Thursday, December 26, 2019

Kirstie Williams. Benson. English 271 Distance Education.

Kirstie Williams Benson English 271 Distance Education 5 March 2017 Outline THESIS: In this essay, we will analyze Utopia’s role in the common laws, the religious freedoms, and dystopia/utopia similarities throughout More’s literature. I. Introduction A. Imagine you are a sailor, sailing the vast emptiness of the ocean. B. To your dismay, the storm thrashes waves against your boat. C. You find yourself on the island of Thomas More’s Utopia D. Some facts about Thomas More II. Common Law / Commonplace / Customs A. The commons in Thomas More’s Utopia are drastically different from the society in which he lived. B. Thus, More spent most of his lifetime scrutinizing and paying considerable amounts of attention to the England’s common place†¦show more content†¦This island is Thomas More’s ideal fictional society, Utopia. Thomas More was not the first person to write about a Utopian society, but he did coin the term utopia which means â€Å"not place† in Greek. Utopia was written in Latin and published in 1516. It is said to be Thomas More’s most influential work. More’s utopian society had complete employment, the citizens are not fixated on money, and are tolerant towards others in the community (Forward). In this essay, we will analyze Utopia’s role in the common laws, the religious freedoms, and dystopia/utopia similarities throughout More’s literature. Thomas more claims that the commons (a shared system or political space whose authority is constituted by its actual commonality) in his imagined society is fundamentally diverse fro m the society in which he lived and the tradition in which he wrote. More copes with the established notions of commonality in his book Utopia. Common law was on the rise and was England’s dominant legal form during the 1500s. Thus, More spent most of his lifetime scrutinizing and paying considerable amounts of attention to England’s common law. The Utopian system of housing and city planning, method of senatorial deliberation, mode of dress, manner of dining, travel practices, pre-marital courtships, garden growing, and chicken hatching are all described as â€Å"customs†. Evoking the peculiarity of the English legal system

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay on Prayer Should Be Allowed in Public Schools

Prayer Should Be Allowed in Public Schools School prayer is a very controversial issue in today’s society. The issue of school prayer is about whether the public school systems should let the students pray, at the start of the school day, as a class. The issue of school prayer began in the late sixteenth century when people in England did not approve of the way one religion was forced upon them, so the Puritans, known as the Pilgrims decided to come to the colonies. Even in the colonies the Pilgrims had problems with religion they had to sometimes resort to highly creative strategies in order to pray. When people were caught having a secret service they would have to face the consequences that the law enforced, whether it was going†¦show more content†¦Prayer should allowed in the public school system because prayer is an important part of America’s rich spiritual heritage. All throughout the history of America there have been many important documents written of our country that have references t o â€Å"Almighty God,† â€Å"Thy Blessings,† and â€Å"Our dependence upon Thee.† These include: the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address, the national anthem, and the presidential oath (Haas, 1995, p. 39). In school students always say the pledge, which states, â€Å"One Nation Under God.† A prayer says that students just want to ask for a good day and guidance throughout the day. Not only do important documents of our country refer to God but also the words â€Å"In God We Trust† are engraved on all coins minted and bills pressed in the United States (1995, p. 39). There are two parts of the American tradition and they are prayer and religion (1995, p. 39). If society keeps prayer out of the public schools, they are teaching the students that traditions are not important and that what this country was founded upon does not matter. Does society want to raise a group of young people to disrespect what their forefathers want ed; religious freedom? If that is the case then why do people try to keep this country working at its prime when trouble occurs? People do not want to see this nation fall but in the end itShow MoreRelatedEssay on Prayer Should Not be Allowed in Public Schools1051 Words   |  5 PagesPrayer Should Not be Allowed in Public Schools School prayer is a very controversial issue in today’s society. This issue has been a problem since America was first founded, in that the country was founded on religious beliefs. The Pilgrims wanted to be able to express their beliefs freely, but in England this freedom was not found, so they decided to come to the Americas, where their beliefs could be expressed freely. As time passed they realized that having this kind of freedomRead MoreThe Constitutionality of Prayer in Public Schools Essay698 Words   |  3 PagesMany people agree against prayer in public schools, while others think that people should be able to express their religion in their own ways. In public schools, they are not allowed to hold prayers at all during the school day due to the mixed religion students that are attending the school. Over the past few years, this has become an extremely controversial issue in our nation. Many people find it proper to pray in school but many people also agree that it is extremely wrong and that if thereRead MoreShould Prayer Be Allowed? School?1623 Words   |  7 Pagesthat prayer should be allowed in school. On the flip side to that those that feel the government does not have enough power and tend to disagree with pear being allowed in school. Based off articles researched and statistics gathered as well summarized it can be determined that those that are of the conservative and or republican party tend to feel that the government should not have a say in prayer in school. This may be because of religious preference or their belief that government should notRead MoreReligion in Public Schools Essay1131 Words   |  5 PagesReligion in school is the practice of any personal religious beliefs in a place of education. Introduction: In recent years teaching or the individual practice of religion in school has become a very controversial topic. There are many different views on this matter and even more opinions on how it should be handled. There are people on both sides of the spectrum, there are those who believe that it should be taught and allowed in school, and there are those who believe it should not be taughtRead MorePrayer in Schools Essay1215 Words   |  5 PagesPrayer in Public School There are many different philosophies regarding prayer in public school. It seems to be a difficult issue to decide upon. The opinions are wide-ranging and convoluted. This paper will attempt to highlight the many ideas and opinions as to whether prayers in public school should be allowed and to what extent. It will further show how our founders idea of a separate church and state has been taken out of context and why prayer in school should be allowed, but not requiredRead MoreEssay on Prayer in Public Schools1051 Words   |  5 PagesPrayer in Public Schools An issue that has been constantly debated for years is whether voluntary prayer in public schools should be permitted. A student should be allowed to pray voluntarily at the beginning of each school day based on many reasons. Prayer based on moral beliefs reinforce good citizenship as defined by our forefathers. A daily reminder of a need for the belief of good over evil is a necessary part of this society. Daily voluntary school prayer should be re-instated in publicRead More Religion in Public Schools - More Questions than Answers Essay examples1161 Words   |  5 PagesPrayer in Public Schools - More Questions than Answers    Censorship is a very broad topic.   Is it good or bad?   Often, we ask ourselves if such things need to exist because of the First Amendment right.   It states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.   (AmendmentsRead MoreEssay on School Prayer Should Be Allowed729 Words   |  3 Pages School Prayer Should Be Allowed I attended twelve years of Catholic School. My parents consented to the decision of my enrollment and they knew what was involved. They knew that the study of God and prayer was mandatory. Prayer in school in my case produced and environment of discipline and respect for the teachers. The involvement of my parents and the faculty in the use of prayer was in full agreement. However, my view was not even considered important. My rights had been violated. The FirstRead MoreThe Prayer On Public Schools1240 Words   |  5 PagesFor much of the 20th Century and into the 21st, school prayer has been the focal point of an ongoing debate about the position of religion in American civilization. The question of the legality of prayer in public schools brings together a number of important notions in American government and legal philosophy. Opponents and proponents of school prayer set forth their arguments in such major constitutional issues as the separation of church and state, the right to free exercise of religion, and theRead MoreShould Public Schools Begin The Day With A Silent Prayer Time?870 Words   |  4 Pages Should Public Schools Begin the Day with a Silent Prayer Time? Beginning the day with a silent prayer time in public schools is a very controversial topic. Some people say that prayer should not be allowed in public schools because public schools are funded by the tax payers, who are not all religious. Others say that prayer should be allowed in public schools because it would acknowledge the religious and spiritual heritage of America, and that it would improve the school environment and society

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Teaching and Training in Post-Compulsory Education

