Thursday, December 26, 2019

Kirstie Williams. Benson. English 271 Distance Education.

Kirstie Williams Benson English 271 Distance Education 5 March 2017 Outline THESIS: In this essay, we will analyze Utopia’s role in the common laws, the religious freedoms, and dystopia/utopia similarities throughout More’s literature. I. Introduction A. Imagine you are a sailor, sailing the vast emptiness of the ocean. B. To your dismay, the storm thrashes waves against your boat. C. You find yourself on the island of Thomas More’s Utopia D. Some facts about Thomas More II. Common Law / Commonplace / Customs A. The commons in Thomas More’s Utopia are drastically different from the society in which he lived. B. Thus, More spent most of his lifetime scrutinizing and paying considerable amounts of attention to the England’s common place†¦show more content†¦This island is Thomas More’s ideal fictional society, Utopia. Thomas More was not the first person to write about a Utopian society, but he did coin the term utopia which means â€Å"not place† in Greek. Utopia was written in Latin and published in 1516. It is said to be Thomas More’s most influential work. More’s utopian society had complete employment, the citizens are not fixated on money, and are tolerant towards others in the community (Forward). In this essay, we will analyze Utopia’s role in the common laws, the religious freedoms, and dystopia/utopia similarities throughout More’s literature. Thomas more claims that the commons (a shared system or political space whose authority is constituted by its actual commonality) in his imagined society is fundamentally diverse fro m the society in which he lived and the tradition in which he wrote. More copes with the established notions of commonality in his book Utopia. Common law was on the rise and was England’s dominant legal form during the 1500s. Thus, More spent most of his lifetime scrutinizing and paying considerable amounts of attention to England’s common law. The Utopian system of housing and city planning, method of senatorial deliberation, mode of dress, manner of dining, travel practices, pre-marital courtships, garden growing, and chicken hatching are all described as â€Å"customs†. Evoking the peculiarity of the English legal system

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay on Prayer Should Be Allowed in Public Schools

Prayer Should Be Allowed in Public Schools School prayer is a very controversial issue in today’s society. The issue of school prayer is about whether the public school systems should let the students pray, at the start of the school day, as a class. The issue of school prayer began in the late sixteenth century when people in England did not approve of the way one religion was forced upon them, so the Puritans, known as the Pilgrims decided to come to the colonies. Even in the colonies the Pilgrims had problems with religion they had to sometimes resort to highly creative strategies in order to pray. When people were caught having a secret service they would have to face the consequences that the law enforced, whether it was going†¦show more content†¦Prayer should allowed in the public school system because prayer is an important part of America’s rich spiritual heritage. All throughout the history of America there have been many important documents written of our country that have references t o â€Å"Almighty God,† â€Å"Thy Blessings,† and â€Å"Our dependence upon Thee.† These include: the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address, the national anthem, and the presidential oath (Haas, 1995, p. 39). In school students always say the pledge, which states, â€Å"One Nation Under God.† A prayer says that students just want to ask for a good day and guidance throughout the day. Not only do important documents of our country refer to God but also the words â€Å"In God We Trust† are engraved on all coins minted and bills pressed in the United States (1995, p. 39). There are two parts of the American tradition and they are prayer and religion (1995, p. 39). If society keeps prayer out of the public schools, they are teaching the students that traditions are not important and that what this country was founded upon does not matter. Does society want to raise a group of young people to disrespect what their forefathers want ed; religious freedom? If that is the case then why do people try to keep this country working at its prime when trouble occurs? People do not want to see this nation fall but in the end itShow MoreRelatedEssay on Prayer Should Not be Allowed in Public Schools1051 Words   |  5 PagesPrayer Should Not be Allowed in Public Schools School prayer is a very controversial issue in today’s society. This issue has been a problem since America was first founded, in that the country was founded on religious beliefs. The Pilgrims wanted to be able to express their beliefs freely, but in England this freedom was not found, so they decided to come to the Americas, where their beliefs could be expressed freely. As time passed they realized that having this kind of freedomRead MoreThe Constitutionality of Prayer in Public Schools Essay698 Words   |  3 PagesMany people agree against prayer in public schools, while others think that people should be able to express their religion in their own ways. In public schools, they are not allowed to hold prayers at all during the school day due to the mixed religion students that are attending the school. Over the past few years, this has become an extremely controversial issue in our nation. Many people find it proper to pray in school but many people also agree that it is extremely wrong and that if thereRead MoreShould Prayer Be Allowed? School?1623 Words   |  7 Pagesthat prayer should be allowed in school. On the flip side to that those that feel the government does not have enough power and tend to disagree