Saturday, August 10, 2019

NYPD CIA Anti-Terror Operations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

NYPD CIA Anti-Terror Operations - Assignment Example For example, were an inmate to be pardoned from his jail sentence—but was not, in turn, released as stated within the executive order—this would be one possible example of a violation of the executive order. If the directive in the executive order is not carried out—whether by omission or commission—that is also punitively considered as a direct violation of the executive order. In all seriousness, why this is important to grasp is because many individuals’ futures lie in the hands of the President, because signing executive orders is an at-will type of activity for the President; the President need not sign them, but the President does so out of volition to support a cause, help an individual, or protect various types of liberties which might be otherwise infringed upon unless signed. III. Why NYPD CIA Anti-Terror Operations Didn’t Constitute a Violation of the Executive Order #12333 The New York Police Department did not violate Executive O rder #12333 by conducting anti-terror operations. Of course, since the September 11th, 2011 attacks on the World Trade Center in NYC, of course the city became much more serious about ensuring that due diligence was given to being more security-conscious not very long afterwards. In part one of Executive Order #12333, the goal of the executive order states that â€Å"[t]he United States intelligence effort shall provide†¦necessary information on which to base decisions concerning the conduct and development of foreign, defense and economic policy, and the protection of United States national interests from foreign security threats. All departments and agencies shall cooperate fully to fulfill this goal.†2 Since the NYPD and the CIA are both organizations that cooperate with the government, it’s quite reasonable to presume that both are types of intelligence agencies—the NYPD, in its own right—responsible for guarding the United States against any typ e of terrorism threats of any kind. Also, information is free to be shared between and amongst any departments or organizations that would further the knowledge base about any impending or potential threats. Executive Order #12333 states that â€Å"†¦all agencies and departments should seek to ensure full and free exchange of information in order to derive maximum benefit from the United States intelligence effort.†3 This means that oversight should be clear, without any secrets kept unless they are of importance to national security. This is why the NYPD working with the CIA in anti-terror efforts are completely valid methods of having ensured the nation’s security. IV. Future Recommendations to Avoid Violating Executive Orders The HuffPost New York—a division of The Huffington Post Internet news blog—stated that people from certain ethnic neighborhoods were followed on purpose in order to see if their activities were legitimate. Pakistani cab drive rs were pulled over for the slightest infractions, such as red lights, and various mosques and other organizations were infiltrated as well. Some

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