Question: Describe about the Teaching and Training in Post-Compulsory Education? Answer: Introduction "Of Mice and Men" was written in 1937 by John Steinbeck and has brought him wide acclaim as a writer. The book has many themes that can be explored and has many dimensions that can be explored in regards to the four theoretical perspectives. "Of Mice and Men" instructs a harsh session about the characteristics of individual lifestyle. Nearly all of the figures, such as George, Candy, Crooks, Lennie, and Curley's spouse, confess, at once or another, to having a powerful feeling of solitude. Every wish the comfort of an amigo, however, will arrange for the watchful ear of a new individual. Curley's mate admits to Crooks, Candy, and Lennie that she is unfortunately married, and Crooks illuminates Lennie that way of life is no greatness without an accomplice to change over to in times of misconceptions and need. The figures are conveyed miserable by their isolation, but, even in the most delicate, they mean to take out the individuals who are even lazier than they. Maybe the most exceedingly powerful cases of this horrible inclination are when Crooks scrutinize Lennie's craving of the town and his reliance on George. Having quite recently admitted his vulnerabilitieshe is a dull man with a curved returning who wishes for bro therhood Crooks zeroes in on Lennie's wrong focuses. Crooks appear at his most effective when he has almost diminished Lennie to weeping for stress that something terrible has struck George, pretty much as Curley's mate appears to be most very powerful when she expects to have Crooks lynched. The novella demonstrates that the most perceptible sort of quality that used to mistreat othersis it made from a frail point. Teaching Perspective Personal Growth Personal growth contains exercises that enhance consideration and identification, create capacities and potential, from individual capital and fulfil availability, enhance absolute health and advance the comprehension of objectives and wishes. The thought is not limited to self-improvement yet contains official and casual exercises for making others in parts, for example, coach, guide, expert, administrator, or mentor. When personal growth occurs, it speaks to the strategies, programs, assets, techniques, and evaluation systems that bolster self-improvement at the individual level in organizations. Personal growth can also consist of creating other people. This may take the position through positions such as those of an instructor or coach, either through a personal proficiency or a professional service. Beyond improving yourself and creating others, personal growth is an area of exercise and analysis. As an area of exercise, it contains personal growth techniques, learning applications, evaluation techniques, resources and techniques. Financial, exploratory, administrative, individual or business improvement obliges a system if one craving know whether the adjustment has happened. In the case of personal growth, an individual frequently emphasizes as the essential survey of change, yet acknowledgment of reason change needs evaluation utilizing standard prerequisites. Personal growth structures may include objectives or prerequisites that make sense of the endpoints, methods or arrangements for accomplishing objectives, figure and appraisal of change, levels or levels that make sense of objectives along an advanced way, and an audit framework to convey adjust. Cultural Heritage "Cultural Heritage" is an overall look at the techniques of living developed by a group and approved on from growth to growth, such as traditions, techniques, places, aspects, impressive overall look and ideas. "Cultural Heritage" is often indicated as either impalpable or concrete. As an aspect of personal action "Cultural Heritage" generates impalpable, representative of the valuation techniques, ideas, traditions and way of way of life. As a crucial aspect of the way of way of life as a whole, "Cultural Heritage", holds these identifiable and tangible details kind antiquities to past periods. Skills Model One of the major benefits of a skill-based concept of teaching is that it understands that anyone can become an innovator. Individuals need only to do their best to create the capabilities of a good innovator to be effective. This is motivating for individuals who are enthusiastic about doing the best, but do not have the characteristics or natural capabilities suggested in other teaching concepts. A skills-based teaching concept also makes it simple to decide on an innovator by taking stock of each potential leader's capability in the important areas. The capability design has an unclear line with other teaching designs, such as the feather design. The growth of many of the capabilities is intensely affected by personal characteristics. In addition, common knowledge and the ability to learn capabilities can have origins in scientific characteristics. The capability design also does not offer many details for why and how these particular capabilities impact teaching. Instead, it concentrates more on determining the capabilities. Cultural Analysis The used analysis of culture, often such as marketing and press products, in order to provide perspective for a customer's business or understanding into a market. This may be performed together with an interview-based analysis, but it may also be performed quite individually since it can depend entirely on openly available visible and textual information. Connection with the text Personal Growth Steinbeck researches various types of quality and drowsiness all through the novel. The principal, and most self-evident, are the genuine quality. As the story uncovers, Steinbeck uncovers how Lennie gives genuine quality past his administration, as when he can't help evacuating the mice. Astounding genuine quality is, similar to money, truly valuable to men in George and Lennie's circumstances. Curley, as an image of vitality of the town and a champion military craftsman, makes this undeniably promptly by utilizing his brutish quality and focused restraint to terrify the men and his accomplice. Physical quality is by all account, not the only vitality that persecutes the men. It is the organization, aggressive individual penchants, not Curley; that annihilation Lennie and George at last. Lennie's genuine measurement and quality approve pitifully; in the experience of these universally revitalizes, he happens to be sad and, consequently, non-reusable. Cultural Heritage A large number of the figures recognize to influence by intense isolation. George places the general tone for these admissions starting in the novella when he educates Lennie that the way of life of a farm hand is among the loneliest of ways of life. Men like George, who move starting with one ranch, then onto the next barely ever have anybody to look to for organization and security. As the tail produces, Candy, Crooks, and Curley's companion all recognize their solid isolation. The point that they recognize to complete obscure individuals, their stress of being thrown off uncovers their disappointment. On a globe without amigos to open up to, obscure individuals will need to do. Each of these figures questions for a pal, somebody to help them assess the globe, as Crooks says. At last, then again, the organization of his sort appears to be unattainable. For George, the wish of such organization passes away with Lennie, and genuine to his extraordinary assessment, he will experience a way of life alone. Skills Model The interpretation of females in "Of Mice and Men" is limited and ugly. We comprehend with that George and Lennie are on the run from the past homestead where they demonstrated supportive, because of encountering issues there with a woman. Misinterpretation Lennie's similar to of smooth elements; a woman accused him of rape for in contact with her outfit. George scolds Lennie for his activities, yet is guaranteed that females are dependably the reason for such issues. Their alluring sex, he considers, entices men something in the strategies they would somehow or other not. An excursion to the "flophouse" is sufficient for females for George, and he has no wish for a ladies accomplice or companion. Curley's companion, the main woman to show up in "Of Mice and Men", appears to be initially moving down George's viewpoint on the wedding. Disillusioned with her wedding to a British man and tired of a way of life on the homestead, she is consistently searching for happiness or issues. In one of her additionally uncovering minutes, she means to have the dull stable-hand lynched on the off chance that he fuss about her to the supervisor. Her emphasis on teasing with Lennie shuts her unfortunate predetermination. Despite the fact that Steinbeck does, ultimately, give a strong point of view of Curley's mate by empowering her to discourse her failure and her own wish for a superior way of life, females have no position in the creator's admired viewpoint of a globe sorted out around the kindly ties between men. Cultural Analysis The vast majority of the figures in "Of Mice and Men" admit, at some point, to think about an alternate life. Prior to her death toll, Curley's companion admits her wish to be a big name. Hooligans, terrible as he may be, permit himself the agreeable long for trusting a spot of yard on Lennie's town one day, and Candy hooks on genuinely to George's point of view of having various mile. Prior to the action of the story begins, the conditions have misled out the majority of the figures of these wishes. Curley's life partner, for instance, has accommodated herself in a not fulfilling wedding. Lennie and George's wish of having a town, which would permit them to look after themselves, and, in particular, give them security from a disagreeable globe, symbolise a prototypically United States society. Their excursion, which awakens to the invisibility of this wish, shockingly, demonstrates that the awful Crooks are correct: such havens of freedom, fulfilment, and insurance are not to be fou nd on this globe. Conclusion In the novel "On Mice and Men" three things can be learned, those are the pain of isolation, need of relationship, and how to dream. Isolation: A typical or worldwide concept throughout literary works is the concept of solitude. Throughout this novel, each personality encounters their kind of solitude or solitude. It is very exciting to monitor this concept and its effects as the tale advances. Some figures have actual solitude or solitude such as the constant money while others like Curley's spouse experience emotional solitude. Relationship: As a migrant employee jumping from farm to farm most men did not keep durable relationships. This is why Lennie and Henry's relationship is idealized by so many in the tale. Despite the point that their relationship is non-traditional, the concept dominates that having someone is better than no one. Desires: Throughout the novel the repeating of Lennie saying their desire has provided a feeling to people that it is obtainable. However, having their farm never is or becomes a truth because of all that appears in their way. What is essential about this concept is that the wish of it keeps the men alive. It gives them a purpose to keep going, to perform and to preserve. Reference Armitage, A. (2007). Teaching and training in post-compulsory education. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press. Armitage, A., Evershed, J., Hayes, D. (2012). Teaching and Training in Lifelong Learning. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education. Blake, R., Blake, B. (2012). Becoming a teacher. New York: Peter Lang. Campoy, R. (2005). Case study analysis in the classroom. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Fawbert, F., Barton, A. (2003). Teaching in post-compulsory education. London: Continuum. Ginsberg, M., Wlodkowski, R. (2009). Diversity and motivation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Green, A. (2011). Becoming a reflective English teacher. Maidenhead: Open University Press, McGraw-Hill. Harris, A. (2010). Examining and facilitating reflection to improve professional practice. Lanham, Md.: Rowman Littlefield Publishers. Johnson, S., Siegel, H., Winch, C. (2010). Teaching thinking skills. London: Continuum International Pub. Group. Khalsa, S. (2007). Teaching discipline self-respect. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Marzano, R., Boogren, T., Heflebower, T., Kanold-McIntyre, J., Pickering, D. (2012). Becoming a reflective teacher. Bloomington, Ind.: Marzano Research Laboratory. O'Sullivan, E., Morrell, A., O'Connor, M. (2002). Expanding the boundaries of transformative learning. New York, N.Y.: Palgrave. Petty, G. (2004). Teaching today. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. Poulson, L., Wallace, M. (2004). Learning to read critically in teaching and learning. London: Sage Publications. Race, P., Pickford, R. (2007). Making teaching work. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Vitto, J. (2003). Relationship-driven classroom management. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Video games good or bad free essay sample

