth, the British government decided that it could no longer afford to ignore Chinese schools. On 29 October 1920, it introduced the Regist ration of School Ordinance to restrict the activities of Chinese schools in the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States by way of registration and inspection. In 1935, control was further tightened: textbooks and teachers from China were prohibited. Only local materials and Malaysian-born teachers were allowed, and activities in Chinese schools came under strict scrutiny. Despite these challenges, Chinese education continued to thrive until it was suspended at the time of the Japanese Occupation of Malaya. After the war, Chinese schools resumed operation. By 1946, their number had ballooned to more than one thousand in Malaya. However, following the Barnes and Fenn-Wu Reports (June 1951) and the Education Ordinance 1952, Chinese education was exclude d from the national education system. The Chinese community rallied to form Jiao Zong (United Chinese School Teachers Association of Malaya, UCSTAM) and Dong Zong (United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaya, UCSCAN) to safeguard Chinese education. The Malayan Chinese Association (MCA) joined in. Its president then, Tun Tan Cheng Lock spoke these memorable lines, †¦Chinese in Malaya †¦ should be given Chinese education †¦ The dialect or mother tongue can be likened to a person’s shadow, and is inseparable from the person himself/herself † (translated from Chinese). Efforts to safeguard Chinese education became even more difficult following the Razak Report in 1956 and the Education Ordinance in 1957. Thereafter, Chinese primary education was officially included in the national education system, classified as standard-type primary schools with Chinese language as the medium of instruction. However, Chinese secondary schools were excluded from the system when the Lower Certificate of Education examination (L. C. E) was introduced in English. This was not in accordance with the promise of fairness to other ethnic languages in the country as specified in the Razak Report. Furthermore, the Chinese community were horrified by the terms of reference in Paragraph 12 of the Razak Report: †¦the ultimate objective of educational policy in this country must be to bring together the children of all races under a national education system in which the national language is the main medium of instruction. Paragraph 12 was subsequently omitted following strong opposition from the Chinese community headed by Jiao Zong. Both the Rahman Talib Report (1961) and the Education Act (1961) reaffirmed the education policy as stated in the Education Ordinance 1957. Since government financial aid was vital to the survival of Chinese secondary schools, more than half of the 41 Chinese secondary schools then had little choice but to ‘convert’ itself into English medium national type secondary schools. On hindsight, many Chinese view this decision as a big mistake. The remaining 14 schools refused to give in, and have remained ‘independent’ to this day. The MCA facilitated this ‘conversion’ as it was satisfied with the verbal promises made by the Education Minister that the government has no intention to exercise its authority granted under the Act to change Chinese primary schools to national schools and that Chinese schools are allowed to allocate one third of their curriculum for learning Mandarin and Chinese literature. † As a consequence of this concession made at the secondary school level, development of Chinese education in Malaysia was restricted thereafter to the primary school level. The New Education Act 1996 posed an even bigger threat. It threw into question the status of national-type schools that were not established under Section 28 of the new Act. In fact, prior to this during the initial stage of implementing the ‘3R system’ (Reading, Writing Arithmetic) in 1980, Chinese schools had already been challenged to forgo their medium of instruction. Materials for learning all subjects except Mandarin were available only in Bahasa Melayu. In response, Dong Jiao Zong and various Chinese guilds and associations submitted a memorandum to voice their opposition to the Ministry of Education in 1981. The schools were given the assurance that the government had no intention of changing the character of Chinese schools. However in the ensuing years, Chinese schools were asked to consider the concept of ‘integrated schools’ (1985) and Vision Schools (proposed in 1995, implemented in 2000), in addition to the latest 2-4-3 resolution that sought to introduce the teaching of Mathematics and Science in English (proposed in 2002, implemented in 2003). Despite these challenges, Chinese schools seek to maintain emphasis on the Five Aspects of Formal Education in Confucianism (Wuyu Jiaoyu) namely, moral (de), intellectual (zhi), physical (ti), social (qun ) and aesthetic ( ei) education. Until today, Chinese schools m continue to value discipline, respect for the elderly, courtesy, personal character and morality, rather than marketable skills such as computer literacy, Mathematics and Science. Some Reflections How does the development of Chinese education affect the church community i Malaysia?n Should we stake our claims to citizenry and defend our right to be educated in our own (mother tongue) language? What about racial integration? Is it possible to promote Chinese education without further polarising the different communities? First, we have a moral basis for defending Chinese education. Being given the choice and having the opportunity to be educated in one’s own language is a universal human right according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948. Chinese education ha s existed in this country since the nineteenth century. As such, I believe we ought to defend the right of its existence in the same way as we would for the education of other ethnic communities in their own languages. Second, there is value in the Chinese school culture that is worth speaking up for. Even though outsiders might consider the Chinese community uncompromising in its stand with regard to educational issues, it must be pointed out that it is not just about safeguarding the Chinese language but it is also about retaining the ideals of holistic education. Furthermore, Chinese schools have a tradition of nurturing dedicated schoolteachers, and the Christian community should be at the forefront to encourage this culture of service and excellence. In the past, many of them have had to pay a high price for their conviction and dedication by becoming ‘martyrs’: Zhuang Xiquan, Chen Taomin and others were deported for opposing the Registration of School Ordinance 1920; Lim Lian Geok and Yen Yuan Chang were deprived of citizenship in 1961; Lim