Friday, May 31, 2019

Did The Western World Do Enough For The Jews In The Holocaust? :: European Europe History

Did The Western World Do Enough For The Jews In The Holocaust?When they came for the gypsies, I did non speak, for I am not a gypsy. When they came for the Jews, I did not speak, because I wasnt a Jew. When they came for the Catholics, I did not speak, for I am not a Catholic. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak. On the Wall at the Holocaust Museum in Washington It is impossible to learn about the Holocaust and the Second World War without the enquiry of how it possibly could have happened arising, and along with that question comes another. The question of whether or not the Western World did enough to help the Jews in Europe. What was their reaction to the campaign of systematic persecution, robbery and murder the Third Reich inflicted upon the Jewish people? During the time leading up to the outbreak of World War II, the Western Press consistently carried legion(predicate) reports of the Germans anti-Jewish policies and their purposeful victimization of the Jews living in Nazi Germany as well as the annexed territories. The general public cannot claim that they did not know what was going on, that they were uninformed. Whether or not they chose to believe it however, is a completely different story. The public were indeed outraged in many of the cases but the governments of the major European democracies felt that it was not for them to intervene for they felt that the Jewish problem classified as an internal affair within a sovereign state. The truth behind this is simply that the governments were hot to establish cordial relations with Germany and didnt want to cause any hostility. Thus they stood idly by and remained silent as Hitler went from denying the Jews of their civil rights to denying them of their means of earning their daily bread. As much as they wanted to remain neutral, the countries of the Western World were finally forced to take a stand on the issue of emigration of Jews from the Reich who were seeking refuge. T he United States maintained strict immigration quotas which severely limited the number of Central and Eastern Europeans admitted to the country each year. Even under such perfect circumstances, the US insisted on adhering to these policies and refused to modify them even slightly.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Suicide as Escape from Reality Essay -- Suicide, Social Problems

Suicide has been an ongoing problem among all types of people globally for decades. Throughout the years, the trends of self-annihilation have continued to increase. Although this trend of felo-de-se has many causes and can be difficult to know what the exact source is, the number angiotensin converting enzyme cause of suicides is untreated depression which may result from a mental health problem, personal life issues, or even genetic and family history.According to Befrienders, suicide rates have increased 60% over the past 45 years. Suicide rates can be divided among many different categories such(prenominal) as race, religion, gender, and age. Although 55% of suicides occur between the ages of 15 and 44 years and 45% of suicides are over 45 years, the greatest increasing rate is in youth suicides (Befrienders). According to the Centre of Disease Control and Prevention, it has been reported that suicide is the eleventh leash cause of death in American and the third leadin g cause of death for people 15 to 24 years. Also, males are more likely to commit suicide than females. Rates differ among different races they appear to be increasing in native and indigenous populations like the Native Americans in the US and Alaska, and the Aborigines in Australia and New Zealand (Befrienders). Suicide rates are also various among many religions. In Muslim countries, like Kuwait, where committing suicide is strictly forbidden, the total suicide rate is close to zero. In Hindu countries, like India, and Christian countries, such as Italy, the total suicide rate is around 10 per 100,000 people. In Buddhist countries, for example Japan, the total suicide rate is much higher at 17.9 per 100,000 people. Lastly, at 25.6, the total suicide rate is highest in Atheist countries, like... ...can all work hand in hand towards creating an inner monster convincing you suicide is the only way out. Suicide is not strictly prominent for just one type of person it is a s erious problem among all races, genders, ages and religions. It is of the essence(p) to assess those individuals that may display any warning signs in a cautious manner so they dont feel as though suicide is their only escape from reality. Works CitedBertolote, Jose M., and Alexandra Fleischmann. Global Perspective in the Epidemiology of Suicide. 6-8. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. Caruso, Kevin. Suicide Causes. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. Mayo Clinic. Suicide and Suicidal Thoughts Causes - Mayo Clinic. Web. 02 Dec. 2011.Suicide - Causes. NHS Choices - Your Health, Your Choices. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. Suicide Statistics. Befrienders Worldwide. Web. 02 Dec. 2011.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Anger of Gods Depicted in the Old Testament and Kafkas Book, Metamorph