Spending hours upon hours playing video games, one would think that they would start to influence the day to day life. This controversy is brought up in the article â€Å"Defending Video Games: Breeding Evil?† written by the editor of The article argues that violent video games do not necessarily make viewers violent, but may in fact be beneficial to the user’s health. The main topic is proving games do not influence their audience to the extent of behavioral changes in the gamers. The editor uncovers how most research gives little evidence to support that claim. He shows that in fact games can be used as outlets for anger to decrease the amount of stress in users’ life. This article shows compelling arguments to prove video games do not promote violence or addiction for viewers. The editor uses proven research, logos, and concrete facts to persuade readers. The editor shows in many examples the research on violent video games. We will write a custom essay sample on Video games: good or bad? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page First he brings to light that during the time gaming has become most popular, violent crime has fallen by half. Showing this makes the reader recognize that games may not be the cause of the misbehaved youth, but instead it may be from thousands of other problems citizens face in their lives. It also leads one to think that possibly the fact that teens are locked in their bedrooms playing games all day, they will have little time to do anything else, like committing a crime. The editor also uses a successful tactic to take most of the blame off of video games by comparing the amount of time users played video games, to the amount of time they spent watching television. Teenagers spend almost twenty five hours watching television every week, where they only play games about thirteen a week. Comparing the two makes readers step back to think about where the real problem of negative influences comes from in edition to how they might be contributing to it. Most parents would agree that the content on television would be highly influential to their children, making video games seem a little bit more harmless to the reader, where as television would become the villain. The use of logos in the article is to show readers how the users are not affected by the intense violent behavior in some games. To show contrast the  editor incorporates how good games can increase intelligence, and educate viewers. Readers are pulled in by the fact that games can be a useful tool to spread education for schools and businesses. The editor was successful in making a strong argument to prove games can be a positive thing. He also made the point to explain how users can be tasked with making quick decisions and evaluating risks to further prove his point. The editor uses logic to persuade his audience by saying â€Å"gaming actually makes people less violent, by acting as a safety valve†. Most readers would agree that having a creative outlet to get rid of stress would decrease the amount of anger and aggression they have. This article is targeting the older audience to persuade them to have a more open mind towards things they don’t fully comprehend. The editor compares generations by reminding the audience of Socrates, and how he thought the people relied on written text to much rather than talking to each other. Socrates said that reading would â€Å"create forgetfulness in the learner’s souls†. The editor uses this to remind readers how not all things are as black and white as they seem witch will appeal to the logic in most people. Many people today would say the complete opposite of books and instead praise them for giving children more imagination. They would possibly find it illogical to not read books. Is it not safe to say the same about games? In every game is a different story line, with many adventures that challenge the users mind into finding their own creative solution. The editor incorporates quoted facts into the article to show the reader how games are not America’s worst problem. The reader can see the undeniable argument with this approach. He tells of how Waltz music and dancing was condemned in the 19th century when teenagers then had the courage to step out of line to try and express their own creative thoughts. By giving almost identical issues a head on glance the reader sees a new prospective on video games. Having in mind the change in generations, the reader will think back to a time when they were young and their elders disapproved of many of the choices they made when they took a stand for what they loved. Taking the reader back to their childhood is an effective way to argue against video games. It brings the nostalgia of the audience’s youth back to them. These statements make the topic of violent video games seem like the issue will  disappear in the not to far off future when today’s generation finds an issue that seems more demanding of their time. The editor incorporates the fact that there is no evidence that can connect violence to video games, making it hard to believe games are all that bad. Readers see a pattern that concedes the statements against video games are false by the many undeniable facts, proven by research. The statistics, logos, and facts in this article proved to be a successful way to grab the reader’s attention. The editor’s points changed the way readers viewed games and provided a new image in their minds. His arguments were well pointed and used many tactics on how to grab the reader’s attention. â€Å"Defending Video Games: Breeding Evil?† can be considered a well rounded article that made readers think hard on what is really causing the violence and misbehavior of today’s children. The article had many tactics that were used to persuade the user effectively. When presented this article most readers would agree with the statements made. Reading this, parents would almost want to encourage their children to play more educational video games to improve their intelligence.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Expansion of urban and rural urbanization in Taiwan

Expansion of urban and rural urbanization in Taiwan Definition of Urbanization The term urbanization can be looked at from diverse perspectives. First, urbanization can be explained to be the convergence of populations. Secondly, urbanization can be described as the process in which the movement of people into a given city translates into an urban way of living. Thirdly, it is the diffusion of the urban living to agricultural oriented regions.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Expansion of urban and rural urbanization in Taiwan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Fourthly, urbanization is the progression in which the magnitude of people residing in urban places multiplies (Yeung and Lo, 1996). Due to its quantitative nature, the last definition is the mostly applicable. Urbanization can therefore be generally defined as the process in which the magnitude of people residing in urban places increases with the growth in economy (Yeung and Lo, 1996). Urbanization in l ight of Taiwan In Taiwan, cities with at least 50000 people are considered as urban centers. Administratively, Taiwan is partitioned into central municipalities, provincial cities and prefectures that are two five and sixteen in number respectively (Yeung and Lo, 1996). Each prefecture encompasses at least one central city, a number of towns and several rural districts. Whereas both central municipalities and provincial cities are bigger in size, prefectures are of standard sizes, each with their central cities acting as their respective administrative centers. On the other hand, prefectural rural towns comprise of rural regions and mid-urban townships. Furthermore, Taiwan has been partitioned into four main parts: the Northern, Southern, Eastern and Central parts for planning purposes (Yeung and Lo, 1996). The ratio of the urban population to the total population determines the degree of Taiwanian urbanization. Statistically, the level of urbanization in Taiwan has escalated over t ime, that is, from 24.1% in 1950 to over 74.1% in the twenty first century (Yeung and Lo, 1996). Statistics also indicate that the gap between annual population growth rate and the urbanization growth rates has narrowed over time, since 1950 to most recently. This shows that the movement of people from the agricultural regions to urban cities had started to ease. Primarily, industrialization was the main cause of the high urban growth rate (Yeung and Lo, 1996).Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Apart from industrialization, a high birth rate emanating from mass flow of youth to the urban areas is also another determinant of high growth experienced in urban centers. Administratively, cities in Taiwan are in four groups: â€Å"Central municipalities, provincial cities, prefectural cities and towns plus rural areas† (Yeung and Lo, 1996). Statistics sho w that between 1961 and 1989, the yearly average growth rate of the central municipalities was more than the annual growth of Taiwan itself. Prefectural cities had the fastest growth, towns and rural areas had the lowest rate of growth compared to the natural population growth rate. This shows that there has been much out migration. Most of the intermediary prefectural cities are located close to the metropolis, and in this way, they contribute towards metropolitan development (Yeung and Lo, 1996). Statistics also indicate that the rate at which small and medium sized cities are expanding is higher than that of the bigger ones. After 1980, majority of the Island’s (Taiwan’s) major cities have been located mainly in the central, southern and northern regions. This can be attributed to the accompanying spontaneous rate of development in these regions. The Eastern part has lagged behind in development mainly due to its mountainous nature that renders both transportation a nd communication cumbersome. Since 1960, the spatial distribution of cities has been inclined towards the north and south. Although there is a metropolitan area in each region, the Eastern part is devoid of any. Taiwan’s urban system â€Å"An urban system is defined in terms of size, function, and service area (or area of influence), and by differences in the social, economic, and cultural activities of cities within a specific region. Spatially speaking, a hierarchical relationship is formed. Cities higher in the hierarchy are larger and have a higher functional level. They also have a more expanded sphere of influence and complex social, economic, and cultural characteristics. Cities within the hierarchy perform functions according to a division of labour. These close ties create an orderly relationship within the system† (Yeung and Lo, 1996).Taiwan can be classified into five hierarchical levels. The first level is agricultural villages that are found after about ev ery 2-5 kilometers and have an estimated population of 4000 people. General towns are in the second level with a minimum and maximum population of 10000 and 50000 respectively. They are found between like every 10 kilometers. Local centers are found in the third level. They are independent towns, with majority being located in metropolitan regions. Their population can range between 100000-500000 people.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Expansion of urban and rural urbanization in Taiwan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They are interspersed between 15-40 intervals within a sphere of influence of between 2000000-800000 persons. The third level is occupied by the regional centers, which are mostly located in metropolitan areas, although some like Taitung and Hualien, are independent towns with a population of up to and exceeding two million people. They are located about 80 kilometers apart. Level five compri ses of the political, cultural and economic center of Taiwan Taipei. It has an area of influence covering about 5 million people. The whole Taipei metropolitan region is Taipei’s sphere of influence. The time required to travel between the northern and southern regions has been greatly reduced over the last four decades. This has been enhanced by not only the installation of the railway electrification, but also by completion of the Sun Yatsen Freeway (Yeung and Lo, 1996). Population and employment in Taiwan The population of Taiwan exponentially skyrocketed between 1950 and 1990. This one of the world’s biggest growth in population was determined mainly by high birth rate since there was no international in-migration by then. However, with time, the birth rate has been reducing to an increase in the level of education and introduction of population policy that requires fewer children per family. Population in Taiwan has been classified into three: the youth, working class, and the elderly (Yeung and Lo, 1996). Over time, the working class has been the leading in number, Due to the presence of a metropolis (Taipei), the northern region has attracted majority of the population. Being the first city on the island to be globalized, Taipei has employed many people than any other city. The population in the Central, Eastern, and Southern parts has on the other hand been declining over time (Yeung and Lo, 1996). The secondary industry has been the main leading in providing employment to Taiwan people. The primary industry, though responsible for provision of employment through agriculture, forestry, and fishery, has declined. Tertiary employment has been rising gradually (Yeung and Lo, 1996). Expanding urbanization in the urban areas to minimize water pollution Taiwan like other Low Economically Developed Countries, experiences three main challenges. These are high population growth rate, reduced income levels, ineffective planning, and administrative mechanisms to handle the high population (Boult, 1999). The northern region is loaded with many industries that contribute to both water and air pollution.Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There is raw sewage from the households, increased application of fertilizers and pesticides, and contamination of clean water sources resulting to water pollution (Shambaugh, 1998. p.190). Besides industrial fumes, the use of automobiles such as buses, cars, and motorbikes has contributed to air pollution in Taiwan for decades (Shambaugh, 1998. p.192). There are also cases of soil pollution due to use of heavy metals and pesticides (Shambaugh, 1998. p.191). Taiwan is therefore faced with the hurdles of containing the impacts of economic growth and ensuring there is a sustainable dependency of its citizens on the Island’s economic resources (Elliot, 1999). To minimize pollution, Taiwan ought to initiate some legal requirements and fines. For example, companies found to be disposing wastes illegally should be fined, enlightening citizens on environmental aspects, directing all new vehicles to be fitted with catalytic chambers, among other restrictions (Boult, 1999). Strategies that can be implemented to help minimize rural-urban migration include creating job opportunities in the rural, introducing better educational and social services, and developing good transport network to encourage people to commute and live out of the city (Boult, 1999). Expanding urbanization to solve congestion and overpopulation As stated earlier, urbanization entails two key aspects. These are proportion of people residing in urban areas and growth in economy. In Taiwan, even though there is overpopulation within its urban centers, the growth in economy has not yet reached the level of sustaining the already increased population. Taiwan’s concentration of cities within the northern region has led to an increase in the rural urban migration. Just like other developing countries like China, Mexico, and Brazil among others, Taiwan is still a hub of overpopulation and poverty. This is due to the fact that, many people migrate from the rural districts to the urban areas in s uch for employment and better standards of living. Given that not all of them can be absorbed in employment, there are cases of congestion strain on available resources and anonymity that eventually leads to a reduction in the value system. Vices like crime and other conflicting social values set in. Generally, effects of overpopulation include: unemployment, overcrowding leading to depletion of resources, reduced living standards that curtail economic development, land fragmentation that impedes agriculture, and slum development resulting to air and water pollution, inability of the affected city to offer equitable and quality education and medical care to all and poverty, misuse of free land and deforestation (Boult, 1999). Given that Taiwan’s urban areas are more populated than its rural districts, expanding urbanization in the rural areas demands that the Taiwan government comes up with mechanisms to de-congest the urban centers. This may include investing in the health i ndustry, limiting car use, introducing lead-free fuel and putting up self-contained residences to help elevate people’s quality of life (Boult, 1999). As it has been the case in Los Angeles, railway transport can be spread to the agricultural areas to help development of such regions (Thisdell, 1993). The success of the development of new towns and industries in the southern region will be enhanced by efficient transport network between the rural parts and the metropolitan regions (Chaffey, 1994). There has been a decline in the agricultural (primary) industry and this could be one of the ways to revive it. To encourage employment, the informal sector should be established (Boult, 1999). Like other cities like Los Angeles, Taiwan ought to undertake some measures in the transport sector to minimize traffic congestion. For instance, creating an integrated underground route for passage of trains and other vehicles (Thisdell, 1993) or minimizing dependency on automobiles by devel oping a transport means that is pedestrian/cycle oriented, like has been done by other cities around the world (Newman, 1999). Conclusion Taiwan like other developing nations is experiencing industrialization and urbanization. This has led to a rise in rural – urban migration resulting to overpopulation, congestion, and pollution, which are a threat to sustainable development (Adams, 1999). These effects have in turn hampered economic growth, which is a vital ingredient in true urbanization. To disentangle itself from this problem, Taiwan should expand urbanization by spreading its industries to rural areas and technologically contain the situation in its northern region. This will help decongest the northern region. Investing more in education and health sectors and restructuring the transport system like other cities in the world have tackled it will help Taiwan stand the challenge of urbanization. This is the only way to ensure that there is sustainable development on this island. References Adams, W. N. (1999). Introducing Human Geographies: Sustainability. London: Arnold pub. (Attached material). Boult, B. et al. (1999). People, places and themes. Oxford: Heinemann. (Attached material). Chaffey, J. (1994). Core Geography: The challenge of urbanization. London: Longman publishers. (Attached material). Elliot, J. A. (1999). An introduction to sustainable development. London: Routledge. (Attached material). Newman, P. (1999). Transport: Reducing automobile dependence (p. 67-92). London: Earthscan publications. (Attached material). Shambaugh, D. (1998). Contemporary Taiwan. New York: Oxford University Press. Web. Thisdell, D. (1993). Can L.A kick the car habit? New Scientist. (Attached material). Yeung, Y. and Lo, F. (1996). Emerging world cities in Pacific Asia. Tokyo: United Nations University Press. Web.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Bamboo in the Wind by Azucena Uranza