Huang Sheng and Sim Mow Yu were jailed under the Internal Security Act in 1987. Chinese education aids evangelistic work among the Chinese community. It provides students with a better understanding of the Chinese culture. Whereas in the past, the content of Chinese education was often influenced by traditional beliefs and practices, the Chinese education system today is more open to intellectual discourse on rethinking and repositioning the Chinese identity. The main grouse against Chinese schools is the lack of racial integration since students come from predominantly one ethnic background. The question we must ask is, is this acceptable or healthy in a multi-ethnic society like Malaysia? Most advocates for Chinese education would argue that it is less than ideal but what choice do they have? If national schools were to adopt a more holistic philosophy, and their teachers showed a more credible record in terms of commitment and disciplining of students, and if they provided students with the opportunity to study their own languages, racial integration would be less of an issue and Chinese students would be more evenly distributed between national and Chinese schools. Despite this obvious shortcoming related to racial integration, I still advocate Chinese education for what it offers. Clearly, through its holistic philosophy and track record, it has produced many responsible citizens through the years. Chinese education continues to play a significant role in nation-building and church life in Malaysia. Florence Kuek lectures Mandarin at Universiti Teknologi Mara.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Genetic Engineering: DNA Testing and Social Control :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

DNA Testing and Social Control    Pragmatism is the name of the game when it comes to taking away freedom. The public tends to be against any attempt to curtail civil liberties across the board. It is standard practice, however, to for the government to violate the rights of certain groups in the name of public safety or to fight crime. This is what is happening with the government collection of DNA samples.    The state of New York announced on August 5 that it intends to collect DNA samples from every person in prison, on parole, or in probation in that state for one of a specified list of crimes. Included on this list are murder, sex crimes, drug dealing, and some drug offenses. The samples will be digitized and placed on state computers. Once this database has been establish, police will be able to search it in order to find a match with evidence found at crime scene.    New York is not alone in doing this. All 50 states maintain a DNA database of some type. Mostly though it is only individuals convicted of sex crimes that have their records stored. Eight states sample DNA at a level comparable to the New York proposal. In Louisiana the police actually take and keep DNA samples from any person that they arrest.    Proponents of expanding the use of DNA tests in the legal arena like to point out that these tests will exonerate truly innocent individuals. DNA tests have exonerated some wrongly imprisoned people but it is disingenuous to think this is the real reason for growing use of DNA tests. The real reason for all of this is, of course, to help prosecutors obtain more convictions. It is thus worth keeping in mind that the criminal justice system currently reflects deep class and race biases. Journalist and attorney David Cole argues persuasively in his recently published book No Equal Justice that this is no accident. Rather law enforcement, the legal system, and the prison system operate in a way that insures the disproportionate imprisonment of poor people and people of color. If the government only conducts DNA tests of people convicted of crimes, it will fortify and expand this already unfair process.    Of course one possible way to blunt these biases is to take DNA samples from absolutely everybody. This might seem Orwellian but there is a certain logic to it.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Value and Necessity of Public Relations Essay -- Human Resources

Public Relations are the actions of a corporation, store, government, individual, etc., in promoting goodwill between itself and the public, the community, employees, customers, etc. Things we learned from Public Relations are provides a better understanding of the company, promotes brand image, and it is helps the company keep a good reputation. Public relations provides a better understanding of the company because it provides insight on what the company is up to and how things are running. Customers can always find out if the company is planning to launch a new product or thinking of innovations on already made products. Additionally, customers can find out about events revolving around a certain product. Therefore, the customer can attend the events that are supporting a charity or a product. Likewise, Public Relations promotes brand image by holding events and plastering the brand all over. There are certain events that are supported by one type of candy. Hershey partners with a ctivities and events that in return promote the product throughout the event. Lastly, Public Relations helps the company keep a good reputation. Hershey provides opportunities where customers can come and experience the product before purchasing it. For example, Public Relation has held events in different states to promote different brands. A big campaign that happened last summer was surrounded by S’mores. It was called Say S’mores and it was intended to encourage families to create S’more’ summertime memories. The campaigns consisted of contestants taking pictures of their favorite S’mores moments and posting them to Facebook. There would be three monthly winners and each would receive awards varying from roasting skewers set, picnic blanket and... aware not only in the U.S. but in major countries. The confections industry can be taken to a whole new level because of spreading to different countries companies are than reaching other cultures. There is a whole new world outside of what we are used to. A product that nobody has thought of now could possibly become a top selling product in the future because of the influence given from another part of the world. Works Cited: ( ( (

Friday, October 11, 2019

Overall Banking of Bank Asia Limited