with pear being allowed in school. Based off articles researched and statistics gathered as well summarized it can be determined that those that are of the conservative and or republican party tend to feel that the government should not have a say in prayer in school. This may be because of religious preference or their belief that government should notRead MoreReligion in Public Schools Essay1131 Words   |  5 PagesReligion in school is the practice of any personal religious beliefs in a place of education. Introduction: In recent years teaching or the individual practice of religion in school has become a very controversial topic. There are many different views on this matter and even more opinions on how it should be handled. There are people on both sides of the spectrum, there are those who believe that it should be taught and allowed in school, and there are those who believe it should not be taughtRead MorePrayer in Schools Essay1215 Words   |  5 PagesPrayer in Public School There are many different philosophies regarding prayer in public school. It seems to be a difficult issue to decide upon. The opinions are wide-ranging and convoluted. This paper will attempt to highlight the many ideas and opinions as to whether prayers in public school should be allowed and to what extent. It will further show how our founders idea of a separate church and state has been taken out of context and why prayer in school should be allowed, but not requiredRead MoreEssay on Prayer in Public Schools1051 Words   |  5 PagesPrayer in Public Schools An issue that has been constantly debated for years is whether voluntary prayer in public schools should be permitted. A student should be allowed to pray voluntarily at the beginning of each school day based on many reasons. Prayer based on moral beliefs reinforce good citizenship as defined by our forefathers. A daily reminder of a need for the belief of good over evil is a necessary part of this society. Daily voluntary school prayer should be re-instated in publicRead More Religion in Public Schools - More Questions than Answers Essay examples1161 Words   |  5 PagesPrayer in Public Schools - More Questions than Answers    Censorship is a very broad topic.   Is it good or bad?   Often, we ask ourselves if such things need to exist because of the First Amendment right.   It states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.   (AmendmentsRead MoreEssay on School Prayer Should Be Allowed729 Words   |  3 Pages School Prayer Should Be Allowed I attended twelve years of Catholic School. My parents consented to the decision of my enrollment and they knew what was involved. They knew that the study of God and prayer was mandatory. Prayer in school in my case produced and environment of discipline and respect for the teachers. The involvement of my parents and the faculty in the use of prayer was in full agreement. However, my view was not even considered important. My rights had been violated. The FirstRead MoreThe Prayer On Public Schools1240 Words   |  5 PagesFor much of the 20th Century and into the 21st, school prayer has been the focal point of an ongoing debate about the position of religion in American civilization. The question of the legality of prayer in public schools brings together a number of important notions in American government and legal philosophy. Opponents and proponents of school prayer set forth their arguments in such major constitutional issues as the separation of church and state, the right to free exercise of religion, and theRead MoreShould Public Schools Begin The Day With A Silent Prayer Time?870 Words   |  4 Pages Should Public Schools Begin the Day with a Silent Prayer Time? Beginning the day with a silent prayer time in public schools is a very controversial topic. Some people say that prayer should not be allowed in public schools because public schools are funded by the tax payers, who are not all religious. Others say that prayer should be allowed in public schools because it would acknowledge the religious and spiritual heritage of America, and that it would improve the school environment and society

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Teaching and Training in Post-Compulsory Education

Question: Describe about the Teaching and Training in Post-Compulsory Education? Answer: Introduction "Of Mice and Men" was written in 1937 by John Steinbeck and has brought him wide acclaim as a writer. The book has many themes that can be explored and has many dimensions that can be explored in regards to the four theoretical perspectives. "Of Mice and Men" instructs a harsh session about the characteristics of individual lifestyle. Nearly all of the figures, such as George, Candy, Crooks, Lennie, and Curley's spouse, confess, at once or another, to having a powerful feeling of solitude. Every wish the comfort of an amigo, however, will arrange for the watchful ear of a new individual. Curley's mate admits to Crooks, Candy, and Lennie that she is unfortunately married, and Crooks illuminates Lennie that way of life is no greatness without an accomplice to change over to in times of misconceptions and need. The figures are conveyed miserable by their isolation, but, even in the most delicate, they mean to take out the individuals who are even lazier than they. Maybe the most exceedingly powerful cases of this horrible inclination are when Crooks scrutinize Lennie's craving of the town and his reliance on George. Having quite recently admitted his vulnerabilitieshe is a dull man with a curved returning who wishes for bro therhood Crooks zeroes in on Lennie's wrong focuses. Crooks appear at his most effective when he has almost diminished Lennie to weeping for stress that something terrible has struck George, pretty much as Curley's mate appears to be most very powerful when she expects to have Crooks lynched. The