Bamboo in the Wind by Azucena Uranza CN: 14 Teng, Marc Gabriel Kiac 16 December 2013H.S. IV-DBamboo in the WindFrom the title itself, 'Bamboo in the Wind' indicates the Filipinos' resilience, just as a bamboo tends to bend with the wind. Although the plot revolves around the Marcos' regime, the cast of characters is able to cope with the changes in the society. In the novel, the character of Larry depicts the idealism turned to realism due to his resilience in the awakening of the Filipinos from their idyllic dream of a better Philippines, especially in the means to do so.Returning from the United States, the land of dreams, Larry begins as an idealist because a man's ideal dream is to live a life that's happily ever after, evident from the text"He had been eager to leave at first. But when the time drew near, he wanted to give up, preferring to stay and work.Bacolod Public Plaza during bicycle races in 1901,...In the U.S., he worked for a while after getting his degree but found no point in prolonging his stay in a for eign land. His place was home. And here he was, he thought happily, home at last, starting a new life, like a rebirth."Furthermore, although he says the line to Connie "I can't be expected to fall in love with a political entity called a nation," his actions do not reflect his words; in fact, it is even Connie who informs Larry of the political situation, which is exemplified in the lines of Connie,"Why should the government be so lavish in its so-called cultural programs, why should we at Holy Trinity pour out a lot of money on so much nonsense, while Jenny languished in Sta. Monica to grow up illiterate because the government and citizens like us can't afford or...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Term papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Term papers - Essay Example Musical acculturation is mostly enabled by colonial or political domination along with the social unrest that follows. Musical acculturation has to do with that hybridization influence brought about by alien elements of music. This paper seeks to show the hybridizing influence of European musical elements on African American music. Despite the fact that West African music differed from one region to the other, all cultures within this region shared sufficient features that enabled them to constitute a heritage that was identifiable as African when they were trans-located to the New World (Jackson 25). From the accounts given by early traders and explorers, it has been deduced that music was a lifestyle of these West Africans. It was used to enhance rituals, worship, provide recreation, and as a means of communication. These cultures shared a characteristic feature in integrating music with dramatic elements and dance. When they were enslaved and stripped of their community and families, their rich stories, customs, traditions, and music remained with them and were passed the new generation. On arrival in the new world, they were designated as heathens and the clergymen of the time were compelled to convert the Africans to Christianity. This religious conversion acted as the first instance in which the Africans were exposed to European music with the singing of hymns and psalms (Jackson 25). They often gathered, on Sundays, to make music, sing, and dance. The first all the black worship churches were established in the 18th century with Reverend Allen Richard realizing the importance that music held for the people, publishing a hymnal for use by the Africans. These black churches provided the people with opportunities earlier denied to them, for instance the experimentation with religious music from set pieces to formal anthems and lowly spirituals

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Impact of internet on travel agencies in UK Essay

Impact of internet on travel agencies in UK - Essay Example This essay "Impact of internet on travel agencies in UK" outlines the whole changes that the Internet brought in the travel industry. The travel agencies have a very hectic service to provide to its customers. Traveling to a new location is a very hectic and risky enterprise. The tourists have to take into account very small details in traveling which they might not consider when at home. These include travel and mode of travel, the costs and expenditures, the number of days that the tourists plan to stay, locations where they want to travel and the times set for that, food and accommodation, good maintenance services for clothing, dining, eating etc., and recreational spots etc. A travel agent therefore, not only has to help the tourist decide where he or she should go for the vacation but also has to take care of these essential and miniscule details. The more thorough the travel agent is in planning the whole trip for the client, the better ranked the company is. But all these arr angements cannot take place without the essential ingredient of money. The client’s choice of tourism spot is largely dictated by the amount of money he or she can spend on the trip. Again it is the travel agent who should have the ingenuity of choosing travel spot that is right for the client, is able to provide the necessary services required and lets the customer think that he or she is getting a great deal. So where does the internet help in all this? The internet simply stating, has become the tool that organizes and categorizes this vast information. into a form that is both comprehendible to the client and that is able to provide the necessary information to the reader, without encroaching too much (Deimezi and Buhalis, 2003, np)

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Foods Market Essay Example for Free

Foods Market Essay For months, Whole Foods Market and its legal team have waged a very public battle against the Federal Trade Commission’s charges that the high-end grocer’s 2007 merger with Wild Oats Markets violated antitrust laws. The court fight started in June 2007 when FTC lawyers first tried to prevent the merger by filing suit in the U. S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Then, last October, Whole Foods raised the stakes by unleashing lobbying and media campaigns against the FTC. After all of that, this morning’s announcement that Whole Foods has agreed to settle with the FTC raises an obvious question: Why? Decherd partner Paul Denis, who has represented Whole Foods since 2007 in defending the merger, says it came down to money, and Whole Foods also just wanted to move on. â€Å"This is a very expensive process,† he says, adding that Whole Foods â€Å"thought if made sense to try to eliminate that cash burden. † In December, Whole Foods said it had spent $16 million on attorney and expert fees since 2007. Asked whether allocating additional resources to the public fight against the FTC was worth it for his client, Denis says, â€Å"You do what you have to defend yourself. †¦You can never ask yourself is it worth it. †