[pic] PART A INTRODUCTION OF THE REPORT [pic] [pic]1: Introduction [pic] 1. BACK GROUND OF THE STUDY [pic] Bank is a financial institution whose main aim is to earn profit through exchange of money and credit instruments. A banking company must perform both of the essential function accepting of deposits and lending or investing the same. If the purpose of acceptance of deposits is not to lend or invest, the business will not be called banking business. It may be said that banking in its most simple form, is as old as authentic history. As early as 2000 B. C. Bany Lonians has developed a system of banks.In ancient Greece and Rome the practice of granting credit was widely prevalent. According to some authorities the word â€Å"Bank† is derived from the words banco, bancus, banque or bance. All of these words mean a bench upon which the mediaeval European bankers used to sit with their coins to transact banking business. When a banker failed to meet his obligations, the angry p eople used to break up his â€Å"banco†. The account for origin of the word â€Å"Bankrupt† which means bank failure but whatever be the origin of the bank, the word came to be used in Europe from the middle age in connection with the business of bank.Money also links the history of banking. It created a logical necessity of banks. However, the birth of present day banking is not sudden. It has come to its present stage through a process of development. During the last decade, banking became the most competitive industries of Bangladesh with a huge amount of growth. A large number of new banks have made their way in the industry and yet there are more to come. In such a highly competitive service industry, ‘customer satisfaction’ is a very important factor to consider. High customer atisfaction and loyalty give an organization a better base than its competitors and allows it to flourish in the industry. 2. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY [pic] General Objective The general objective of preparing this report is to fulfill the requirement of project work as well as completion the BBA Program through gaining the experience and view the application of theoretical knowledge in the real life. Also find out the Operational Process of the Bank and it’s overall Performance. Project Objective The objectives of this report are the followings: Get introduced with the idea of â€Å"Customer Service Quality† in Bank Asia Ltd. ? Introduce with the Bank service quality assessment tools ? Techniques to win a strong customer base ? To know the expectations of customers of Bank Asia Ltd. ? To analyze different activities of different desk. ? To analyze different rules and regulations of the Banking System. ? To analyze the procedures of making loan. ? To analyze how to provide better customer service. ? To analyze how bankers introduce their product to the clients and customers. To know how people communicate with clients, customers and head offic e about different purposes and how they use information system. ? To Know the position of Bank Asia Ltd in the Market ? To know the study’s and conditions of overall performance ? To make some recommendations and conclusion to further the development of Retail products of Bank Asia Ltd. 1. 3 Methodology of the study [pic] To make the report more meaningful and presentable, two sources of data and information were used widely. Both primary and secondary data sources were used to prepare this report.The nature of this report is descriptive with some survey or using sampling method. Most of the necessary information has been collected by a questionnaire, officers working in Retail Banking. 1. 4 DATA COLLECTION [pic] Both the primary and secondary forms of data are used to make the report more rich and informative. The details of these sources are gives below: Primary Sources Most of the information was acquired by discussing with the officers working in the Patherhat Branch of Bank Asia Ltd. Observation and work experience with different divisional in-charges and suggestions of many executives of the bank.Secondary Sources Annual Report of the Bank Asia Limited. Various books, articles, compilations etc. Websites of the Bank. Instruction circular of Head Office, brochures of different banks, newspapers and magazines regarding banking issues, seminar papers and so on. 1. 5 LIMITATIONS [pic] The report was not free from limitations. The study has been conducted on the subject of â€Å"Activities in Bank Asia Limited†. The Officers of Bank Asia have provided all the necessary information with his best abilities. Key limitations of the study are as follows: The internship is a very short period of time. During this short period it is very difficult to study about Bank Asia properly. ? The data and information collected from Bank Asia was not clearly related with the topic. ? The study was not successfully completed due lack of knowledge of banking profession. ? Some data and information was not provided by Bank Asia due to maintain secrecy. ? The data that are collected contained lots of information so it is very difficult to represent all information concisely. ? Bank is a very busy organization with comparison to others.There are rushes of people for about whole the day and the officers have to transact with them. So it is very much tough for Credit Officers to allocate time for me. [pic] PART B COMPANY PROFILE [pic] [pic]2: COMPANY PROFILE [pic] 2. 1 ABOUT BANK ASIA [pic] Bank Asia is one of the renowned and successful banks in Bangladesh established in 1999. The paid up capital of the Bank is 1116 million. With in very short time Bank Asia has established itself as one of the fast growing local private Bank. Now it has 66 branches in its network. It has own ATM service.It provides ATM service through other banks too. Mr. A. Rouf Chowdhury is the Chairman of Bank Asia. Bank Asia is operated by the experienced, qualified, professional management teams whom have exposure in the international market. In the year 2003 the Bank again came to the limelight with over subscription of the Initial Public Offering of the shares of the Bank, which was a record (55 times) in our capital market’s history and its shares commands respectable premium. Bank Asia is maintaining it’s competitiveness by leveraging on its Online Banking Software and modern IT infrastructure.It the pioneer amongst the local Banks in introducing innovative products like SMS Banking and under the ATM Network the Stelar Online Banking Software enables directs linking of a client’s account, without the requirements for a separate account. Bank Asia has long experience in the financial sector of our country. By their programmatic decision and management directives in the operational activities, the Bank has earned a secured and distinctive position in the banking industry in term of performance, growth and excellent manage ment. 2. 