The anger of Gods throughout both stories leads you to believe that the Gods will not hesitate to take revenge on mankind for creating a adult male of evil in a world they created for good. The Gods from Metamorphoses and the God from the Old Testament create a world full of life, to live happy and full of grace. The desolation and recreation of the world by the Gods of each book, however similar they may seem, are full of differences as they both teach mankind lessons that should not be forgotten.Whatever God it was, who brought order to the universe, and gave it division, subdivision, he molded earth Metamorphoses pg 685. In the beginning the earth had nothing, no light to call sun, no water to tub in, and no humankind to walk on the ground that we call land that was not land. The Gods choose to make a playground of sorts. In both literary productions pieces the Gods divide the heavens and the earth, split the water from the land, light from the dark. The Gods made anima ls for this land and water and creatures for the air. But something else was needed a finer being, more capable of mind, a sage, a ruler, so man was born, It may be in Gods image Metamorphoses pg 686. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul The Old Testament pg 54. The Old Testament God musical theme it was not good for man to be alone so from the bone of mans rib he made a woman. The first murder in the Old Testament is the beginning of God realizing that man was evil, god saw the wickedness of man Old Testament pg 56. Cain murdered his brother Abel, out of jealousy of the Lords love. Able a Sheppard who brought the fat of the animals and the Lord had respect fo... ...s to repopulate the earth, Go from the temple, cover your heads, loosen your robes, and throw your mothers bones behind you pg 692. Pyrrha being so innocent could not throw the bones of her mother and refused until she would never insult her mother in such a way. Themis over and over told them to do this until Deucalion thought maybe he meant to throw stones behind them. When Deucalion and Pyrrha did this the stones began to lose their hardness, to soften, slowly, to take on form, to grow in size, a little, become less rough, to look like human beings pg 693. All the stones that Deucalion threw turned to man and all the stones that Pyrrha threw behind her became women. Life began to form from other things as well. The moist mud from the waters drying turned to animals that now hurtle our earth, swim in our seas and oceans, birds that fly in our skies.

Wal-Mart International Success and Failure :: Business, Culture, Language

Wal-Mart was founded in 1962 by Sam Walton (1). Wal-Mart grew to two hundred seventy-six stores in their first decade of service (1). Wal-Marts plan was to sale products at low cost while delivering on outstanding service and customer relations (1). Wal-Mart also felt that they could target much customers if they offered convenient hours of business (1). Wal-Mart currently operates in fifteen countries around the world, supplying different needs, preferences and services depending on local retail habits (2). By servicing all(prenominal) geographic location in its own way and supplying the needs of a particular area they seem to do very well (2). Wal-Mart adjusts and adapts to local culture and serves the community in a way that the customers are accustomed to being served (2). Wal-Mart usually enters a foreign coun filter by purchasing an existing chain and simply changing the name to Wal-Mart while retaining key personnel such as management who already know the culture (2). Wal -Mart spends lots of time researching and planning before entering a new market. It sometimes takes years to open in a new market overseas (Class notes).First they try to learn the culture, language, and habits of the citizens of a certain culture. Then they study the products which seem to do well in each different are and try to target these products for these cultures at low prices oecumenical (Class notes). In the past two decades Wal-Mart has taken advantage of the internet technological advances to change the way many companies do business worldwide (3). The sheer size of Wal-Mart enables the company to buy in bulk at lower prices allowing the discount retail prices given to customers (3). Wal-Mart is able to by all products in great volumes and in return their supplier cuts some of the cost due the amount of product sold. Wal-Mart has great marketing and management plans before entering a market which allows the company to do very well in many different countries and cultur es (3). Wal-Mart has also had a hand in helping manufactures realize the advantages of customer satisfaction through quality (3). Despite all of Wal-Marts international success they have also learned some valuable lessons, mainly in South Korea and probably the biggest debacle of all, Germany (Class notes). When Wal-Mart originally decided to move into Germany in 1997 the potential for success seemed quite promising (4). The company made their entrance into the German market by purchasing Wertzkauf which included twenty-one locations (4).