Friday, November 15, 2019

An Analysis of the Characters of The Canterbury Tales :: Canterbury Tales Essays

An Analysis of the Characters of The Canterbury Tales An interesting aspect of the famous literary work, "The Canterbury Tales," is the contrast of realistic and exaggerated qualities that Chaucer entitles to each of his characters. When viewed more closely, one can determine whether each of the characters is convincing or questionable based on their personalities. This essay will analyze the characteristics and personalities of the Knight, Squire, Monk, Plowman, Miller, and Parson of Chaucer's tale. One of Geoffrey's less believable main characters is the Knight, for reasons of chivalry. The knight displays many traits which make him seem almost too good to be true, and a true gentleman that rarely exists in reality. The narrator sums up the knights character by stating that "Though he were worthy, he was wys,/And of his port as meeke as is a mayde." (pg. 5, The Canterbury Tales) The knight holds four main admirable traits, making him the most liked traveler in "The Canterbury Tales," and also amplying the doubt of his realism. The reader is prepared to learn of each of his noble accomplishments and importance when the narrator remarks that" A knight ther was, and that a worthy man,/That fro the tyme that he first bigan/To ryden out, he loved chivalrye,/Trouthe and honour, fredom and curteisye." (pg. 4, The Canterbury Tales) From the characters impressive introduction, it is clear that this man is the most valued and honorable traveler among the group. This perfect gentleman hol ds a love of ideals that are often not displayed by people. First and foremost, he believes in the ideals of chivalry, and always stays true to its principles. He also feels that one should be honest, truthful and faithful, which many people are not all of these ideals. The knight thinks one should only do what is right, and what will gain him honor and reputation. This character also believes in freedom and generosity towards all, and displays this ideal repeatedly throughout the novel. And lastly, the knight also strongly feels that any proper person should display courtesy and elegance at all times. Another aspect of this character's life which makes him seem too prestigious to be truthful is his impressive military career. He fought in the holy war, known as the Crusades and was involved in 15 "mortal battles." In the prologue, the narrator informs the reader that "Ful worthy was he in his lordes werre,/And therto hadde he riden, no man ferre,/As wel in Cristendom as hethenesse, /And ever honoured for his worthinesse.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Outline on Genital Herpes

Kamara Gayle Outline of Major Report November 12, 2011 Title: An Introduction to Genital Herpes Introduction The definition of Genital Herpes Symptoms of Genital Herpes Treatment for Genital herpes The definition of Genital Herpes. A. Definition 1. Genital herpes is highly contagious, sexually transmitted viral infection of the genital and anal regions caused by herpes simplex virus and characterized by small clusters of painful lesions. B. First discovered by Hippocrates in the early ancient Greek times.Hippocrates was a Greek physician and that was highly reckoned as the superlative physician of his time. The human body and observation was his main focus and medical practice. Hippocrates discovered that illness in the body was not caused by superstitions and by possession of evil spirit. Based on his study he realized that the body must be treated as a whole and not just series of parts, natural healing process of rest, a good diet, fresh air, cleanliness. However, severity of symp toms varys from one person to another and thoughts, ideas, feeling come from the brain and the heart.C. Rate of occurrence 50 to 80 percent of the adult populations have Genital Herpes. Approximately 1 out of 5 female ages from 14 to 49 and Approximately 1 out of 9 male ages from 14 to 49 have Genital Herpes. Most of the time these individuals do not know they have the virus D. Causes Being female Being born to a mother with active genital herpes during pregnancy or delivery Having a compromised immune system due to medications or such conditions as HIV/AIDS Having multiple sexual partnersHaving unprotected sex, including vaginal, oral, or anal sex, with a partner who has had one or more other sexual partners History of another sexually transmitted disease III. Symptoms of Genital Herpes A. Primary Infection Painful red blister that burst to leave open sores around the genitals, rectum (back passage) The blistering and ulcers on the cervix In woman a vaginal discharge Very painfull when passing urine Temperature fever of 38Â ° C (100. 4 Â °F) or over Not feeling well with aches and pain in general B. Recurrent Infection Signaled by a tingling sensation Itching in the genital areasPain in the buttocks or down the leg IV. Treatments for Genital Herpes A. Oral medications Famciclovir (Farmvir) Valacyclovir (Valtrex) Acyclovir (Zovirax) These prevent the virus from multiplying and even shorten the length of eruption. B. Self-care at home Avoid excessive heat or sunlight that makes the irritation more uncomfortable. Do not used perfume or antibacterials soaps, feminine deodorant or douches. Wear comfortable loose fitting cotton clothing. Take aspen, acetaminopen (tylenol and others) Used cool cloths on the affected area if it soothes the pain. V. Conclusion

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Causes of the Rise in Global Temperatures

The causes of the rise in global temperatures have been quite controversial to many scholars, relating it to different arguments which are attributed to questions of the unavoidability of the said phenomenon to occur in our planet. The scientific consensus, however, is that global warming is caused by greenhouse gases (Joint Science Academies, 2001). The greenhouse gases acts as a trap to the infrared which are supposed to be released in the earth’s atmosphere. This process of absorption of the greenhouse gases is then referred to as global warming as the infrared trapped within the surface of the earth is proven to be warming the earth. These greenhouse gases is produced through various forms, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, this kind of gas is released through its most common types such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), and Nitrous Oxide (N2O). The findings of these atmospheric gases’ effects to the earth’s surface, thereafter, have sparked the controversial involvement of humankind in its contribution to the emission of these said gases. According to New York Times, the United Nation’s panel, one which specializes on global warming, pertains to human activity as the â€Å"obvious† cause of the occurrence. We are ought to be causing global warming in our every move in this industrialized and technologically advanced world. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, the mere operation of our homes and businesses are causing us our environment. We use electricity everyday, we buy our products full of different chemicals, and we drive our cars to get us to places but these mere activities are the very grounds of the formation of greenhouse gases as these are the most significant activities that burn fossil fuel. In addition, deforestation caused by human initiatives greatly contributes to the global warming emissions as well.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How To Write a Good Admission Essay -

How To Write a Good Admission Essay How To Write a Good Admission Essay? Can you believe that even having grades that are far from being excellent or not the best scores for exams you still have a chance to enroll into a prestigious university of your dreams and even get a scholarship? In fact, this happens quite often. What is the secret? No matter how nonsensical it may sound – it is all about a correctly written application essay that shows your goals and ambitions, reveals your talent and potential, and thus, proves that you deserve becoming a student of a particular university. Thus, a top-notch essay can open the doors of the top schools for you!You will be surprised to learn that even the staff of the admission committee from the Ivy League insist that essay is the most memorable part of all the documents that you provide for the admission. It allows the admission committee to see who you really are. Thus, this document can make you stand out from the crowd of other candidates. In fact, thousands of college applicants may have the same score s of exams, grades or experience, while an essay highlights you and reveals your personality, showing how you can present yourself, analyze information, and communicate with other people through writing. Therefore, it is important to write it excellently. We may write it for you at our admission writing service, but here we will tell you how to write flawless paper by yourself.General Advices On Application Essay WritingFollow the rulesIf the particular college or university has set a specific word count or provided a list of questions that have to be answered, make sure you follow the requirements and don’t exceed the given limits (the same applies to deadlines). Otherwise, it will mean that you can’t perform the tasks assigned to you.Manage your timeEnsure you have enough time for writing – do not try to create a flawless paper in a day, ideally – give yourself some time to rest after writing (a few days or a week) and then look at what you have with a clear mind.Maintain the appropriate writing styleDo not write about yourself in the third person, be consistent, maintain the logical connection between the parts of your paper, etc.Keep it clear and watch your grammarRemember that the committee will pay attention not only to what you or ideas presented in your paper, they will also make their impression about you based on the grammatical structures and language that you use.Use appropriate languageDo not forget that this is still an official document and you are not allowed to use slang expressions, professional jargon, and inappropriate language in the text!Make sure you know what you are talking aboutBe very attentive and careful using the vocabulary – do not use words that can be understood wrongly or the meaning of which you do not understand.Focus on positiveOf course, your paper has to be honest without any exaggeration but try to make a larger focus on pointing out your advantages and strengths instead of paying too m uch attention to your flaws.Forget about plagiarismDo not even try to borrow ideas or copy the texts from the Internet or other sources because the committee experts will easily recognize plagiarism and throw such a text to the garbage.Do not neglect the importance of proofreadingProofread your text several times (ideally, with an interval of a few days or even a week) to identify even the smallest mistakes.Find someone who can read your textOften, it is not enough to proofread the text on your own, so do not hesitate to ask a teacher or relative to take a look at your paper because a fresh look should help you detect more errors or inaccuracies that have been missed.Useful TipsFind a topic to highlight your individualityThis paper is all about you! It is not about how great the particular university is, what it takes to become a good specialist in a chosen field or the list of things you have done at school – it is about your unique story! Thus, do not be afraid of setting y our creativity and individuality free and use your chance to make a significant addition to the other documents, highlighting something that the committee can’t learn from your exam scores or GPA!Highlight your diversityDo not hesitate to point out some achievements you have made in the non-academic sphere (music, sports, art, and so on) to show that you are not obsessed with learning but are a versatile person.Make it more personalYour main goal is to make it memorable and standing out, so do not use standard and banal ideas or phrases that kill all the uniqueness of your text. Instead, carefully think over the introduction and other sections of your essay to make sure it is special and it will â€Å"catch† the committee’s eyes from the first lines.Dont be afraid to ask for helpIf you are not sure in the quality of your work, you always may ask for help from your friends, teachers or online writing services.Point out to your experienceIndicate how your experien ce can be useful for the university and its society, what special traits you have that other students may not have, and tell what made you who you are now.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Criticizing the Successful

Criticizing the Successful Clint Eastwood and squinting. JK Rowling and YA. Clean billionaire romance stories and $80K in sales. Last week a blog poster bashed Clint Eastwood and his squinty eyes, saying he had only one look. Whether you feel he is or isnt limited in his screen personalities, Mr. Eastwood became quite successful acting, writing, producing, and directing stories. Hes highly respected and made a lot of money being so. . . limited. In JK Rowlings early years of Potter, she was accused of promoting evil, demonism, and anti-Christianity. Today shes revered and most people dont recall what those earlier days were all about. A handful of authors jumped on clean billionaire romance stories of 40,000-50,000 words, capitalizing on 50 Shades of Grey only wanting to make them G-rated and quick reads. A friend of mine made $80,000 with those books one year, and her cohorts in the sub-genre made six figures. I love Clint Eastwood, have never read Potter, and do not enjoy reading cozy romance. However, I will indeed admire the business acumen of anyone who figures out a niche, a marketing gimmick, a subgenre, or a voice, and becomes successful at it. I can respect the skills while not enjoying the product.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Interpretations of David Lynch's film Blue Velvet (1986) often suggest Essay