2 CORPORATE INFORMATION[pic] ? Letter of intent received : 24/02/1999 First meeting of the Promoters held: 15/04/1999 ? Certificate of incorporation received: 28/09/1999 ? Certificate of commencement of Business : 28/09/1999 ? First meeting of the board of Directors held: 01/10/1999 ? Banking license received : 06/10/1999 ? First branch license received: 31/10/1999 ? Inauguration of Bank : 27/11/1999 ? Date of publication of Prospectus : 29/06/2003 ? Date of IPO Subscription : 23/09/2003, 24/09/2003 ? Date of first share trading in Bourse : 08/01/2004 ? Date of agreement with CDBL : 20/12/2005 ? Date of first scrip less trading : 30/01/2006 Numbers of Promoters: 22 ? Numbers of Directors: 11 ? Numbers of Branches : 66 ? Auditors : S. F. Ahmed &CO. Chartered Accountants House #25, Road # 13A, Block- D, Banani, Dhaka- 1213. ? Registered Office: Tea Board Building (1st floor) 111-113, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka – 1000, Bangladesh. 2. 3 MANAGEMENT HIERARCHY OF BANK ASIA LIMIT ED [pic] 2. 4 MISSION STATEMENT OF BANK ASIA [pic] To assist in bringing high quality service to our customers and to participate in the growth and expansion of our national economy.To set high standards of integrity and bring total satisfaction to our clients, shareholders and employees. To become the most sought after bank in the country, rendering technology driven innovative services by our dedicated team of professionals. 2. 5 VISION OF BANK ASIA [pic] Bank Asia’s vision is to have a poverty free Bangladesh in course of a generation in the new millennium, reflecting the national dream. Our vision is to build a society where human dignity and human rights receive the highest consideration along with reduction of poverty. 2. 6 COMMITMENT & CULTURE OF BANK ASIA LTD. pic] 2. 6. 1 Social Commitment: Though the purpose of Bank Asia is obviously earning profit, but the promoters and equity holders are aware of their commitment to the society to which they belong. 2. 6. 2 Corpor ate Mission: †¢ To provide high quality financial services in export and import trade. †¢ To provide excellent quality customer service. †¢ To maintain corporate and business ethics. †¢ To become a trusted responsibility of customer’s money and their financial advisor. †¢ To make their stock superior and rewarding to the customers/ share holders. †¢ To display team sprit and professionalism. To have a sound capital base. 2. 6. 3 Corporate Culture: Bank Asia is one of the most disciplined banks with a distinctive corporate culture. Here we believe in shared meaning, shared understanding and shared sense making. Our people can see and understand events, activities, objectives, objects and situation in a distinctive way. They mould their manners and etiquette, character individually to suite the purpose of the bank and the needs of the customers who are of paramount to us. The people in the bank see themselves as a tight knit team/ family that belie ve in working together for growth.The corporate culture we belong has not been imposed; it has rather been achieved through our corporate culture conduct. [pic]3: TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION [pic] 3. 1 DELIVERY CHANNEL [pic] Focusing of the need for increasing customer’s service delivery point Bank Asia has been continuously adding new items. Their delivery channels now include 32 branches one booth, ATMs, internet banking, POS machine of Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. and mobile banking. 3. 2 BRANCH NETWORK [pic] Bank Asia intends to achieve to attain balanced growth and expansion of its branch network.Aiming to extend their service and to increase their reach rapidly to their growing and valuable clients. Bank Asia always looking for opportunities for adding more branches to their growing network. 3. 3 ATM [pic] Bank Asia’s ATM Service has been well embraced by the clients since it provides them most flexibility in handling cash money and ensures uninterrupted banking faciliti es round the clock. In the face of growing demand they arranged for addition of new ATMs and set up 10 additional machines during the year 2007.Now they have ATMs of their own also they have under share arrangements 93 ATM E-cash booths and 226 ATMs of Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. 3. 4 INTERNET BANKING [pic] Internet banking facilities change their business process, since many customers fell comfortable to execute transaction through internet. The transaction through internet has grown very fast in the recent year. Their internet banking further improved in 2007 and their customer can change their profile, stop payment of issued cheques, see the status of cheques, request a cheque book etc. n addition to existing facilities like fund transfer, balance and transaction enquiry etc. 3. 5 CREDIT CARD FACILITIES [pic] Bank Asia now provides credit card to its customers and clients. Through this card a client can draw money from any bank. [pic] PART C GENERAL BANKING(AN OVERVIEW) [pic]4: GENERA L BANKING (AN OVERVIEW) [pic] 4. 1 Banking Service of Bank Asia Ltd. [pic] Banking Services General Banking Credit/Advance Foreign Exchange CashCash Credit (HYPO)Import AccountsCash Credit (PLEDGE)Export RemittanceCash Credit SchemeRemittance Clearing House Lease FinancingCustomer Service Saving Overdraft 4. 2 CUSTOMER SERVICE[pic] Accepting Deposit: There are three kinds of deposits in Bank Asia those are as follows: a) Demand Deposit. b) Time Deposit. c) Scheme Deposit. a) Demand Deposit: The deposit from which depositors can withdraw money without any notice is demand deposit. These demand deposit also three categories those are as follows: 1) Current deposit (CD Account). 2) Saving Deposit (Saving Account). 3) Short Term Deposit (STD Account). b) Time Deposit: This deposit is called FDR (Fixed Deposit Regular).The amount in this account is payable only after time stipulated. There are three types of time deposits those are as follows: FDR # One Month 10% # Three Month 12. 5% # S ix Month 12. 5% # One Year 12. 5% # BASP 14% C) Scheme Deposits: With the growth of the middle classes and classes of people having a monthly and regular source of income, from which people deposit a specific amount in the Bank at a regular interval of time, is called Scheme Deposit. The following accounts are under Scheme Deposit A/C: 1. Deposit pension Scheme (DPS),2. Monthly Saving Scheme (MSS), 3.Monthly Income Scheme (MIS), 4. Super Saving Scheme (SSS),5. Multi plus Saving Scheme (MPSS). 4. 2. 