novella demonstrates that the most perceptible sort of quality that used to mistreat othersis it made from a frail point. Teaching Perspective Personal Growth Personal growth contains exercises that enhance consideration and identification, create capacities and potential, from individual capital and fulfil availability, enhance absolute health and advance the comprehension of objectives and wishes. The thought is not limited to self-improvement yet contains official and casual exercises for making others in parts, for example, coach, guide, expert, administrator, or mentor. When personal growth occurs, it speaks to the strategies, programs, assets, techniques, and evaluation systems that bolster self-improvement at the individual level in organizations. Personal growth can also consist of creating other people. This may take the position through positions such as those of an instructor or coach, either through a personal proficiency or a professional service. Beyond improving yourself and creating others, personal growth is an area of exercise and analysis. As an area of exercise, it contains personal growth techniques, learning applications, evaluation techniques, resources and techniques. Financial, exploratory, administrative, individual or business improvement obliges a system if one craving know whether the adjustment has happened. In the case of personal growth, an individual frequently emphasizes as the essential survey of change, yet acknowledgment of reason change needs evaluation utilizing standard prerequisites. Personal growth structures may include objectives or prerequisites that make sense of the endpoints, methods or arrangements for accomplishing objectives, figure and appraisal of change, levels or levels that make sense of objectives along an advanced way, and an audit framework to convey adjust. Cultural Heritage "Cultural Heritage" is an overall look at the techniques of living developed by a group and approved on from growth to growth, such as traditions, techniques, places, aspects, impressive overall look and ideas. "Cultural Heritage" is often indicated as either impalpable or concrete. As an aspect of personal action "Cultural Heritage" generates impalpable, representative of the valuation techniques, ideas, traditions and way of way of life. As a crucial aspect of the way of way of life as a whole, "Cultural Heritage", holds these identifiable and tangible details kind antiquities to past periods. Skills Model One of the major benefits of a skill-based concept of teaching is that it understands that anyone can become an innovator. Individuals need only to do their best to create the capabilities of a good innovator to be effective. This is motivating for individuals who are enthusiastic about doing the best, but do not have the characteristics or natural capabilities suggested in other teaching concepts. A skills-based teaching concept also makes it simple to decide on an innovator by taking stock of each potential leader's capability in the important areas. The capability design has an unclear line with other teaching designs, such as the feather design. The growth of many of the capabilities is intensely affected by personal characteristics. In addition, common knowledge and the ability to learn capabilities can have origins in scientific characteristics. The capability design also does not offer many details for why and how these particular capabilities impact teaching. Instead, it concentrates more on determining the capabilities. Cultural Analysis The used analysis of culture, often such as marketing and press products, in order to provide perspective for a customer's business or understanding into a market. This may be performed together with an interview-based analysis, but it may also be performed quite individually since it can depend entirely on openly available visible and textual information. Connection with the text Personal Growth Steinbeck researches various types of quality and drowsiness all through the novel. The principal, and most self-evident, are the genuine quality. As the story uncovers, Steinbeck uncovers how Lennie gives genuine quality past his administration, as when he can't help evacuating the mice. Astounding genuine quality is, similar to money, truly valuable to men in George and Lennie's circumstances. Curley, as an image of vitality of the town and a champion military craftsman, makes this undeniably promptly by utilizing his brutish quality and focused restraint to terrify the men and his accomplice. Physical quality is by all account, not the only vitality that persecutes the men. It is the organization, aggressive individual penchants, not Curley; that annihilation Lennie and George at last. Lennie's genuine measurement and quality approve pitifully; in the experience of these universally revitalizes, he happens to be sad and, consequently, non-reusable. Cultural Heritage A large number of the figures recognize to influence by intense isolation. George places the general tone for these admissions starting in the novella when he educates Lennie that the way of life of a farm hand is among the loneliest of ways of life. Men like George, who move starting with one ranch, then onto the next barely ever have anybody to look to for organization and security. As the tail produces, Candy, Crooks, and Curley's companion all recognize their solid isolation. The point that they recognize to complete obscure individuals, their stress of being thrown off uncovers their disappointment. On a globe without amigos to open up to, obscure individuals will need to do. Each of these figures questions for a pal, somebody to help them assess the globe, as Crooks says. At last, then again, the organization of his sort appears to be unattainable. For George, the wish of such organization passes away with Lennie, and genuine to his extraordinary