Interpretations of David Lynch's film Blue Velvet (1986) often suggest that the film either cultivates the sincere and innocent - Essay Example They do not reveal anything about the investigation but it is here that he meets Sandy (Laura Dern), the detective’s daughter, who unveils what her father has deciphered about the case- that a woman named Dorothy Vallens (Isabella Rossellini) is a suspect of the case. Jeffrey then poses as a help man and as Dorothy is engaged in conversation with a man in the yellow suit (to whom Jeffrey later refers to as Yellow Man), Jeffrey takes the key to Dorothy’s apartment. Sandy and Jeffrey then attend Dorothy’s nightclub act where she sings ‘Blue Velvet’, and from thereon Jeffrey leaves early to sneak into Dorothy’s apartment to find clues. When Dorothy arrives he hides in her closet, but she sensing him finds him with a knife in her hand. Mistaking Jeffrey’s curiosity for sexual interest she forces him to undress as she threatens him with the knife. At this point Dorothy engages in orally stimulating Jeffrey. The encounter is interrupted by a knock on the door whereby Dorothy pushes Jeffrey back in the closet from where he witnesses that the visitor-Frank Booth (Dennis Hopper)- attempts to molest, abuse and rape Dorothy. Hiding in the closet Jeffrey finds that Frank Booth is a drug dealer who has kidnapped Dorothy’s husband and son so that he may use Dorothy to satisfy his sexual appetite. When Frank has left Dorothy turns to Jeffrey and attempts to make him mistreat her but he refuses and leaves even upon her insistence for him to stay. Jeffrey later relays his experience to Sandy and subsequently they go to Dorothy’s club where she performs Blue Velvet yet again. At the club Jeffrey observes Frank Booth who is fondling a piece of blue velvet which he had torn from Dorothy’s clothes the night Jeffrey has witnessed his assault and rape of Dorothy. It is then that Jeffrey decides to follow Frank. The next scenes show Jeffrey prying on Frank and his connection with the Yellow Man and another man which Jeffrey identifies as the Well Dressed Man. Jeffrey goes onto inform Sandy about his new findings and it is then that the sexual tension between the two breaks and they engage in a soft kiss. But Sandy is reluctant to go any further with Jeffrey because she has a boyfriend and Jeffrey taking this as rejection turns to Dorothy and the two have sexual intercourse. During this second intimate encounter with Dorothy, Dorothy is able to extract a frustrated reaction from Jeffrey whereby he turns and hits her. Instantly, we see that Jeffrey regrets this violent act but Dorothy enjoys it. Afterwards, Frank Booth finds Dorothy and Jeffrey coerces them to go to his partner Ben’s apartment. The scene at Ben’s residence is sadistic, here Ben sings ‘In Dreams’ and in the wake of this music Frank punches Jeffrey to unconsciousness when Jeffrey attempts to hit Frank when the later molests Dorothy. In the morning Frank wakes up in the yard where he had been beaten uncons cious and goes to Sandy’s father (the detective) to relay the entire course of events. That day Sandy accompanies Jeffrey to a dance and upon their return to Jeffrey’s residence they find a stricken, naked and traumatized Dorothy on Jeffrey’s lawn. Sandy is gone to fetch the police and her father and take them to Dorothy’

Friday, November 1, 2019

Second Langauge Learning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Second Langauge Learning - Assignment Example In the same way, second language learners of different nationalities find it difficult to produce the voiced consonant of the article â€Å"the† as well as the voiceless counterpart of this article as in â€Å"thin†. Grammatical errors that the learners of second language make can, in part, be attributed to interference between the first language and the second language. Nevertheless, at the phonological level, there is a certain level of reliability. Differences between other languages and English are often the major reason behind the interference. The process of learning is considerably simplified as the phonological differences or similarities between the first language and the second language become greater. Use of contrastive analysis hypothesis in the teaching of second language Inaccuracy of the learner’s language imparts the need for the teacher to ascertain if the error is related to pronunciation or grammar. In spite of all the controversies and critici sms that the use of contrastive analysis as a way of teaching second language has gained, many teachers still find the insights provided by the contrastive analysis hypothesis quite useful and helpful in comprehending the problems commonly faced by the students, and for making students understand what they need to learn. The contrastive analysis hypothesis provides the learners with the awareness of the differences between their first language and the second language. This helps the learners realize what speech habits of their native language can be transferred to the second language. â€Å"It seems desirable, then, that teachers be familiar with the significant differences between the... This essay approves that grammatical errors that the learners of second language make can, in part, be attributed to interference between the first language and the second language. Nevertheless, at the phonological level, there is a certain level of reliability. Differences between other languages and English are often the major reason behind the interference. The process of learning is considerably simplified as the phonological differences or similarities between the first language and the second language become greater. This report makes a conclusion that the interaction hypothesis assumes the learner to be in a continuous cycle of learning. The quality and amount of learning is directly linked with the variety of experiences that the learner has in the everyday life. Learner in the eyes of interaction hypothesis is a person with receptive personality traits. The curiosity of learning is assumed to be ingrained in the learner. However, the quality of learning is fundamentally associated with the hold of the other person in communication with the learner over the second language of the learner. The learner might be able to learn more as a result of the interaction with another individual who is also a non-native speaker of the language in which the communication takes place because the learner can then identify with the communication partner and might thus be better able achieve hold over the weak areas. During the process of communication, the learner negotiates in the second language which reveals gaps in his/her abilities.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Challenge of Seeking a Career with an International Component Assignment

The Challenge of Seeking a Career with an International Component - Assignment Example This, therefore, creates challenges in managing the two and people seeking a career with an international component but must also be managed as their cultural background are obliged to find a way of balancing the two. Learning teamwork is the most fundamental way to work in such a context. Teamwork enables people with different backgrounds, skills, and expertise to come together and work collaboratively to achieve the set ends. With this in mind, one should learn to work with others by creating an attitude that makes them easy to relate and work with. It is critical to understand that people will have a different opinion and in a team, conflict is meant to arise on certain issues where people do not agree on something and the best thing to do is to learn to compromise on issues that may cause disagreements. Learning to live with people despite differences that may arise enables one to be in a demanding environment like the global workplace as it eliminates chances of disputes, which may hamper collaboration. In the global workplace, companies are now providing an environment of allowing people to be their own individuals despite being required to maintain the international context. This means that the companies will provide an environment that allows for collaboration and teamwork where people will learn from each other and understand one another (Martin 28). The companies also engage employees in constant training and one should ensure that they are adequately trained to conquer all the challenges that they may encounter while on the job. Training will enable one to be aware of how they will deal with people from different backgrounds and gives them a common way to ensure that they follow the guidelines of international labour laws. In order to manage a career with international component but must be managed as one's cultural background, it is necessary to ensure that one is well versed in the company’s values.     

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Role of a Nursing Practitioner Essay Example for Free

The Role of a Nursing Practitioner Essay Introduction The Department of Health Services and Social Safety (2006), applies palliative care services which aims to achieve the best quality of life possible for patients and their family through active identification, holistic assessment and appropriate management of problems, when progressive advanced disease is not responsive to curative treatment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are over a half million older adult aged 65 or over whom are living in care homes (nursing and personal care) and a large number end their lives in these care settings. Unfortunately, care homes can only provide appropriate terminal care if barriers to the provision of care are addressed. The National Council for Hospice and Specialist Palliative Care Services (NCHSPCS) holds documents containing practice recommendations and therefore, the provision of appropriate terminal care makes the process of dying more comfortable and meaningful for a person and their family. Literature Review   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Patients usually experience depression and lack of resistance. More often than not, an ill person doesn’t enjoy life during admission.   Lying in a bed with in the four corners of the hospital room may sometimes lead the patient to self pity and unenthusiastic. They sometimes feel anxious and bored. Providing effective care plans for these patients will help them recover their health and self esteem. In order to formulate a holistic care plan for respiratory problems, it is necessary that health care workers give more time for patients and have patience. Educating patients with self management is quite beneficial for them. With this, hospital admission will be reduced. It also reduces constant day off or sick leaves from work as well as unscheduled visits to the doctor. It is recommended that accurate conditions for respiratory problems should be universally available. Written care plans in order to facilitate self management should therefore be recommended. Many organizations have already prepared written care plans and self management materials for patients with respiratory problems. Important data should be included in the written care plan such as clear explanation of the specific diagnosis, a history of medicine allergens and its effect when taken,   an up-to-date record of medications, dosage and treatment schedules and potential side effects. Written step by step instructions of how inhaled and oral treatments should be properly taken or how to properly handle equipments should be available. Duties of a Nursing Practitioner As a nursing practitioner, one must first understand Nightingale’s (1860) theory on nursing which evolves around the concept that the patient’s recovery is highly related to the conditions of his environment. The environment of a patient has a direct effect on his recovery or his deterioration. According to Nightingale, â€Å"Nature alone cures.† With that she stresses on the healing properties of the physical environment of the patient; fresh air, light, warmth, cleanliness and a suitable diet. Nursing practitioners should maintain an environment that not only refers to the physical aspect but also to the psychological and social environment surrounding the patient. Healthy communication with the patient and healthy environment keeps the patient’s mind active and stimulated. Here Nightingale stresses that communication should be soothing and a form of therapeutic aid to the patient’s suffering. How the nurses interact with the patient, may it be verbally or non-verbally also plays a role in the patient’s recovery. They were to give comfort and ease the patient’s suffering. She adds that there is a need for social awareness or social education on the disease of the patient, his family or the immediate people of that environment Nurses are there to control the environment and give the patients their basic needs to aid patients in their healing process and achieving their former strength. Nurses are not only to be focused on controlling the environment for the patient, but also in disseminating helpful information about the important aspects of the disease to the patient, the family and immediate community.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Within Nightingale’s nursing theory are the assumptions that are significant to applying the theory. First and foremost, Nightingale stresses on the need to understand that a disease is a reparative process. An inflicted goes through the natural healing process and those sufferings are indications of the body healing itself. The patient then needs energy to deal with this healing and an unhealthy environment will only bring him stress and lessen his much needed energy to recuperate.   Another is the need for a nurse to be sensible and highly observant of his patient. If a nurse has these abilities, then she will be more focused and effective in her goal of balancing the right and healthy environment for the patient. Nursing is a calling to those who have the determination to help. Conclusion   A sensible nurse would take the initiative to think ways of keeping the patient’s mind active and optimistic despite his sufferings. Nightingale also gives emphasis on the important fact that nursing is a practice apart from medicine. The nurse’s concentration is on the patient’s reparative process and not the disease itself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In order to support a partnership approach between patients, carers and primary health and social care professionals, the DHSSPS will work in collaboration with GPs and other professionals to develop a Directed Enhanced Service under the General Medical Services Contract. This will support the regular review of patients and evidence based practice within primary care settings and promotes information sharing, education and implementation of individualized self-management plans. (Department of Health, 2006) REFERENCES    Nightingale, F. (1860). Notes on Nursing: What it is, and What it is not. A Celebration of Women Writers. Retrieved February 7, 2007 from Department of Health. (2005). RD annual reports by NHS organizations in England for 2005. Department of Health [online] Retrieved February 7, 2007 from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

