Friday, August 23, 2019

Visual Analysis on a Photography of your Choice Article

Visual Analysis on a Photography of your Choice - Article Example As a means of analyzing and understanding Arbus unique style, this particular essay will discuss the photograph entitled â€Å"Identical Twins – 1967). By analyzing its technical approach, content, story, and significance, it is the hope of this particular author that the reader will come to a more informed understanding and appreciation for the work of this artist and the actual technical skill and means of delivery that this particular photograph employs. For means of reference, the photograph in question is appended on the final page of this essay in the Appendix. Likewise, the following quote from Stuart Hall will be analyzed: â€Å"Yesterdays deconstructions are often tomorrows orthodox clichà ©s† (Grossberg, 2014). As has been noted within the introduction, Arbus’ attention to elements of society that would otherwise not likely find themselves within the photographer’s lens is what helped to set her style and approach apart from others. With regard to the photo in question, identical twins that are anything but attractive are represented in a black and white medium; Arbus’ favorite. Shooting this particular shot with her Rolleiflex medium twin lens reflex, she used a square aspect ratio to engender the disjunct and unnatural reality that was represented within the shot. Furthermore, even though the image is clearly posed, Arbus stayed with her convention and insisted that the subjects did not express any clear emotion; either positive or negative. In this way, the blank faces of the twins serve as the focal point around which a dull background contrasts with their dull and dour expressions. Interestingly, Arbus chose to set the backdrop of the photo in a way that did not c ompliment nor detract from the subjects in question (Baird, 2008). This is with reference to the fact that the floor of the setting is outlined in a darker hue (predictably black) with the wall being outlined in a lighter hue (probably grey). However, by means

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