assessment, he will experience a way of life alone. Skills Model The interpretation of females in "Of Mice and Men" is limited and ugly. We comprehend with that George and Lennie are on the run from the past homestead where they demonstrated supportive, because of encountering issues there with a woman. Misinterpretation Lennie's similar to of smooth elements; a woman accused him of rape for in contact with her outfit. George scolds Lennie for his activities, yet is guaranteed that females are dependably the reason for such issues. Their alluring sex, he considers, entices men something in the strategies they would somehow or other not. An excursion to the "flophouse" is sufficient for females for George, and he has no wish for a ladies accomplice or companion. Curley's companion, the main woman to show up in "Of Mice and Men", appears to be initially moving down George's viewpoint on the wedding. Disillusioned with her wedding to a British man and tired of a way of life on the homestead, she is consistently searching for happiness or issues. In one of her additionally uncovering minutes, she means to have the dull stable-hand lynched on the off chance that he fuss about her to the supervisor. Her emphasis on teasing with Lennie shuts her unfortunate predetermination. Despite the fact that Steinbeck does, ultimately, give a strong point of view of Curley's mate by empowering her to discourse her failure and her own wish for a superior way of life, females have no position in the creator's admired viewpoint of a globe sorted out around the kindly ties between men. Cultural Analysis The vast majority of the figures in "Of Mice and Men" admit, at some point, to think about an alternate life. Prior to her death toll, Curley's companion admits her wish to be a big name. Hooligans, terrible as he may be, permit himself the agreeable long for trusting a spot of yard on Lennie's town one day, and Candy hooks on genuinely to George's point of view of having various mile. Prior to the action of the story begins, the conditions have misled out the majority of the figures of these wishes. Curley's life partner, for instance, has accommodated herself in a not fulfilling wedding. Lennie and George's wish of having a town, which would permit them to look after themselves, and, in particular, give them security from a disagreeable globe, symbolise a prototypically United States society. Their excursion, which awakens to the invisibility of this wish, shockingly, demonstrates that the awful Crooks are correct: such havens of freedom, fulfilment, and insurance are not to be fou nd on this globe. Conclusion In the novel "On Mice and Men" three things can be learned, those are the pain of isolation, need of relationship, and how to dream. Isolation: A typical or worldwide concept throughout literary works is the concept of solitude. Throughout this novel, each personality encounters their kind of solitude or solitude. It is very exciting to monitor this concept and its effects as the tale advances. Some figures have actual solitude or solitude such as the constant money while others like Curley's spouse experience emotional solitude. Relationship: As a migrant employee jumping from farm to farm most men did not keep durable relationships. This is why Lennie and Henry's relationship is idealized by so many in the tale. Despite the point that their relationship is non-traditional, the concept dominates that having someone is better than no one. Desires: Throughout the novel the repeating of Lennie saying their desire has provided a feeling to people that it is obtainable. However, having their farm never is or becomes a truth because of all that appears in their way. What is essential about this concept is that the wish of it keeps the men alive. It gives them a purpose to keep going, to perform and to preserve. Reference Armitage, A. (2007). Teaching and training in post-compulsory education. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press. Armitage, A., Evershed, J., Hayes, D. (2012). Teaching and Training in Lifelong Learning. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education. Blake, R., Blake, B. (2012). Becoming a teacher. New York: Peter Lang. Campoy, R. (2005). Case study analysis in the classroom. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Fawbert, F., Barton, A. (2003). Teaching in post-compulsory education. London: Continuum. Ginsberg, M., Wlodkowski, R. (2009). Diversity and motivation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Green, A. (2011). Becoming a reflective English teacher. Maidenhead: Open University Press, McGraw-Hill. Harris, A. (2010). Examining and facilitating reflection to improve professional practice. Lanham, Md.: Rowman Littlefield Publishers. Johnson, S., Siegel, H., Winch, C. (2010). Teaching thinking skills. London: Continuum International Pub. Group. Khalsa, S. (2007). Teaching discipline self-respect. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Marzano, R., Boogren, T., Heflebower, T., Kanold-McIntyre, J., Pickering, D. (2012). Becoming a reflective teacher. Bloomington, Ind.: Marzano Research Laboratory. O'Sullivan, E., Morrell, A., O'Connor, M. (2002). Expanding the boundaries of transformative learning. New York, N.Y.: Palgrave. Petty, G. (2004). Teaching today. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. Poulson, L., Wallace, M. (2004). Learning to read critically in teaching and learning. London: Sage Publications. Race, P., Pickford, R. (2007). Making teaching work. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Vitto, J. (2003). Relationship-driven classroom management. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Video games good or bad free essay sample