My Teaching Philosophy Essay -- Education Educational Essays

My Teaching Philosophy Education. What is Education? What does it mean to be an educator? Education is a field of study dealing with methods of teaching and learning. I feel that education goes far beyond the teaching aspect. It is my job as a teacher to make sure that every student has a better understanding and knowledge towards helping others. In doing this I plan on teaching them strict morals such as how to be respectful, considerate, and appreciative of themselves and others throughout their life. In this paper, I plan to describe to you my personal beliefs on being a successful teacher, my goals and aspirations, and my philosophies on how I plan to teach each of my students and help them feel more confident about learning and themselves. Approximately two years ago I really started thinking about my life and where I was going with it. During that summer, I decided that my life wasn't up to me, but it was about what God wants for me. I went to a church camp that summer and decided that it was my turn to be the educator. Joshua 1:9 says, "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest." I know that God is with me throughout all of my decisions. I also know that if I am doing his will for my life, he will grant me the wisdom and knowledge that I need to become the best educator possible. I believe that showing my students my Christian beliefs and morals, will help reflect upon their lives. Knowing that I have been a lasting impact on someone will bring, to me, the largest amount of joy possible. Teaching good morals and ethics will be important in my classroom. Some parents believe that... ...I plan on seeking a job in West Virginia, and gradually working on my master's. Having an impact on all the students I have is my goal. It may be outrageous, but I have the desire to achieve that goal. I want every student that I have to jump out of bed every morning and rush to school ready and willing to learn. Being an educator is not about myself, it is about each and every one of the students I will come across in my lifetime as a teacher. I am not entering this profession for the money or the holidays off, but for each of those young children that want to learn. Will I have a lasting impact on each of the students? Will they remember me when they are twenty years old sitting behind the computer typing their philosophy paper? Will I influence their life? That is my goal. As I said earlier, being an educator is not about me, it is about the children.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Killings vs. in the Bedroom

After reading the story â€Å"Killings† by Andre Dubus and watching the movie â€Å"In the Bedroom,† there are several noticeable differences and a few similarities. Since the movie was derived from the short story, the plot is practically the same throughout. â€Å"Killings† is portrayed as a revenge story, whereas â€Å"In the Bedroom† it appears to be a love story. As the plot progresses we find out this is not the case at all. One of the biggest differences I saw between the two was the arrangement of the story.Dubus’ written version starts out in the middle at Frank’s funeral and the movie starts the story from the beginning with Frank and his lover Mary Ann (Natalie) running in a field. The film gives you more of a sense of the characters, their emotions, and the relationships they share with one another, while the written story gives you the view from Matt’s perspective only. The movie showed a lot more of the background details such as: the father-son bond between Matt and Frank, and the loving bond between Frank and Mary Ann.The story proceeded to show more of Matt’s feelings and internal thoughts on a different level then the film, which displayed very little interaction between him and his son in their lifetime. â€Å"It seemed to Matt that from the time Mary Ann called weeping to tell him until now, a Saturday night in september, sitting in the car with Willis, parked beside Strout’s car, waiting for the bar to close, that he had not so much moved through his life as wandered through it, his spirit like a dazed body bumping into furniture and corners. He had always been a fearful father; when his children were young. t the start of each summer he though of them drowning in a pond or the sea, and he was relieved when he came home in the evening and they were there; usually that relief was his only acknowledgment of his fear, which he never spoke of , and which he controlled within his he art† (100). Another difference that made the movie more personal was by not having Frank’s older brother figure that we read about in the story at the funeral. The movie showed the viewer the connection that they had as a father and a son that the story didn’t portray.Another difference that made the film more enjoyable was the hatred that was shown for Strout. The story didn’t give enough justice for how much the Fowler family really resented him. The moment in the movie when Ruth lays her eyes on him in the convenient store foreshadows the breakdown she had and the isolation she experienced. Ruth knowing that he is a free man that killed her son is something she couldn’t live with under any circumstances. The relationship that Mary Ann’s sons had with Frank in the movie was much stronger than in the book. This partly labels Frank as a hero and makes Strout look like even more of a bad person.In my opinion, One of the best scenes in the movi e was when one of the boys that Frank and Matt took fishing rode his bike down to the docks to see Matt and they just stared at each other with a burning look. This scene wasn’t talked about in the story, however it gave you a view of the actual killing scene. In the book, Strout shot Frank in front of his two sons. â€Å"Richard Strout shot Frank in front of the boys. They were sitting on the living room floor watching television, Frank sitting on the couch, and Mary Ann just returning from the kitchen with a tray of Sandwiches.Strout came in the front door and shot Frank twice in the chest and once in the face with a 9 mm automatic. Then he looked at the boys and Mary Ann, and went home to wait for the police† (100). He shot him in rage without any hesitation. This proves to the reader how much of a terrible, heartless person that he was, but the movie was not able to display such rage. The movie, however, does a great job of telling a clear story from start to finis h without interruptions. It made the makeup of the story so much more powerful.This gives the reader time to establish Frank as the main character that he is. Throughout the story, whether it be the written version or the movie, you really began to understand the love that has not only been lost, but the love that was left behind as the story comes to an end. Overall, love was a major theme in both of these stories, no matter how you look at it. Frank’s life was over much earlier than expected because of love and envy. In the end, Strout was killed because of the love that will never be forgotten between a father and son, and even between a husband and wife.A strong meaning was conveyed when Matt was unsure about not being able to be alone with Strout for that long of a time. He couldn’t stand the thought of being so close to this man that he had so much hatred for. Both of the killing scenes were portrayed in different ways. In my opinion, Matt killed Strout better in the movie than in the book. In the movie, Strout wasn’t trying to escape when Matt shot him. In the story he tried to run away from Matt. This gave Matt more of a justification for killing him. This showed the amount of hatred he had towards Strout, and even more of the endless love he had for his son.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Carbonated Beverages

CARBONATED BEVERAGE INDUSTRY CASE ANALYSIS Team 4 Marketing Management/MGT-704 19 November, 2011 CARBONATED BEVERAGE INDUSRTY CASE ANAYLSIS Hypothetical Market Structure provides four different categories an industry can be classified. Each category identifies a specific role a target market is classified. The carbonated beverage industry is no different. It has four target markets and they are classified as market leader, market challenger, market follower and market nichers (Kotler & Keller, 2009, p. 301). The market leader is usually one company that â€Å"has the largest market share†¦ and usually leads the other [companies] in price changes, new-product introductions, distribution coverage and promotional intensity† (Kotler & Keller, 2009, p. 301). The market challenger â€Å"sets high aspirations† to market their resources to meet or exceed the market leader (Kotler & Keller, 2009, p. 308). The market follower’s strategy is â€Å"product imitation† of the market leader (Kotler & Keller, 2009 p. 310). The market nichers are different from the market leader, the market challenger and the market follower. The market niches are leaders in small markets that the other three marketers are not interested in developing specific products for. The Hypothetical Market Structure for the carbonated beverage industry is the Coca-Cola Company is the market leader. PepsiCo Inc. is the market challenger. Dr, Pepper Snapple Group (distributer of RC Cola) is the market follower and a market nicher is the Jones Soda Co (Beverageworld, n. d. ). The carbonated beverage industry is very competitive. The Coca-Cola Company is the carbonated beverage market leader and PepsiCo Inc. s the market challenger striving to increase its market share by creating a comparable but yet slight different products in which customers feel is better and have more value. The competition between market leader and challenge is severe. Both companies’ prices are very competitive and comparable, they offer carbonated beverage products that include cola based drinks, they distribute to similar markets and both have extensi ve marketing campaigns for their own products, as well as, campaigning against each other. It is these reasons we see the most dynamics of competition between the market leader and the market challenger. The Dr. Pepper Snapple Group (distributer of RC Cola) is the market follower to Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo. Inc. This is shown by how the pricing of Dr. Pepper Snapple Group is the same or less than the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo Inc. The advertising campaign is minor and new products are not being developed the same as compared to the market leader and market challenger The Jones Soda Co. is a market nicher. It â€Å"incorporated unique marketing initiatives in its strategy† and was â€Å"recognized and awarded for its unique packaging that features constantly changing labels† (Jones Soda Co. n. d. ). It does not compete against the other three markets because it creates a customized product for a small niche group and not the masses. Therefore, while the Coca-Cola Company is the market leader, PepsiCo Inc. is the market challenger, the Dr, Pepper Snapple Group is the market follower and Jones Soda Co is a market nicher there is a lot of opportunity for all the d ifferent types of carbonated beverage industries and combining the right target market to a product is the key to market success. References: Beverageworld. (October 2011). Citing Websites. Worldwide 100. Retrieved November 16, 2011, from http://www. beverageworld. com/userfiles/documents/BB_Top_100. pdf. Jones Soda Corporation. (n. d. ). Citing Websites. About Jones Soda. Retrieved November 16, 2011, from http://www. jonessoda. com/company/about-us. Kotler, P. , & Keller, K. L. (2009). Marketing Management 13th Edition (Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 07458) 301-312.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book Review of The World is Flat, Written by Thomas L. Friedman essays