1 ACCOUNTS OPENING PROCEDURE [pic] To open a new account an applicant has to maintain number of formalities. Bank’s officer also is careful whether necessary documents are provided by the new account opener. To open a new account following formalities have to be maintained: ? An introducer who introduces new account holder to the bank. ? Two copies of passport size recent photograph attested by the introducer. ? Account opening form duly filled. ? Signature card duly signed. One co py of photograph of nominee. ? After fulfilling the above formalities, Bank provides to the customer a deposit slip book and a cheque book which is marked by his new account number. ? If it is joint account each and every person has to provide their details and signed into the account opening form. ? Letter of thanks to the account holder and introducer For Partnership firm: If it is a Partnership firm there is some additional formalities have to be maintained, those are as follows: ? Partner’s signature ? Partner’s name and address. ? The nature of the firm’s business Two copies of photograph for each and every partner, duly attest by the introducer. ? Account must be introduced properly. ? Introducer’s signature on account opening form has to verify by an officer under full signature. ? Certified true copy of the memorandum of the firm. ? Registered partner ship deed. ? In case of joint account, operational instructions are to be signed by the joint acc ount holders. For proprietorship business: ? Declaration of proprietorship ? Photocopy of Business trade license. ? Account agreement form. ? Photocopy of TIN certificate. For Limited Company: Certified true copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association of the company. ? Latest audited balance sheet of the company. ? Latest copy of company’s income statement. ? Certificate copy of incorporation of the company for inspection and returned with a duly certified photocopy for bank’s record. ? Certificate from the registered of the joint stock companies that the company is entitled to commence business (in case of public limited co. for inspection and return) along with a duly certified photocopy for bank’s record. ? Name and address of the board of directors. ? Authorized signature. Extra resolution of the board, general meeting of the company for opening the account and authorization for its operation duly certified by the Chairman/ Managing Directors of the company . ? Full name of the company and full address of head office. General condition for opening current and saving account: ? At least Tk. 2,000/- for current account and Tk. 1,000/- for saving account has to deposit while account is going to open. 4. 2. 2 ISSUE OF DUPLICATE CHEQUE BOOK [pic] When an account holder loss his cheque book he has to inform it to the bank. Then bank stop any amount from that account.Account holder has to apply to the bank through application to new cheque book. Then fresh cheque book is issued instead of lost one after verification of the signature of the account holder from the specimen signature card and on realization of required exercise duly only with prior approval of manager of the branch. Cheque of the new cheque book is recorded in the ledger card and signature card ass usual. Series number of lost book is recorded in the stop payment register and caution should be exercised to guard against fraudulent payment. 4. 2. 3 CLOSING OF AN ACCOUNT [pic]The re are some reasons for which account may be closed those are as follows: ? If the customer is desirous to close the account. ? If the bank finds that the account is inoperative for a long duration. ? If garnishee order is issued by the court of Bank Asia. ? To prevent money laundering some times Bangladesh Bank order to the bank to close the account of the black money holder. To close the account, the cheque has to be returned to the bank. Bank Asia takes all the charges by debiting the account and remaining balance is then paid to the customer. Necessary entries are given to the account closing register and computer. . 2. 4 ISSUING OF PAY ORDER [pic] A pay order is an instrument from one branch to another branch of the same bank to pay a certain sum of money to the person there on or to his order. Unlike the cheque, there is no possibility of dishonoring pay order because before issuing PO, bank takes the money of the pay order in advance. The pay order purchaser has to apply in a prescribed form with a credit voucher for the amount of pay order and other credit vouchers for commission and VAT. 4. 2. 5 TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS (TT) [pic] TT is the quickest method of transferring funds from one place to another.The remitting branch sends a telegraphic/ telephone message to the other end, to pay a certain sum of money to a named payee. Such a message is usually sent in code language. Prefixing or suffixing a check cipher authenticates the message. A check cipher for a remittance is worked out on a test key table, access to which is allowed only by authorized officers. The codebook is always kept in the custody of authorized officers. All T. T. are following by written confirmations under the signature of authorized officer of the remitting branch. The receiving branch, after thoroughly checking the telegraphic message, acts on it. . 2. 6 ISSUING CERTIFICATE [pic] Bank Asia provides different certificates to its clients and customers. It provides Bank Certificate to its clients for opening BO account and deduct Tk. 200/- as service charge. Bank Asia provides solvency certificate too to prove that their client is financially solvent. This solvency certificate is needed if client is willing to go to abroad or opening new business. 4. 3 ACCOUNTS DEPERTMENT [pic] Following things are done by the Accounts Department: ? Pass outward instrument to the clearing house. ? Pass inward instrument to respective department. Return instrument in case of dishonor. ? Prepare OBC and IBC for the respective branch and head office. ? Verify daily’s cash expenses and issuing cash voucher sleep for different necessary daily expenses. ? Issuing credit voucher for remittance coming from abroad. ? Receiving clearing cheque from teller department and bank wise separate the cheques and send those to the clearing house. ? Recording of return cheque from different banks and back to return it to the clients. ? Prepare OBC request letter to head office for collecti ng fund out side of the city. The following entries are given if the cheque is honored.Customer A/C Debit Bank Asia general A/CCredit Bank Asia Principle Branch clears its cheque through the head office as well as the cheque of other branches, because it is only permitted. The other branches send the instrument through IBCA. Bank Asia principle branch act as an agent in this case. For this the concern branch gives the following entries: Bank general A/C Debit Customer’s A/C Credit If the instrument is dishonored, the instrument is returned to the concerned branch through IBCA along with the following entries: Incase of return for inward instrument. Bank general A/CDebit Customer’s A/CCreditIncase of return for outward instrument: Customer A/C Debit Bank general A/CCredit Incase of returning an instrument the respective officer usually looks for following reasons: ? Insufficient fund ? Drawer’s signature differs. ? Amount in word and figure differ ? Refer to draw er ? Stop payment ? Not arrange for ? Effect not cleared may be presented again. Receiving cheque for collection: In Bank Asia, cheques of its customers are received for collection from other banks. In case of receiving cheque, following points should be checked. ? The cheque should not carry a date older than the receiving date for more than 6 months.In that case it will be a ‘stale cheque’ and it will nit be allowed for collection. Again the date of the cheque should not be more than one day forward than the receiving date. ? The amount in figures and words in both sides of the pay-in-slip should be same with the amount mentioned in the figure and word in the cheque. ? The name mentioned in the cheque should be same in both side in pay-in-slip and it should be the same with the name mentioned in the cheque. ? The cheque must be crossed. 