Spending hours upon hours playing video games, one would think that they would start to influence the day to day life. This controversy is brought up in the article â€Å"Defending Video Games: Breeding Evil?† written by the editor of The article argues that violent video games do not necessarily make viewers violent, but may in fact be beneficial to the user’s health. The main topic is proving games do not influence their audience to the extent of behavioral changes in the gamers. The editor uncovers how most research gives little evidence to support that claim. He shows that in fact games can be used as outlets for anger to decrease the amount of stress in users’ life. This article shows compelling arguments to prove video games do not promote violence or addiction for viewers. The editor uses proven research, logos, and concrete facts to persuade readers. The editor shows in many examples the research on violent video games. We will write a custom essay sample on Video games: good or bad? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page First he brings to light that during the time gaming has become most popular, violent crime has fallen by half. Showing this makes the reader recognize that games may not be the cause of the misbehaved youth, but instead it may be from thousands of other problems citizens face in their lives. It also leads one to think that possibly the fact that teens are locked in their bedrooms playing games all day, they will have little time to do anything else, like committing a crime. The editor also uses a successful tactic to take most of the blame off of video games by comparing the amount of time users played video games, to the amount of time they spent watching television. Teenagers spend almost twenty five hours watching television every week, where they only play games about thirteen a week. Comparing the two makes readers step back to think about where the real problem of negative influences comes from in edition to how they might be contributing to it. Most parents would agree that the content on television would be highly influential to their children, making video games seem a little bit more harmless to the reader, where as television would become the villain. The use of logos in the article is to show readers how the users are not affected by the intense violent behavior in some games. To show contrast the  editor incorporates how good games can increase intelligence, and educate viewers. Readers are pulled in by the fact that games can be a useful tool to spread education for schools and businesses. The editor was successful in making a strong argument to prove games can be a positive thing. He also made the point to explain how users can be tasked with making quick decisions and evaluating risks to further prove his point. The editor uses logic to persuade his audience by saying â€Å"gaming actually makes people less violent, by acting as a safety valve†. Most readers would agree that having a creative outlet to get rid of stress would decrease the amount of anger and aggression they have. This article is targeting the older audience to persuade them to have a more open mind towards things they don’t fully comprehend. The editor compares generations by reminding the audience of Socrates, and how he thought the people relied on written text to much rather than talking to each other. Socrates said that reading would â€Å"create forgetfulness in the learner’s souls†. The editor uses this to remind readers how not all things are as black and white as they seem witch will appeal to the logic in most people. Many people today would say the complete opposite of books and instead praise them for giving children more imagination. They would possibly find it illogical to not read books. Is it not safe to say the same about games? In every game is a different story line, with many adventures that challenge the users mind into finding their own creative solution. The editor incorporates quoted facts into the article to show the reader how games are not America’s worst problem. The reader can see the undeniable argument with this approach. He tells of how Waltz music and dancing was condemned in the 19th century when teenagers then had the courage to step out of line to try and express their own creative thoughts. By giving almost identical issues a head on glance the reader sees a new prospective on video games. Having in mind the change in generations, the reader will think back to a time when they were young and their elders disapproved of many of the choices they made when they took a stand for what they loved. Taking the reader back to their childhood is an effective way to argue against video games. It brings the nostalgia of the audience’s youth back to them. These statements make the topic of violent video games seem like the issue will  disappear in the not to far off future when today’s generation finds an issue that seems more demanding of their time. The editor incorporates the fact that there is no evidence that can connect violence to video games, making it hard to believe games are all that bad. Readers see a pattern that concedes the statements against video games are false by the many undeniable facts, proven by research. The statistics, logos, and facts in this article proved to be a successful way to grab the reader’s attention. The editor’s points changed the way readers viewed games and provided a new image in their minds. His arguments were well pointed and used many tactics on how to grab the reader’s attention. â€Å"Defending Video Games: Breeding Evil?† can be considered a well rounded article that made readers think hard on what is really causing the violence and misbehavior of today’s children. The article had many tactics that were used to persuade the user effectively. When presented this article most readers would agree with the statements made. Reading this, parents would almost want to encourage their children to play more educational video games to improve their intelligence.