Book Review of The World is Flat, Written by Thomas L. Friedman essays Hundreds of years ago, Christopher Columbus returned from the New World to the Old World to declare that the world was not flat, but round. Now, in the 21st century, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman returns from the developing world to the developed world to declare that the world is flat, as flat as that screen on which a budding Indian entrepreneur can host a meeting of his whole supply chain (Friedman 7). By flat, Friedman means that globalization has created a level playing field for more and more of the nations, industries, and individuals in the modern, technologically forward-thinking world. Friedman sees globalization, for all of its problems, as a force for good. It has the power to unite more than it has the power to divide, and to create equality rather than increase the tensions between the haves and the have-nots, as is sometimes alleged. However, although his enthusiasm and vibrant prose is at times infectious, ultimately Friedman seems frighteningly unconcerned about the costs to the developing and the developed world of the unchecked power of multinational companies. Globalization may have benefited some people in the developing world, like the young Indian entrepreneurs, accountants, and engineers that so impress Friedman, but it is questionable if their success can be used to stand for all workers in ever hemisphere of the globe. Friedmans thesis revolves around the proposition that the world is flattening quickly because of convergence of factors. The collapse of the Berlin Wall ended the divisions between the communist and capitalist nations of the world. While the idea that the end of communism as a worldwide movement was a seismic political event is hardly new, Friedman believes that the ability of this advance to break down political and communications barriers between nations in economic terms is just as important as the freedoms and regional instabilities it spawned. &q...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on America Expands

THE NEW WORLD IS SETTLED, 1492-1763 The history of the United States began with the discovery of North America by a European. On Oct. 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in the Americas. He was searching for an all-water route from Europe to the Far East. This chance finding of a large continent was one of the great events in the history of the world. Columbus made his discovery while sailing under the flag of Spain. Later, daring sea captains from several European countries sailed across the Atlantic to explore the New World. In 1497 John Cabot reached the coast of present-day Canada in an English ship. The Spanish adventurer Ponce de Leon landed on what is now Florida in 1513. In 1519 Ferdinand Magellan's ships left Spain. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean and then the Pacific. Three years later one of his ships returned to Spain after completely circling the world. Because of Magellan's travels, North America was now definitively known to be a separate continent between two large oceans. Rising Interest in the New World At this time Europeans were not very interested in the New World itself. They only wanted to find a water passage through it to the Far East. France sent out Jacques Cartier to find such a route in 1534. He explored along the St. Lawrence River. France then laid claim to part of North America. The first land journey far into the interior of the continent was made by Hernando de Soto. In 1539 he landed in Florida with about 600 Spanish soldiers. They worked their way north- and then westward. They discovered the Mississippi River near the site of what is now Memphis, Tenn., in 1541. The Spanish were interested in the New World. In 1565 Pedro Menendez de Aviles made a landing in Florida and began building a fortified city. He named it St. Augustine. This was the first permanent settlement in what is now the United States. Meanwhile from Mexico the Spanish pressed northward into the New Mexico region. In 15... Free Essays on America Expands Free Essays on America Expands THE NEW WORLD IS SETTLED, 1492-1763 The history of the United States began with the discovery of North America by a European. On Oct. 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in the Americas. He was searching for an all-water route from Europe to the Far East. This chance finding of a large continent was one of the great events in the history of the world. Columbus made his discovery while sailing under the flag of Spain. Later, daring sea captains from several European countries sailed across the Atlantic to explore the New World. In 1497 John Cabot reached the coast of present-day Canada in an English ship. The Spanish adventurer Ponce de Leon landed on what is now Florida in 1513. In 1519 Ferdinand Magellan's ships left Spain. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean and then the Pacific. Three years later one of his ships returned to Spain after completely circling the world. Because of Magellan's travels, North America was now definitively known to be a separate continent between two large oceans. Rising Interest in the New World At this time Europeans were not very interested in the New World itself. They only wanted to find a water passage through it to the Far East. France sent out Jacques Cartier to find such a route in 1534. He explored along the St. Lawrence River. France then laid claim to part of North America. The first land journey far into the interior of the continent was made by Hernando de Soto. In 1539 he landed in Florida with about 600 Spanish soldiers. They worked their way north- and then westward. They discovered the Mississippi River near the site of what is now Memphis, Tenn., in 1541. The Spanish were interested in the New World. In 1565 Pedro Menendez de Aviles made a landing in Florida and began building a fortified city. He named it St. Augustine. This was the first permanent settlement in what is now the United States. Meanwhile from Mexico the Spanish pressed northward into the New Mexico region. In 15...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Use the Spanish Preposition Para

How to Use the Spanish Preposition Para Para is one of the most common Spanish  prepositions, But because para is usually translated as for, the same as por, it can also be one of the most confusing to English speakers. Unfortunately, for the beginning Spanish student, por and para are almost never interchangeable. So it is probably best to learn para and por separately and to think of para as a word that usually indicates purpose or destination, rather than simply as a translation for for. So in the examples of para usage that are given below, a translation (sometimes awkward) using a word or phrase other than for is given, in addition to a translation using for. By learning how para is used rather than how it is usually translated, you will eliminate much of the confusion. The preposition para should not be confused with the verb para, a conjugated form of parar, which means to stop. Para can also be a conjugated form of parir, which means to give birth. Para Meaning ‘In Order To’ When para is the equivalent of in order to, it is followed by an infinitive. Viajamos para aprender espaà ±ol. (We travel in order to learn Spanish. We travel for learning Spanish.)Para vender tu coche es importante que cuentes sus puntos fuertes. (In order to sell your car it is important to talk about its strong points. For selling your car it is important to talk about its strong points.)Vive para comer. (He lives in order to eat. He lives for eating.)Hay un plan maestro para destruir la civilizacià ³n como la conocemos. (There is a master plan in order to destroy civilization as we know it. There is a master plan for destroying civilization as we know it.) Para for Indicating Purpose or Usefulness The preposition can be used quite flexibly to indicate purpose, intent, usefulness, or need. It is often used in such a way that theres no simple one-word English equivalent. Estudia para dentista. (She is studying to become a dentist. She is studying for the dental profession.)Quisiera una bicicleta para dos. (Id like a bicycle for two. Id like a bicycle used by two.)Ganaron un viaje para dos. (They won a trip for two. They won a trip to be used by two.)Es hecho para nià ±os. (It is made for children. It is made to be used by children.)El poema fue escrito para su esposa. (The poem was written for his wife. The poem was written to benefit his wife.)Feliz cumpleaà ±os para ti. (Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday for you.)Tenemos agua para una semana. (We have water for a week. We have water to last a week.) ¿Para quà © estudias? (Why do you study? For what purpose do you study?) Using Para With Destinations One specific way in which para is used to indicate intent is with destinations. This is a specific way of indicating intention. In some of these cases, para can be used interchangeably with a, meaning to. Salimos para Londres. (We are leaving to go to London. We are leaving for London.)No voy para casa. (I am not going home. I am not headed for home.) ¿Para dà ³nde va el taxi? (Where does the taxi go to? Note that Spanish cannot end a sentence with a preposition in the way that English can.) Using Para for ‘No Later Than’ or ‘By’ In time statements, para can be used to indicate intent for completion of an action by a certain time. Translations can include no later than, around, about, and by. La casa estar lista para el sbado. (The house will be ready no later than Saturday. The house will be ready by Saturday. The house will be ready for Saturday.)Es necesario preparar el perro para la llegada de tu bebà ©. (It is necessary to prepare the dog for the arrival of your baby. It is necessary to prepare your dog by the time your baby arrives.)El pastel estar listo para la boda. (The cake will be ready by the wedding. The cake will be ready before the wedding. The cake will be ready for the wedding.)Llegamos para las cinco. (Were arriving around 5. Were arriving about 5. Were arriving for activities at 5.) Using Para To Mean ‘Considering’ Another use of para is to indicate perspective, the equivalent of words or phrases such as considering, in light of the fact or in view of: Para nià ±o, es inteligente. (Considering that hes a child, hes intelligent. For a child, hes intelligent.)Es caro para un papel. (Its expensive in view of the fact its a sheet of paper. Its expensive for a sheet of paper.) Using Para With Personal Reactions This is one way of indicating how a person feels or reacts to something: Para ella, es difà ­cil. (To her, its difficult. For her, its difficult.)No es justo para mà ­. (It isnt right to me. It isnt right for me.) Key Takeaways Para is a common Spanish preposition that is frequently used in indicating purpose, direction, intent, or perspective.Both para and another preposition, por, are often translated to English as for, but one of them can almost never be substituted for the other.Other possible translations for para include English prepositions such as to, at, and by as well as the phrase in order to.