4. 4 CREDIT DEPERTMENT [pic] Consumer Credit is a part of Credit Department which involves in generating loan to the client.Bank Asia Station Road Branch provides four categories of loans those are as follows: 1. Consumer Durable Loan. 2. Auto Loan. 3. House Finance. 4. Unsecured Personal Loans. 4. 4. 1 HOUSE FINANCE [pic] Regulations for House Finance Loan: ? House Finance Loan is provided for the long period of time (Maximum 15 years including 1 year grace period). ? Loan to price ratio: The loan to price ratio is 80%. It means bank finance 80% amount of required amount. Bank provide loan for the construction which is already completed up to ground floor. ? Rate of interest of house finance loan of Bank Asia is 16%. ? Loan size: Loan Size is Tk. 3, 00,000. 0 to Tk. 50, 00,000. 00. ? Maximum Exposure (Bank Equity) 20%. ? Age of the applicant must be between 25-65 Years. ? DBR: DBR (Debt Ratio) have to 40%. ? Processing Fee: 0. 5% or 5000/- whichever is higher. 4. 4. 2 CLOSING OF AN ACCOUNT [pic] Regulation for Auto Loan: ? Auto Loan is provided for purchasing new vehicle. ? Loan to price ratio: If it is recondit ion car bank will finance 80% of the total price and if it is new vehicle bank will finance 90% of the total price. ? Rate of interest of Auto Loan is 16%. ? Loan size: Loan Size is maximum Tk. 20, 00, 000. 00. ? Maximum Exposure (Bank Equity) 20%. ? DBR: DBR (Debt Ratio) have to 40%. Tenor: Auto Loan provided for 60 months (for recondition vehicle), and for 72 months (new vehicle). ? Processing Fee: 1% or 5000/- whichever is higher. ? Age of the applicant must be between 25-65 Years. An application is provided to BRTA as if the vehicle is registered at the name of Bank Asia & the applicant. 4. 4. 3 CONSUME DUALE LONE [pic] Consumer Durable Loan provided to business man as financial assistant. There are some rules and regulations for consumer durable loan those are as follows: ? Loan size: Loan Size is Tk. 50, 000. 00 to Tk. 5, 00,000. 00. ? Rate of interest of Consumer Durable Loan is 17%. Maximum Exposure (Bank Equity) 40%. ? DBR: DBR (Debt Ratio) have to 33%. ? Tenor: Auto Loan p rovided for minimum 6 months or maximum 48 months. ? Processing Fee: 1% or 1000/- whichever is higher. ? Age of the applicant must be between 25-57 Years. ? Loan to price ratio 70%. 4. 4. 4 UNSECURED PERSONAL LONE [pic] Unsecured Personal Loans for service holders, business man will not apply for this type of loan. There are some rules and regulations for Unsecured Personal Loans those are as follows: ? Loan size: Loan Size is Tk. 25, 000. 00 to Tk. 5, 00,000. 00. ? Rate of interest of Consumer Durable Loan is 17%. Maximum Exposure (Bank Equity) 20%. ? DBR: DBR (Debt Ratio) have to 33%. ? Tenor: Auto Loan provided for minimum 12 months or maximum 48 months. ? Processing Fee: 1% or 1000/- whichever is higher. ? Age of the applicant must be between 25-57 Years. ? Loan to price ratio: Not applicable. 4. 4. 5 NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR A LOAN PROSESSING [pic] ? Latest license copy provided by the city corporation (Trade License). ? TIN Certificate. ? Nationality certificate/ Passport. ? In come statement (Last 6 months). ? Statement of purpose of loan. ? Reference. ? Guarantor’s information and his/her photograph. Utility bill (telephone bill, electric bill etc). ? Necessary information of existing assets and liability. ? Bank transaction last six months. ? Sources of funds from which borrower can repay the loan. ? Received security advance cheque against loan amount which is properly signed by the borrower. ? Joint necessary stump with the loan application book. Stamp charge may receive on cash or adjust from the account of the applicant. 4. 4. 6 GENERAL POLICY GUIDELINE [pic] ? Bank Asia make loan to the reputed clients. ? Encourage lending to socially desirable, nationally important and financially variable sector. Satisfactory security and collateral is required including source of repayment both primary and secondary source. ? Bank Asia may consider terms loan with maturity up to five years. ? Bank Asia extent credit facilities to the area, which the branc h located and size and ability of its stuff to supervise and monitor the same also considered. ? Maximum size of the loan port folio. ? The banking corporation act 1991 restricts lending to any single obligor or a group of companies up to 15% of the capital funds of bank without having approval of Bangladesh Bank.With the Bangladesh Bank the maximum limit can go up to 100% of the capital of the bank. 4. 4. 6 CIB REPORT [pic] Bangladesh Bank established Credit Information Bureau (CIB) with a view to provide information of the borrower to the schedule banks as per requirement. It is one of our credit policies that the bank wilts not sanction/ disburses any loan facility to a defaulter. Therefore to process a loan CIB report is mandatory one. So by CIB inquiry we can get the report on our clients from Bangladesh Bank. As per credit policy a Loan outstanding of Tk 50,000. 0 and above must be reported to Bangladesh bank Inputs the information of all the borrower status in CIB report whet her he is defaulter or not. So the purpose of CIB is to get the borrower(s) credit information with a view to sanction a loan. This is very important because without having CIB a loan cannot be sanctioned. It is also a tool for discourage loan defaulter in our country. CIB functions can be divided into two classes: CIB Inquiry. CIB Reporting. CIB INQUIRY: The following forms are required for CIB Inquiry: 01. Letter of Undertaking (Annexure – Ka) to be obtained from the individual client. 02. Inquiry Form: CIB – 1AIt covers the information of the debtors / individual borrower or company. Name ET address is mentioned here. It is to be filled up by the bank in Capital letter/ type. 03. Inquiry Form: CIB – 2A For institutional client this is necessary. It covers the information of the owners of the concerned borrowing company/firm. In case of individual client this form is not necessary. 