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Social Triangle and A Retrieved Reformation :: Author Writer O Henry

In the short stories The Social triplicity and A Retrieved Reformation, O. hydrogen uses the literary devices of imageism, while twists, and characterization. The time period in which O. Henrys finest kit and boodle created, occurred in the late 1800s to the early 1900s where he dazzled readers with his unorthodox, romantic style. A short story titled A Retrieved Reformation written by O. Henry, who interchange it to George Tyler who later turned the work into a Broadway show. Alias Jimmy Valentineas it came to be called dazzled America, England, France, and Spain for over a decade. In the short stories The Social trigon and A Retrieved Reformation, O. Henry uses the literary devices of symbolism, secret plan twists, and characterization.The Social Triangle one of the great works by O. Henry, uses symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. The triangle includes a poor hard-working, lower- soma man named Ikey Snigglefritz who uses his whole weeks pay to setup drinks fo r a middle-class man named Billy McMahon. Ikeys wife and her triad sisters become outraged at his actions. disrespect their animosity toward him, he gladly gave up his pay to spend it on someone whom he admires and the way he spent his wages is a symbol of achievement. Ikey threw is weeks wages in a crumbled roll upon the bar. With only slight hesitation, Ikey made a friendly gesture to a man of a higher class who will probably never know how hard it he worked to get that money. Both Ikey and Billy got their jollies by shudder the mountain of someone from a genial class above them. Van Duyskink got his jollies by shaking the hand of the impoverish Ikey Snigglefritz which happens to classify as a plot twist. To solve the improbable triangle, Van Duyskink...impulsively leaves his automobile to grasp the hand of Ikey Snigglefritz. The plot appears to be twisted because nobody expects Van Duyskink to be happy to shake the hand of a poor man receivable to the fact that he i s a millionaire. O. Henry developed Ikey and Billy through the story by using characterization. Henry describes Billy McMahon as ...the greatest man, the nigh wonderful man...flushed and triumphant and mighty. Henry goes on to represent just how important and wonderful this man is. Ikey is described by Henry when he says that Ikey is, .The Social Triangle and A Retrieved Reformation Author Writer O HenryIn the short stories The Social Triangle and A Retrieved Reformation, O. Henry uses the literary devices of symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. The time period in which O. Henrys finest works created, occurred in the late 1800s to the early 1900s where he dazzled readers with his unorthodox, romantic style. A short story titled A Retrieved Reformation written by O. Henry, who sold it to George Tyler who later turned the work into a Broadway show. Alias Jimmy Valentineas it came to be called dazzled America, England, France, and Spain for over a decade. In the s hort stories The Social Triangle and A Retrieved Reformation, O. Henry uses the literary devices of symbolism, plot twists, and characterization.The Social Triangle one of the great works by O. Henry, uses symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. The triangle includes a poor hard-working, lower-class man named Ikey Snigglefritz who uses his whole weeks pay to setup drinks for a middle-class man named Billy McMahon. Ikeys wife and her three sisters become outraged at his actions. Despite their animosity toward him, he gladly gave up his pay to spend it on someone whom he admires and the way he spent his wages is a symbol of achievement. Ikey threw is weeks wages in a crumbled roll upon the bar. With only slight hesitation, Ikey made a friendly gesture to a man of a higher class who will probably never know how hard it he worked to get that money. Both Ikey and Billy got their jollies by shaking the hand of someone from a social class above them. Van Duyskink got his jolli es by shaking the hand of the impoverish Ikey Snigglefritz which happens to classify as a plot twist. To solve the improbable triangle, Van Duyskink...impulsively leaves his car to grasp the hand of Ikey Snigglefritz. The plot appears to be twisted because nobody expects Van Duyskink to be happy to shake the hand of a poor man due to the fact that he is a millionaire. O. Henry developed Ikey and Billy through the story by using characterization. Henry describes Billy McMahon as ...the greatest man, the most wonderful man...flushed and triumphant and mighty. Henry goes on to represent just how important and wonderful this man is. Ikey is described by Henry when he says that Ikey is, .

