Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Outline on Genital Herpes

Kamara Gayle Outline of Major Report November 12, 2011 Title: An Introduction to Genital Herpes Introduction The definition of Genital Herpes Symptoms of Genital Herpes Treatment for Genital herpes The definition of Genital Herpes. A. Definition 1. Genital herpes is highly contagious, sexually transmitted viral infection of the genital and anal regions caused by herpes simplex virus and characterized by small clusters of painful lesions. B. First discovered by Hippocrates in the early ancient Greek times.Hippocrates was a Greek physician and that was highly reckoned as the superlative physician of his time. The human body and observation was his main focus and medical practice. Hippocrates discovered that illness in the body was not caused by superstitions and by possession of evil spirit. Based on his study he realized that the body must be treated as a whole and not just series of parts, natural healing process of rest, a good diet, fresh air, cleanliness. However, severity of symp toms varys from one person to another and thoughts, ideas, feeling come from the brain and the heart.C. Rate of occurrence 50 to 80 percent of the adult populations have Genital Herpes. Approximately 1 out of 5 female ages from 14 to 49 and Approximately 1 out of 9 male ages from 14 to 49 have Genital Herpes. Most of the time these individuals do not know they have the virus D. Causes Being female Being born to a mother with active genital herpes during pregnancy or delivery Having a compromised immune system due to medications or such conditions as HIV/AIDS Having multiple sexual partnersHaving unprotected sex, including vaginal, oral, or anal sex, with a partner who has had one or more other sexual partners History of another sexually transmitted disease III. Symptoms of Genital Herpes A. Primary Infection Painful red blister that burst to leave open sores around the genitals, rectum (back passage) The blistering and ulcers on the cervix In woman a vaginal discharge Very painfull when passing urine Temperature fever of 38Â ° C (100. 4 Â °F) or over Not feeling well with aches and pain in general B. Recurrent Infection Signaled by a tingling sensation Itching in the genital areasPain in the buttocks or down the leg IV. Treatments for Genital Herpes A. Oral medications Famciclovir (Farmvir) Valacyclovir (Valtrex) Acyclovir (Zovirax) These prevent the virus from multiplying and even shorten the length of eruption. B. Self-care at home Avoid excessive heat or sunlight that makes the irritation more uncomfortable. Do not used perfume or antibacterials soaps, feminine deodorant or douches. Wear comfortable loose fitting cotton clothing. Take aspen, acetaminopen (tylenol and others) Used cool cloths on the affected area if it soothes the pain. V. Conclusion

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