04. Inquiry Form: CIB – 3A This form covers the information of group rel ated business concern of the borrower and any of its owners. Special Note: The name of the borrower / owners should be mentioned in full and must not be abbreviated.CIB REPORTING: The followings forms are required to report to Bangladesh Bank at monthly or quarterly basis. In case of loan limit one crore ET above it is need to be reported monthly and the entire loan amounting Tk. 50,000/- above are required to report quarterly. Form: CIB-1This from is related to borrower information only. Proper sector code and other information should be incorporated properly. Form: CIB – 2 This form is related to the owner(s) information of the borrowing company. Owner’s code and other information should be incorporate properly. Form: CIB – 3This form is related to group / affiliated concern(s) information of the borrower and or any of its owners. Form: CIB – 4 This form represents the credit exposure of the borrower with the reporting bank. Dotted boxes are need not re quired to be reported. Economic purpose code, security code, Classification status and other information should be incorporated property. Form: CIB – 5 This form is related to the guarantor(s) information of the borrower. All the form should be filled in full name with proper address, Abbreviated name are not acceptable. The impact of CIB in our country is very positive. CIB discourage loan defaulters.A loan defaulter cannot participate in any election as a candidate. It is also a way to harass the defaulter socially. At the initial stage of CIB [about 1990] total classified Loan was detected 41 %. By introducing CIB the percentage of classified loan could be minimized. So indirectly it helps our economy. It also helps the schedule bank by way of providing information as per requirement. [pic] PART D PERFORMANCE EVALUTION BANK ASIA (PATHERHAT BR. ) [pic]5: PERFORMANCE EVALUTION BANK ASIA (PATHERHAT BR. ) [pic] 5. 1 DEPOSIT [pic] Bank Asia, Patherhat Branch launched it operati on on 13th April,2012.AD The deposit volume of Bank Asia Ltd, Patherhat Branch, Chittagong is continuously increasing. The deposit amount is 19 crore at |April,2012. Through the following table the deposit position of Bank Asia Ltd Branch is shown. Showing monthly Deposit of Bank Asia Ltd. Patherhat Branch from the month of December,2011 to April,2012. Deposit (Amount in Crore) |Month |December |January |February |March |April | |Deposit |167446961 |174431349 |178152397 |173798455 |190064299 | 5. 2 ADVANCE [pic]The credit volume of Bank Asia Ltd, Patherhat Branch is increasing day by day. Showing monthly Deposit of Bank Asia Ltd. Patherhat Branch from the month of December,2011 to April,2012. Loans and Advance |Month |December |January |February |March |April | |Loans and Advance |12442268 |9877521 |10921573 |15813095 |19803015 | 5. 3 TOTAL INCOME [pic] The total income of Bank Asia is increasing day by day. Net loss of the branch is decreasing day by day by its acclerated efforts t o go the horizon of Profit. Month |December |January |February |March |April | |Total Inocme |1585091 |1760171 |1595499 |1777016 |1957001 | 5. 4 TOTAL EXPANSE [pic] With expansion of opeation of the branch, the total expense of the branch is incrasing day by day. |Month |December |January |February |March |April | |Total expense |3236019 |2337849 |9169238 |2372934 |2407706 |Position for the month of March, 2012:- |Particulars |Monthly Position of February 2012 |Monthly Position of March 2012 |Cumulative up to March, | | | | |2012 | |Total Deposit |178,152,397. 55 |173,798,455. 59 |173,798,455. 59 | |Total Advances |10,921,573. 95 |15,813,095. 60 |15,813,095. 60 | |Interest Income |1,571,766. 70 |1,745,422. 9 |5,052,804. 32 | |Other Income |23,732. 57 |31,593. 58 |79,882. 32 | |Total Income |1,595,499. 27 |1,777,016. 70 |5,132,686. 35 | |Interest Expenses |1,393,856. 72 |1,488,478. 72 |4,387,861. 15 | |Other Expenses |775,381. 63 |884,456. 00 |2,492,141. 53 | |Total Expenses |2,169,2 38. 35 |2,372,934. 4 |6,880,002. 68 | |Net Provisional Profit/Loss |(573,739. 080 |(595,918. 77) |(1,747,316. 33) | |Foreign Inward Remittance |2,415,193. 08 |1,984,934. 01 |6,289,562. 22 | of Bank Asia, Patherhat Branch is given below– [pic] PART E JOB PART [pic]6: JOB PART [pic] 6. 1 JOB DESCRIPTION [pic] In order to achieve best service quality Bank Asia has separate department called â€Å"CUSTOMEN SERVICE DEPARTMENT†, which is responsible of maintaining over all services of the bank to satisfy customers.To establish world class guest experience in all its operations it mainly focusing on people, infrastructure, technology, products and process. In order to ensure such experience Bank Asia always looks for enthusiastic people as employee and interns as well. I was doing the Internship under customer service depertment from January 25March, 2010 to May 25, 2012 in Patherhat branch. 6. 2 KEY RESPONSIBILITIES [pic] ? Ensuring first hand services to the client. ? Keep observing the service activities during the service hour. ? Guiding lost clients to have proper services. ? Having clients suggestion and complains and reporting to BM. Ensuring clients solutions and quality services. ENSURING FIRST HAND SERVICES TO THE GUEST: [pic] Bank is a financial institution so it is very tuff for a guest to know each service point. They sometimes come up with such problems for which they need not to talk to customer service manager or Branch manager. Like – how to write a deposit slip or how to use ATM card in booth etc. in that situation my primary duty was to greet them so that they rely upon me to have on the spot service. On the other hand my primary duties are understanding guest’s problem and guide him or her to talk with the right person on the right desk.KEEP OBSERVING THE SERVICE ACTIVITIES DURING THE SERVICE HOURS: [pic] During the service hour, many unusual situations may arise. So my another duty was to keep looking into those situat ions and make instant solutions like keep looking whether staff behaving the way they should behave or not. To look after whether any staff is ignoring any customers or not, was my another job duty. GUIDING LOST GUESTS TO HAVE PROPER SERVICES: [pic] It is usual situation that different professions people come to bank every day. Some profession people come to bank for the first time and doesn’t know verall service arrangement of the bank. They enter into the branch and starts wondering around within the bank. They get completely lost. So, my responsibility was to listen and guide them in a proper way. HAVING CUSTOMER SUGGESTION AND COMPLAINTS [pic] Since each branch is a touch point for the bank so it’s the better option for SQ department to have better guest experience. Another duty is to collect such suggestions and complain from guests and reporting to the Branch Manager. ENSURING CUSTOMER SOLUTION AND QUALITY SERVICES [pic] A guest should have a complete solution of a problem from branch.If it is not possible for customer service officer then take him/her to customer service manager even if it is not possible for the CSM then take him/her to BM. In the meanwhile I have to ensure the quality service to the guest. 