The Social Triangle and A Retrieved Reformation :: Author Writer O Henry

In the short stories The affectionate Triangle and A Retrieved Reformation, O. Henry uses the literary devices of symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. The time period in which O. Henrys finest working created, occurred in the late 1800s to the early 1900s where he dazzled readers with his unorthodox, ro humantic style. A short story call A Retrieved Reformation written by O. Henry, who sold it to George Tyler who later turned the work into a Broad mood show. Alias Jimmy Valentineas it came to be called dazzled America, England, France, and Spain for oer a decade. In the short stories The tender Triangle and A Retrieved Reformation, O. Henry uses the literary devices of symbolism, plot twists, and characterization.The Social Triangle one of the great works by O. Henry, uses symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. The triangle includes a poor hard-working, lower-class man named Ikey Snigglefritz who uses his whole weeks pay to setup drinks for a middle-class ma n named Billy McMahon. Ikeys wife and her three sisters become outraged at his actions. Despite their animosity toward him, he gladly gave up his pay to spend it on someone whom he admires and the way he spent his wages is a symbol of achievement. Ikey threw is weeks wages in a crumbled roll upon the bar. With only slight hesitation, Ikey made a friendly gesture to a man of a high class who will probably never know how hard it he worked to get that money. Both Ikey and Billy got their jollies by shaking the hand of someone from a social class above them. new wave Duyskink got his jollies by shaking the hand of the impoverish Ikey Snigglefritz which happens to classify as a plot twist. To solve the improbable triangle, Van Duyskink...impulsively leaves his car to grasp the hand of Ikey Snigglefritz. The plot appears to be twisted because nobody expects Van Duyskink to be happy to budge the hand of a poor man due to the fact that he is a millionaire. O. Henry developed Ik ey and Billy through the story by employ characterization. Henry describes Billy McMahon as ...the superior man, the most wonderful man...flushed and triumphant and mighty. Henry goes on to represent just how important and wonderful this man is. Ikey is set forth by Henry when he says that Ikey is, .The Social Triangle and A Retrieved Reformation Author Writer O HenryIn the short stories The Social Triangle and A Retrieved Reformation, O. Henry uses the literary devices of symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. The time period in which O. Henrys finest works created, occurred in the late 1800s to the early 1900s where he dazzled readers with his unorthodox, romantic style. A short story titled A Retrieved Reformation written by O. Henry, who sold it to George Tyler who later turned the work into a Broadway show. Alias Jimmy Valentineas it came to be called dazzled America, England, France, and Spain for over a decade. In the short stories The Social Triangle and A Retrieved Reformation, O. Henry uses the literary devices of symbolism, plot twists, and characterization.The Social Triangle one of the great works by O. Henry, uses symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. The triangle includes a poor hard-working, lower-class man named Ikey Snigglefritz who uses his whole weeks pay to setup drinks for a middle-class man named Billy McMahon. Ikeys wife and her three sisters become outraged at his actions. Despite their animosity toward him, he gladly gave up his pay to spend it on someone whom he admires and the way he spent his wages is a symbol of achievement. Ikey threw is weeks wages in a crumbled roll upon the bar. With only slight hesitation, Ikey made a friendly gesture to a man of a higher class who will probably never know how hard it he worked to get that money. Both Ikey and Billy got their jollies by shaking the hand of someone from a social class above them. Van Duyskink got his jollies by shaking the hand of the impove rish Ikey Snigglefritz which happens to classify as a plot twist. To solve the improbable triangle, Van Duyskink...impulsively leaves his car to grasp the hand of Ikey Snigglefritz. The plot appears to be twisted because nobody expects Van Duyskink to be happy to shake the hand of a poor man due to the fact that he is a millionaire. O. Henry developed Ikey and Billy through the story by using characterization. Henry describes Billy McMahon as ...the greatest man, the most wonderful man...flushed and triumphant and mighty. Henry goes on to represent just how important and wonderful this man is. Ikey is described by Henry when he says that Ikey is, .