6. 3 DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF JOB [pic] There are five essential areas to excellence in guest experience. Bank Asia Client experience standard will apply it the five aspects for excellence in guest experience listed below— 1) People 2) Premises 3) Papers 4) Processes and 5) Practices People: The team who serves the clients. Premises: The location or place where we serve the clients. Papers: The documents we use to provide and receive information and to communicate with our clients and colleagues. Process: the process that enable us to delight our clients. Practices: the way we interact and talk with our clients. For keep concentrating on service issues, Bank Asia has prepared client experience fundamentals for its entire team me mber. Bank Asia’s client standards are— o BOLD: All team members are will be bold and on behalf of their clients and colleagues. They will be first to greet, first to listen and first to make any suggestions.They are the persons who satisfy the demands of the clients even if they are unexpressed o RELIABLE: The team member will take full ownership in serving their clients to their complete satisfaction o APPEALING: The team members have to ensure that all clients touch points are appealing and inviting o CONSISTENT: The team members will ensure that their clients experience quality is consistent in all aspects across all clients service point all the time. Apart from the above mentioned jobs, I was appointed for following works as well. Software called Stelar where I have to do: CIF (Customer Information Form). A/C verify & close FDR, DPS opening Cheque book, ATM card issue, Active. My major job purpose & principle accountabilities in the banks are as follows: Ensu re account opening, modification, closing, and ATM card & Cheque book requisition and remittance activities. Implement client service strategies to achieve Bank Asia objective and plans Ensure quick resoling of client quires and issues Efficiently handle customer complains Properly maintain FDR, ATM, Account and other registers Receiving checks, issue cheque book, Fund transfer Verifying check book register, Customer Signature verification Writing pay order, Statement inquire Checking balance as per individual customer request Providing all kinds of general banking information to the customers Issuing check books and posting them into the system. 7: RECOMMENDATION [pic] ? Since the branch is situated in a suitable place, so it should introduce ATM Booth of its own very soon. ? Clearing Department should be under online. ? Locker should be introduced. ? To reduce the working presure of the existing employees new capable employees should be employed. Since there are huge numb er of coverage loan, a recovery team should be introduced. ? Banks marketing policy should be more stronger to influence big corporate clients joint with them. ? Bank Asia can introduce about their product and service through different TV channels. So that every initiative of the bank can go at the door the customers. ? More training facilities should be introduced for the junior officers. 8: CONCLUSION [pic] Bank Asia Limited is one of the most renowed growing bank in the country. It is true that Bank Asia increase its growth and popularity with in very short period of time.It has ensured because they have efficient, capable, professional, talent work force. All the officers are very much comitted, helpful and cooperative so that necessary information accumulate through this report. I wish total success of Bank Asia Limited, Pather Hat Branch, and special thanks to Mr. Niaz Ahammed Rashed (FAVP & Manager), SantoshKumar Bhowmik (EO & Sub Manager), and all officers &employees of Path erhat Brahnch, Chittagong. 9: GLOSSARY [pic] IBC:- Inward bills for collection. OBC:- Out ward bills for collection. CIB:- Credit Information.IRC:- Import Registration Certificate. ERC:- Export Registration Certificate. TIN:- Tax Identification Number. BIN:- Business Identification Number. L/C:- Letter of Credit. FDR:- Fixed Deposit Regular. SME:- Small and Medium Enterprise. CCI&E:- Chief Controller of Import and Export. LCA:- Letter of Credit Authorization. B/L:- Bill of Lading. B/E:- Bill of Exchange. STD:- Short Term Deposit A/C. SOD:- Secured Over Draft. LBC:- Local Bills for Collection. LTR:- Loan Against Trust Receipt. FOB:- Freight On Boat. DBR:- Debt Burdeb Ratio. CPV:- Contract Point Verification.SWIFT:- Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunication. ICC:- International Chember of Commerce. 10: BIBLIOGRAPHY [pic] †¢ Bank Asia Limited. Management Trainee Report. †¢ Bank Fund Management, Dr. A. R. Khan. †¢ Jeff Madura. International Financial Ma nagement. (West Publishing company, 4th edition, 1995). †¢ Rose, P. S. (1999). Measuring and Evaluating Bank Performance. Commercial Bank Management, Fourth Edition. †¢ Annual Report of Bank Asia Ltd. †¢ www. bankasia. com TITLE OF INTERNSHIP: GENERAL BANKING PRACTICE OF BANK ASIA LIMITED Objective of the Study:The major objective of the study is to evaluate the general banking practice of Bank Asia Ltd. To achieve these major objectives, the specific objectives of the study are mentioned below: 1. To high light the authorities involved in general banking of Bank Asia Ltd. 2. To examine the Account opening system of Bank Asia Ltd. 3. To show the Product or Services of Bank Asia Ltd. 4. To evaluate the General Banking Function of Bank Asia Ltd. 5. To find out problems of general banking practice of Bank Asia Ltd. 6. To give suggestions for improving of general banking practice of Bank Asia Ltd. ———————– BANK ASIA | | |CHAIRMAN | |PRESIDENT AND MANAGING DIRECTOR | |DEPUTY MANAGING DIRECTOR (DMD) | |SENIOR EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT (SEVP) | |EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT (EVP) | |SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT (SVP) | |VICE PRESIDENT (VP) | |FIRST VISE PRESIDENT (FVP) | |ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT (AVP) | |FIRST ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT (FAVP) | |SENIOR EXECUTIVE OFFICER (SEO) | |EXECUTIVE OFFICER (EO) | |SENIOR OFFICER (SO) | |MANAGEMENT TRAINEE OFFICER (MTO) | |OFFICER | |JUNIOR OFFICER (JO) | |ASSISTANT OFFICER (AO) | |BANKING OFFICER (BO) | |TRAINEE OFFICER (TO)/TELLER | | [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]